![]() ![]() Jacksonville Directory 1872 Boyer William, confectioner, Jacksonville. Brooks E. C., jewelry, California, Jacksonville. Cardwell J. A., market, Jacksonville. Cronemiller, blacksmith and wagon maker, Jacksonville. CRYSTAL G. W., blacksmith and wagon making, sole right for the FALVEY PATENT AXLETREE in Jackson County, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 655.) GENERAL BLACKSMITHING, A N D W A G O N M A K I N G. Sole right for the Farley Patent Axletree in Jackson County. Donegan Patrick, blacksmith, Jacksonville. Dowell B. F., atty at law, Jacksonville. DRUM JAMES, dealer in groceries and fruit, Jacksonville. Fisher A. & Bro., gen'l mdse, Jacksonville. Guilfoyle Jane, prop'ss hotel, Jacksonville. HOFFMAN & KLIPPEL, hardware and tinware, Jacksonville. Horne L., prop'r U.S. Hotel, Jacksonville. JACKSONVILLE, the principal town in the southern part of Oregon, is an incorporated city and the county seat of Jackson County. It is located on the western side of Jackson Creek--a tributary of Rogue River--and is the center of the rich agricultural, stock raising and mining district of that valley, and commands the entire trade. Jacksonville contains about eight hundred inhabitants whose intelligence and industry are proven by the general appearance of their city. The institutions for the education of the young are of a high order, and both public and private schools are well maintained; the private--a seminary for young ladies and a school for boys--by the Roman Catholics. Two weekly newspapers--the Sentinel and Democratic News--are published here. In 1850 [sic] gold was discovered in this vicinity, and the mines were very productive and continue now to furnish employment for numbers of miners, and ample remuneration to the proprietors, which, together with the other interests above mentioned, bespeak for Jacksonville continued prosperity. KAREWSKI G., gen'l merchandise, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 661.) G. KAREWSKI, Having just opened a large stock of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries BOOTS and SHOES, Blankets, Glassware, HARDWARE, PAINTS and OILS. MY MOTTO: "Quick Sales and Small Profits." At BRICK STORE Cor. of OREGON and MAIN Streets.
This stock is fresh and of the best quality, and CASH purchasers will
do well to call on him. Staple produce taken in exchange for goods.
Also, ground salt in 50- and 100-lb. sacks, and fine Liverpool salt.
Kelley H., atty at law, Jacksonville. Kent F. A. & L. A., millinery, Jacksonville. LINN D., dealer in furniture and household goods, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 663.) DEALER IN Furniture and Household Goods Has constantly on hand a fine assortment, AT VERY REASONABLE RATES. JACKSONVILLE - - OREGON. MANNING J. W., livery and feed stable, Jacksonville. MARTIN ALEX., gen'l mdse, Jacksonville. McDaniel J. P., marshal, Jacksonville. Mensor Morris, gen'l mdse, Jacksonville. MILLER JOHN, gunsmithing, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 665.) THIRD STREET, ALWAYS ON HAND THE BEST STOCK OF Patent and Home-Made Rifle and Shot Guns, Single and Double. Revolvers of the latest patents; Pocket Pistols, neat, small and powerful; Derringers, the latest and best. Also, the best Powder and Powder Flasks; all sorts of Shot and Pouches; Caps, Wads, and everything in the Sportsman's line. The above goods are all of the best quality. And will be sold CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. All orders promptly filled. Repairing done promptly and in good style. Neil J. R., atty at law, Jacksonville. NOLAND JOHN, liquors, wines, etc., saloon, Jacksonville. Neuber John, jeweler, Jacksonville. NUNAN J., saddle and harness maker--quick sales and small profits is my motto--Jacksonville. ORTH JOHN, meat market, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 668.) MEAT MARKET Also, Dealer in Wool and Hides. Oregon Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. Pearson John E., livery, Jacksonville. Reames & Wilson, livery, Jacksonville. Robb & Kahler, druggists, Jacksonville. Ryan P. J., gen'l mdse, Jacksonville. Sachs Bros., gen'l mdse, Jacksonville. SAVAGE C. W., saloon, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 671.) CHAS. W. SAVAGE, Proprietor. CALIFORNIA ST., OPPOSITE BEEKMAN'S EXPRESS OFFICE Solomon L., gen'l mdse, Jacksonville. Ullmann Antone, tobacco and varieties, Jacksonville. WETTERER JOSEPH, brewery, Jacksonville. Williams W., saloon, Jacksonville. WINTJEN & HELMS, Table Rock Billiard Saloon, Jacksonville. (See adv. p. 675.) Wintjen & Helms, Proprietors. Oregon Street Next to Odd Fellow's Building. WOLFER & KISHNER, El Dorado Saloon, drinks 12½ cents, Jacksonville. Wolters John, bakery and saloon, Jacksonville. Last
revised May 12, 2020