R. Gaylord ![]() November 27, 1909 Cincinnati Post
Rev. W. R. Gaylord, formerly of Cleveland and at present pastor of the First M.E. Church of Two Harbors, Minn., will preach at the Lorain Street M.E. Church Sunday evening. "Two Church Calls," Plain Dealer, Cleveland, September 24, 1892, page 6 Chicago Preacher Accepts a Call.
Elgin, Ill., Nov. 19.--Special Telegram.--Rev. W. R. Gaylord of Chicago
has accepted a call to the Prospect Street Congregational Church of
Daily Inter Ocean, Chicago, November 20, 1896, page 10 The Rev. Messrs. W. R. Gaylord, of Elgin, Ill., W. R. Bennett, of Darlington, Wis., C. L. Fiske, of Chicago, and C. D. Thompson, of Sharon, were the special evangelists. . . . The Hesperian Quartet, composed of the four ministers mentioned, sang every day and evening sacred selections which they faultlessly rendered in an effective and impressive manner, and these together with a chorus choir led by W. R. Bennett made the music of the meetings a very rare feature. "Unique Special Services in Sharon," Our Church Life, October 1898, page 183 Division Street, Elgin, Illinois Winfield R. Gaylord, minister, 29, married 8 years, born June 1870 in Mississippi, parents born in New York U.S. Census, enumerated June 1, 1900 Social Democrat Not
Milwaukee, July 24.--Winfield R. Gaylord, pastor of the Congregational
Church at New London, Wis., who has been touring the state with Victor
L. Berger in the interests of the Social Democratic Party, has been
compelled to resign his pastorate on account of his views.
Daily Review, Elkhart, Indiana, July 24, 1902, page 1 Rev. W. R. Gaylord of Milwaukee gave a very interesting address Thursday evening in the G.A.R. Hall. Mr. Gaylord's topic was "Socialism." "Beloit," Rockford Republic, Rockford, Illinois, January 21, 1903, page 2 GAYLORD TO SPEAK
Winfield R. Gaylord of Milwaukee, who lacked only 300 votes of being
elected to Congress by the socialists, will speak at 3 p.m. Sunday at
the Auditorium, Seventh and Elm sts.
R. Gaylord Coming.Cincinnati Post, November 19, 1904, page 3
Socialists of Dallas are laying plans for the coming of Winfield R.
Gaylord, a member of that party of Milwaukee, Wis., who is to lecture
here the latter part of February or in March on "Socialism." Mr.
Gaylord ran for member of Congress in the Milwaukee district at the
recent election and polled and unusually heavy vote.
ARE ONLY REAL ANARCHISTSDallas Morning News, January 9, 1905, page 4 W. R. Gaylord, of Milwaukee, is stopping at the Arno this week. "Personal," Tampa Tribune, January 26, 1905, page 3 TAMPA BAY CONCERT.
Musical people of Tampa will be interested to learn
that Mrs. Fletcher has secured the cooperation of Mr. W. R. Gaylord of
Milwaukee, Wis., for the sacred concert at the Tampa Bay Hotel this
evening. Mr. Gaylord is a lecturer and musician, who has been driven to
seek a home in the sunny South by the inclement northern winters. As a
lecturer he is already somewhat known to some of our citizens, but his
musical ability and training has so far been known only to a few more
fortunate friends. His voice is baritone, with an unusual range, power
and expressiveness. He is the basso of the Hesperian Male Quartette,
and as such has an enviable record as a singer. Mr. Gaylord has had a
large experience as choir director, soloist and teacher of chorus
classes, and is also a teacher of voice culture, and the rapid growth
of our city undoubtedly can offer a field for his ability in which it
is to be hoped he may find a pleasant and permanent location. Miss Myra
Wells, one of Tampa's most talented singers, will render three numbers,
and a number of others will also appear. Everybody cordially invited.
"The Week in Society," Tampa Tribune, March 12, 1905, page 5 COMPETITION; INHUMAN GAME
Editor Tribune:
The general good sense of your editorials has impressed me many times,
but at no time has it been more apparent than in your recent editorial
on John D. Rockefeller.
It is quite too much the fashion for editors to cater to a public opinion rather too thoughtless, instead of taking the pains to observe accurately the facts, and then endeavor to direct public opinion in more intelligent channels. I could not but wonder, however, whether your acute mind really caught the significance of the dilemma in which your analysis of the situation leaves us. If I caught the drift of your logic it is about as follows: John D. Rockefeller is the product of the conditions in which he has grown up--conditions in which business "competition" is the determining factor; all of us, ministers included, are subject to the same conditions, and lack only opportunity to become the same sort; indeed we are of the same sort as Rockefeller, lacking only the power to do what he has done. I accept your analysis as correct, but want to register my protest against such inhuman conditions. In this terrific struggle it was a foregone conclusion that some man or few men would get possession of the "gun" with which they could then "hold up" the rest of us. If it had not been, however, for the development of the great tools, by which I mean the railways and all other great labor-saving appliances which make possible the control of the life of the people, this "holdup" could not be so complete. And it seems to me that if we have intelligence enough left as a nation to take advantage of the political liberty which still remains to us, we can, by the collective ownership of these big machineries, establish conditions in which this damnable competition will not only be unnecessary but impossible. This inhuman game of competition, in which he wins who "gets the drop" on his neighbors, is not only becoming very unsatisfactory as a means of getting a living for self and loved ones; but, as you intimate in your editorial, it is taking all sense of honor and humanity out of the hearts of men and making devils of us all. In the name of Christian civilization and for the sake of a decent living to be guaranteed to every person willing to do his share of the world's work, let us unite to destroy such a devilish disorder, and to replace it with a social order which will honor the Golden Rule rather than make of it a standing joke. There must be a way out, though it may take brave men and great minds to find and follow it. As you say, sir, those who consent to the present conditions must accept the responsibility for them and their results. I, for one, protest against the whole infernal system, and hope that you will sound a rallying cry which will set the state ablaze for humanity and for liberty. Winfield
R. Gaylord.
Tampa Tribune, August
16, 1905, page 6
So Declares Winfield Gaylord, Social Democratic Candidate for Governor.
"Socialism is far from akin to anarchism, as some misguided folk
insist, and the truth in the matter is the direct opposite. Anarchism
says 'Do as you please' and 'Mind your own business'--maxims which if
adopted into our national life would destroy all law, all government,
all authority.
HAS A ROSY DREAM"Social democracy on the other hand demands the ownership in common of those things which must be used in common, and an industrial democracy in the control of those common utilities. The trusts are the only true anarchists today. They laugh at the law. Even if fined a few thousand dollars they pay the fine and take it out of the people." With this sentiment as his keynote Winfield Gaylord, the Social Democratic candidate for governor of Wisconsin, last night spoke to a large audience at German Hall on "The Necessity for Socialism." Mr. Gaylord possesses a wonderful amount of personal magnetism and a convincing manner of speaking, which held the entire attention of his hearers. He will speak again tonight on "The Mission of Socialism." Duluth News-Tribune, July 1, 1906, page 11 SOCIALISM IS NATION'S HOPE
So Declares Winfield Gaylord in Last Address of Series Delivered Here.
Speaking of the "Mission of Socialism," Winfield
Gaylord, Social-Democratic candidate for governor of Wisconsin, last
night completed a series of lectures to members of that party in
Superior, a large crowd filling German Hall to hear him. As on the
previous occasions he held the close attention of his auditors from
beginning to end. In part he spoke as follows:
"The Social-Democratic Party stands for the transfer of governing power of the nation from the hands of the few private owners of the property of the nation to the hands of the working class, meaning by this item all those who work with hand or brain. This is a revolution. This has been the true meaning of every revolution." Violence Is Not Revolution.
riots and barricade battles do not mean revolution. There is no virtue
in the killing of men and the destruction of property, for the
liberation of the oppressed, if the lawmaking and executive power, the
tax-assessing and collecting power, are not taken out of the hands of
the few and given into the hands of the people. The bloody trimmings of
the revolutionary acts of past times have not been necessary. They were
forced by the revolutionary fact. The American Revolution would have
been just as effective without the war, but the war would not have
accomplished anything without the revolutionary act of transferring the
governing power."Industry Revolutionized.
"The last
half century has witnessed an industrial revolution in these United
States, revolution which has placed the governing power in industry and
commerce, as well as in political matters, in the hands of a few."The social order under which our fathers and grandfathers grew up and labored has disappeared. In its place there has arisen an entirely different method of life and labor. Corresponding to this industrial change there has come about a change in the political control of the nation. "The former method of life and labor is called capitalism. But this old social order has almost disappeared, and its place is being taken by an order of monopoly, an aristocratic order. This is the essential revolution which has already taken place. And this calls for the counterrevolution which is to restore again to the people of the nation their own land and their liberty of labor. "The cornerstone of capitalism was competition. The law of business life said 'Competition is the life of trade.' But for the 85,000,000 out of the 90,000,000 of our population, there is no such thing as competition today. "Two reasons exist for this. The first reason is that competition was a kind of game--'for keeps'--such as the boys used to play with marbles in the school yard. And in the nature of the game, for every winner there is a loser, and the logical limit of the game is the gathering of the combined stakes of all the players into the hands of one man. Forty years ago a man might lose his fortune in New York and win another fortune in the Ohio Valley. Losing this, he might still go west to the Mississippi Valley and win another fortune. Defrauded of this, he might still turn west to the Rockies with their mineral deposits, and there gather a millionaire's portion." Game Narrowing.
"This has
actually happened in many a case, for then there was the untilled
prairie, the untouched timber in the forests and the ore waiting to be
discovered. But today the timber is cut, the good land all taken, the
ore deposits crossed and crisscrossed by mining claims. The stakes are
all on the table, and everyone who loses now is out of the game. This
is the case with all who have nothing to lose. The game is not quite
finished, but the players are now very few, and the mass of the people
have nothing to do with it excepting as they can be persuaded or
compelled to 'carry the chips' for the real players."The second reason for the disappearance of competition is the invention of labor-saving machinery. This has led to the building of such big machines that if they are to be used to the best advantage they must be used on the largest scale that the machines will allow. And in many cases the machines are of such a character that they can be used to control entire industries. This means monopoly--in the nature of the machines. The result is that any man who wants to enter the field of industry or commerce along any of these lines where the big machines have been introduced must secure use or control of the machines equal to that which his competitors have, or he cannot possibly succeed." Profits for the Few.
"Now if
competition has disappeared for the mass of the people, it also follows
that the opportunity for making profits from the labor of
other men has also disappeared, except for a few. When nine-tenths of
the business of the country is done by corporations, it follows that
nine-tenths of the profits go also to the corporations. And then where
does your 'little businessman' come in? He doesn't come in; he is
mostly going out--in failure."Free competition destroyed; opportunity for profit-making closed up; and over fifty percent of the wealth of the nation--not counting city real estate--owned by corporations; these are naturally followed by the fact that the present political parties are also owned by the trusts, in the sense that they control the party machinery and policy and dictate the nomination of candidates. When they cannot do these things, they withhold campaign funds, and the political managers are 'up against it.'" The Hopeful Feature.
hopeful feature of the present situation is the fact that the
revolution, which is to restore again to the people the ownership of
the land and the control of their own life, has already begun."The Social-Democratic Party is not only an educational movement for the stirring up of 'discontent.' It is a successful political movement, based upon definite political and economic principles, and is already recognized as a force to be reckoned with in municipal, state and national affairs. "Anyone who will study the international character and principles of the socialist movement, and understand the broad basis on which it is founded, will know that it is no temporary movement, to be assimilated with the Populist Party. It will never lose its excuse for existence, like the free silver movement. Its basis is deeper than the mere system of monetary values, and it cannot be sidetracked like the greenback movement. "The Social-Democratic Party stands as the herald and forerunner of the next inevitable phase of civilization. It is made necessary by the new social machinery, compelling a new law and a new political form to correspond with the new economic forms." Duluth News-Tribune, July 2, 1906, page 6 URGES SINGLE TAX AGAINST SOCIALISM
Chicago and Milwaukee Men in Joint Debate over Cure for Alleged Ills
MINNEAPOLIS, March 9.--"The Single Tax Versus
Socialism" formed the subject of a joint debate held recently at the
Unitarian Church, Eighth Street and Mary Place, between John Z. White,
of Chicago, the noted single tax advocate, and W. R. Gaylord, of
Milwaukee, one of the foremost Socialist orators of the United States.
The debate was held under the auspices of the local Socialist organization; of the 250 present the Socialists were largely in the majority. Judge Louis R. Larson presided. Mr. Gaylord's position with regard to Socialism was that the present industrial regime, like the times, is "out of joint" and needed reforming "altogether." His plan was to do away with the present competitive system and inaugurate the era of Socialism with all men on an equality. Mr. White, in his turn, pointed out that competition is needed to regulate industry and that the revolutionary propaganda advocated by his Socialist opponent is not at all necessary to improve the present condition of the human race. "Do away with all taxes on the labor and the means of production," argued the single taxer, "and concentrate all your efforts to raise taxes on the single element, land, and you will go far toward bringing out a completion of the movement by which for 150 years men have been trying to free themselves from the thralldom of their fellow men." Philadelphia Inquirer, March 10, 1907, page 5 S.L.P. REPLIES
SPANKS SOCIAL DEMOCRAT FOR HIS SLANDEROUS ATTACK. The Rev. Winfield R. Gaylord, S.D.P., State Organizer for Wisconsin, Soundly Drubbed--Lacking Courage to Attack Party Position When Presented by De Leon in Public Lecture, the Worthy Waits Till Former Is Safe Out of Town to Vent His Spleen. (Special Correspondence.)
Milwaukee, Wis., May 16.--The following slanderous
attack from Mr. Gaylord, state organizer of the Social Democratic
Party, appeared in The
Free Press of this city, shortly after the De Leon
Also Errs in Many Statements, Says Gaylord. Says Universal Organized Institutions Must Come Through Gradual Development.
The Socialist Labor Party represents the "refuse of the socialist
movement," and its tenets, as uttered by Prof. Daniel De Leon of New
York at Lincoln Hall on Sunday night, are impractical, ultraradical and
dangerous to society, according to Winfield R. Gaylord, state organizer
of the Social Democratic Party. Mr. Gaylord, who listened to De Leon,
said yesterday that most of the lecturer's statements were based on
superficial observations.
"When De Leon says that craft unions have done nothing for the laboring man, he knows that he is not telling the truth," said Mr. Gaylord. "It is true that the cost of living has increased within the last ten years. It is true that wages have not been greatly increased. But the unions have reduced the number of working hours and increased the workman's wage so that he has more time to think, to develop and to read. Nobody will deny that the unions have raised the living conditions of the working man." Mr. Gaylord contends that the conditions wherein labor unions fail to support other unions when they are on strike exist because the labor organization is still defective. He said that there is a tendency toward national organization of allied crafts to remedy this evil. "Daniel De Leon and the Socialist Labor Party are trying to obtain universal organized industrialism through a sudden catastrophe or sudden upheaval. These things cannot come at once and must be sought gradually through education of the masses. Organized industrialism can come only through a slow, constant evolution of society," said Mr. Gaylord. To this attack we replied, and our reply was printed under the heading "Letters to the Free Press." It reads: Replies to Mr. Gaylord.
Editor Free Press:
Although a general invitation had been extended to the leaders of the
Social Democratic Party to attend the meeting at which Prof. D. De
Leon, editor of the Daily
and Weekly People, spoke at Lincoln Hall on Sunday
evening, April 28, none of the spokesmen of the Social Democratic Party
took part in the debate, to which ample time was given them. It is the
old story again of throwing mud at an honorable old man who has
sacrificed his high position in society for the downtrodden masses,
while he is not here and thus cannot defend himself. Do the two
"gentlemen of the cloth," notably the Rev. Mr. Gaylord, believe that
such a thing is calculated to increase their esteem and honor among
their fellow citizens? While time was given to everybody to ask
questions, or to take part in the debate, those leaders of the Social
Democratic Party that were present were trembling in their boots. They
simply had no arguments to offer, arguments to defend their position,
when shot after shot was fired into their camp by the speaker of the
evening.A few days after the meeting the leaders of the Social Democratic Party have all kinds of explanations to make to the public through the newspapers. The proper place to defend their cause would have been at said gathering. There was time and opportunity to show in how far the speaker "erred." However, the gentlemen of the Social Democratic Party seem to be full of Dutch courage. Gaylord says that the Socialist Labor Party represents "the refuse of the socialist movement." That is not quite correct, Mr. Gaylord. The matter is thus: The Socialist Labor Party, being the older of the two socialist parties, as will be seen, could not be the refuse of the Social Democratic Party. A good work on logic could no doubt improve somewhat the judgment and discriminating power of the esteemed "comrade" Gaylord. Also a diligent study of statistics in regard to wages, increased cost of living, etc., would widen his intellectual horizon to a great extent--a thing which we would appreciate very much. No joke this time. Do not forget to include the famous newspaper writers' union of Milwaukee. Let's know whether the Social Democratic Party has reaped any benefit, financial or otherwise, by its being affiliated with the trades unions; if its members have raised the standard of living, and more of such things, you know. "Daniel De Leon and the Socialist Labor Party are trying to obtain universal organized industrialism through a sudden catastrophe or social upheaval," says the Rev. Mr. Gaylord. If he were not capable of understanding the English language, nobody would blame him for misunderstanding and thus misrepresenting a speaker as he does. But Mr. Gaylord, being a man of culture and refinement, at least what he is expected to be or ought to be, after all the education he has received, should never let a spirit of partisanism run amuck with him. For we must come to the conclusion that the enthusiasm, the violent love for his Social Democratic Party, and the intense hatred--blind hatred--which this servant of the Lord cherishes for all other parties, including the Socialist Labor Party, causes him to say things which a man in a calm and deliberate state of mind would never utter. We will forgive Mr. Gaylord this time for his mental shortcomings. But the cowardice shown wherever and whenever such men come in contact with the Socialist Labor Party is not honorable. Our best advice is to read the splendid reports of [the] De Leon meeting which were given by the morning papers. There you will fail to find anything of a "sudden catastrophe" or "social upheaval" or anything the like. Let it be known that "the refuse" is always willing to debate any question pertaining to the social question with "the scum of the earth." SOCIALIST
"The scum of the earth" is an expression which was coined by our mayor,
an aristocratic man whom fortune has favored. The Social Democrats, who
were first designated by it, did not take the thing as a joke.
Daily People, New
York, May 20, 1907, page 2
Winfield R. Gaylord Thinks His Party Idea Will Triumph in the End.
That social democracy will be realized through a peaceful, educational
propaganda was one of the declarations of Winfield R. Gaylord, of
Milwaukee, candidate on the Social Democratic ticket at the last
election for governor of Wisconsin, who expounded the tenets of his
party to an interested audience at Agen Hall last evening. During the
course of his remarks he took a survey of the entire situation from the
Social Democratic standpoint. He also spoke informally at the South End
in the afternoon, and tonight will appear at the East End Music Hall.
In his address last night he said in part:
"The question is asked very often, how shall socialism come? And it is worthwhile to try and answer it, although it is impossible to give a complete answer. "If social democracy were anarchism it would be ushered in with dynamite and a general explosion of all social order and social institutions. But socialism is not anarchism, and so will have to come in more orderly fashion. Social Democrats believe in law and order, but they think that the people who must obey the law should make the law. "Most Republicans and a few Socialists think that socialism will be ushered in suddenly and accompanied by a great deal of violence. But not so. Social democracy will come, rather it is coming, by a peaceful educational propaganda, leading to the organization of a new political party, which will take peaceful possession of the powers of government. Most of the violence will occur as a result of rebellions on the part of deluded capitalists and their ignorant tools. "But these will not last very long. They will be fighting against progress, they will be opposed to the interest of the majority, and they will not be recognized as having any rights which the people as a whole--the working people--are bound to respect." Duluth News-Tribune, June 10, 1907, page 3 ![]() Program, circa 1908 The address by W. R. Gaylord Wednesday forenoon, who spoke on "The Point of View," was greatly pleasing to those who heard it. The attendance was smaller than that of the afternoon, but the address was nonetheless interesting. Mr. Gaylord has a fine presence and is full of earnestness. "The New Chautauqua," The Express, Monticello, Iowa, June 27, 1907, page 5 Former Student Chosen
Lecturer on Socialism
Winfield R. Gaylord, of Milwaukee, who was at one time
a student at Northwestern, has been selected as the permanent speaker
in a series of lectures on socialism to be delivered in the Evanston
Auditorium, 621 Davis Street. The first lecture of the series will be
given Sunday night at 8:00 o'clock.
Mr. Gaylord addresses a large audience on the south side of Chicago every Sunday morning and is declared a fluent and well-informed talker, being selected for the place of permanent speaker because of his well-known abilities. Sunday night at eight o'clock is the regular time set for the lectures. So clear and able, it is said, was an address recently given by Mr. Gaylord here, that considerable space was given it in the local papers. After leaving Northwestern Mr. Gaylord attended the Chicago Theological Seminary, later devoting several years' study to the subjects which will be discussed in the series now beginning. The Northwestern, Evanston, Illinois, February 21, 1908, page 4 I can give no better idea of one of my programs that year than to write an outline of the talent that appeared on our platform in Fort Scott, Kansas, in the eight-day session beginning on July 7, 1908, omitting all the printed glowing words of praise with which they were heralded in advance. The Hesperian Male Quartette, four men who had formed themselves into a singing group in Chicago University twelve years before. Two of their members were professional lecturers, and three were or had been preachers. Charles F. Horner, Strike the Tents: The Story of the Chautauqua, 1954, page 50 Resigns Pulpit for Socialism; Is
Winfield R. Gaylord, socialist, State Senator of Wisconsin,
representing a Milwaukee district, will deliver a lecture on
"Organization" at Socialist Hall, Fifteenth and Elm sts., Monday night.
Senator Gaylord comes to Cincinnati heralded as one of the most convincing speakers on the socialist propaganda in the United States. He is the only socialist in the upper branch of the Wisconsin Legislature. Gaylord was formerly a minister, but upon his conversion to socialism forsook the pulpit. Cincinnati Post, November 27, 1909, page 1 781 Forty-Second Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Winfield R. Gaylord, newspaper reporter, 39, married 17 years, born in Mississippi, parents born in New York Olive Gaylord, wife, 37, born in Minnesota, father Pennsylvania, mother Ohio Miriam Gaylord, 16, born in Illinois Oliver Gaylord, 1, born in Wisconsin U.S. Census, enumerated April 16, 1910 VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 24.--(Special.)--W. R. Gaylord, of Milwaukee, a member of the Wisconsin State Senate, accompanied by his wife, arrived here tonight from Los Angeles for a visit with Professor W. C. Brown, of Vancouver High School. Mr. Gaylord is a socialist and participated in the campaign recently ended in Los Angeles. Oregonian, Portland, December 25, 1911, page 9 Senator Gaylord Coming.
socialists have arranged for the appearance soon of State Senator W. R.
Gaylord of Milwaukee, who will speak on socialism here next week.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 30, 1911, page 2 WHISLER TO MEET GAYLORD IN DEBATE
C. E. Whisler of this city will
arrange for a joint debate with State Senator Gaylord of Wisconsin upon
the arrival of Mr. Gaylord in Medford this afternoon.
The subject for debate will be "Woman's Suffrage," and the date will be Friday night. Mr. Gaylord will talk for woman's suffrage and Mr. Whisler against it. The place of meeting will be decided upon this afternoon. Medford Mail Tribune, January 3, 1912, page 6 GAYLORD WILL SPEAK TONIGHT
Socialist Member of Wisconsin State Senate Will Address Local People on the Subject of "Municipal Business" at the Natatorium
Winfield R. Gaylord, socialist member of the state senate of Wisconsin,
will address the people of Medford this evening at the Natatorium hall
on "Municipal Business." Mr. Gaylord is one of the most prominent
members of the socialist party in the United States and no doubt will
have much of interest to say to local people. He has just passed
through the campaign at Los Angeles, where he was sent to answer
questions regarding the success socialists are said to be meeting with
at Milwaukee, where they control the city government. All are invited
to attend, admission being free.
Friday evening Mr. Gaylord will meet C. E. Whisler in public debate on women's suffrage. An admission fee at that time of 10 cents will be charged. All surplus over expenses will be given by the management to the Greater Medford Club, to aid their civic work. Medford Mail Tribune, January
4, 1912, page 6
The Socialists will hold their Tenth Annual Socialist Encampment at Grand Saline, Texas, this year from Aug. 18 to 23, inclusive--six days and nights. . . . Among the many speakers who are expected to deliver one or more addresses will be Eugene V. Debs, Emiel Sidel, A. W. Ricker, associate editor of the Appeal to Reason; Senator Winfield R. Gaylord. . . . "Socialist Encampment Dates August 18-23," Dallas Morning News, July 14, 1913, page 5 Six contests of election were filed with the House when Congress convened today . . . [including] W. R. Gaylord, Social Democrat, against William J. Cary, Republican. . . . "Six Election Contests Filed with the House," Evening Star, Washington, D.C., December 6, 1915, page 2 W. J. Cary Wins Seat.
May 3.--The House of Representatives unanimously accepted the report of
its elections committee declaring that Representative W. J. Cary of the
Fourth District, Milwaukee, had been elected and that the socialist
contestant, W. R. Gaylord, had no claims to election.
Daily Review, Elkhart, Indiana, May 3, 1916, page 3 GAYLORD SOCIALIST NOMINEE.
MILWAUKEE, WIS., July 14.--W. R. Gaylord will be the
nominee of the Socialist Party for member of congress from the Fourth
District of Wisconsin and Victor L. Berger from the Fifth, as a result
of the referendum of the party, just completed.
Duluth News-Tribune, July 15, 1916, page 9 SOCIALIST LEADERS OUSTED BY PARTY
MILWAUKEE, WIS., May 25.--Because they placed America above party,
Winfield R. Gaylord and A. M. Simmons have been expelled by the
Socialists. Both had been leaders in the Socialist Party many years.
Mr. Simmons says: "I was a pacifist until I saw that the only way to get peace on earth was to fight for it." On May 9 the executive board of the party preferred the following charges against the two men: "First, publicly slandering the Socialist Party and the Socialist National Convention; second, slandering members of the Socialist Party into disrepute and danger by accusing it of sending out treasonable material and of treasonable conduct." Evening News, Trenton, New Jersey, May 25, 1917, page 2 SOCIALIST 25 YEARS, HE RENOUNCES
(News-Tribune Special.)
MINNEAPOLIS, July 6.--D. E. Royer, for 25 years a
member of the Socialist Party, has announced his resignation, charging
disloyalty on the part of the organization.
Mr. Royer, replying to a request from the Wisconsin state party to name a successor to Winfield R. Gaylord, reported expelled because of freely expressed patriotism, wrote: "You do not state the reason for expelling Mr. Gaylord. If he was expelled because he would not stand for having our ships sunk and our sailors and people murdered, then as you ask me to name a name to fill the vacancy, I will name Winfield R. Gaylord. "As it seems to me the Socialist Party has committed itself to betray the country to Germany, I will have nothing more to do with it. I have been a staunch Socialist for 25 years." Mr. Royer is well-known in local Socialist circles. Duluth News-Tribune, July 7, 1917, page 12 Hit Street Car
Milwaukee, July 6.--Winfield R. Gaylord, who was
seriously injured in a motorcycle accident on Thursday when he drove
into a street car, had just completed final arrangements for entering
Y.M.C.A. work with the American forces overseas. All the details of his
enlistment for this service had been finished and he would have left
for France within a short time.
Daily Register Gazette, Rockford, Illinois, July 6, 1918, page 8 ![]() July 13, 1919 Medford Sun ![]() July 20, 1919 Medford Sun ![]() September 27, 1919 Medford Mail Tribune 29 Summit Avenue, Medford, Oregon Winfield R. Gaylord, motorcycle shop owner, 49, born in Mississippi, parents born in New York Olive S. Gaylord, wife, 47, born in Minnesota, father Pennsylvania, mother Ohio Oliver Gaylord, 11, born in Minnesota Elsa Gaylord, 1, born in Wisconsin U.S. Census, enumerated January 5, 1920 ANNUAL MOTORCYCLE RUN TO C. LAKE SUNDAY
Medford Mail Tribune, July 20, 1922, page 3
Motorcyclists from various coast points will gather in Medford
Saturday, July 29th for the annual motorcycle run Sunday to Crater
Lake, which is being fostered by W. R. Gaylord of this city. This
year's tour will include Crater Lake, Anna Creek Canyon, the rim road,
Pelican Bay and the Dead Indian country, and already word has been
received from several motorcycle fans who plan on participating. Ice
and snow climbing on the rim road will be a novel feature of the trip,
and a big campfire will be enjoyed at the Crater Lake lodge.
Prizes for the tour are to be awarded by various companies who are lending their support to the project. This year's prize list will be: Gold Medal--For the machine touring the longest distance to make the run. Offered by the Harley-Davidson company. Schebler Carburetor--For the machine bringing a lady the longest distance for the run. Offered by the Wheeler-Schebler Carburetor Company. Corbin-Brown Speedometer--For best scenic photo taken en route showing motorcycle. Offered by Harley-Davidson Motor Co. Traxion Tire and Inner Tube--For neatest sidecar outfit. Offered by United States Rubber Co. Red Inner Tube--For neatest solo outfit. Offered by Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. The Crater Lake motorcycle tour is becoming an annual feature, gaining publicity in every section of the country. Last year between fifteen and twenty machines participated and the several national touring and motorcycle magazines carried stories and pictures of the run. Entries in this tour were made from as far north as Seattle and as far south as San Diego. AWARD PRIZES IN MOTORCYCLE TRIP CRATER LAKE
Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1922, page 2
Twelve motorcycles left Saturday morning for Crater Lake on the annual
Harley-Davidson tour under the leadership of W. R. Gaylord, local
Harley-Davidson dealer. The machines came from various parts of the
Pacific Coast, the most distant point being San Diego.
After arriving at the rim it had been planned to make the trip around the rim over the ice and snow but much to the disappointment of the riders the snow had been blasted from the road and there remained nothing but sand and gravel. No element of adventure therefore was promised by a trip around the rim and the venture was abandoned. The party split after a big camp fire and marshmallow roast and some left for Diamond Lake, others for Pelican Bay and others for Bend and Eastern Oregon. Charles E. Forsythe, winner of the Harley-Davidson company's gold medal awarded each year to the rider coming the greatest distance to participate in the run, captured the coveted prize again this year and threatens that he will do so again next year. Ed. Stanwood of Medford took the prize for the neatest solo outfit on the run while Mrs. Frank Poole of Roseburg took the prize for having the neatest sidecar outfit. The outfit bringing a woman the longest distance received a prize of a new Schebler carburetor. This was taken by Mr. and Mrs. E. Rettig of Portland. The prize of a Corbin-Brown speedometer for the best photo taken during the trip has not as yet been awarded, as all of the participants of the run will not likely return to Medford until the end of the week, many of them being determined to enjoy a few days' outing at the lakes and on the trout streams in the national forest. Mr. Gaylord will ask Tom Swem to judge the pictures and pick the best one for the prize award. ![]() MEDFORD GIRL KILLED IN CRASH OF
Medford, Jan. 15--The body of
Miss Marian [sic] Gaylord, of Medford, was found on the highway one mile west
of Elliott’s place late Sunday.Miss Gaylord had been killed instantly when a motorcycle on which she was riding the tandem behind Chester Parsons, also of Medford, skidded when the brakes were applied. Parsons was lying unconscious near his wrecked motorcycle. Two passersby found the couple. Parsons was not badly hurt. He left the hospital here today. The Eugene Daily Guard, January 15, 1923 MOTORCYCLE KILLS GIRL
Marian Gaylord, 21, of Medford Victim; Companion Injured.
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 15.--(Special.)--Miss Marian
[sic] Gaylord, 21-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gaylord of Medford,
was killed and her companion, Chester Parsons, 20, son of T. J. Parsons
of Phoenix, was injured when a motorcycle they were riding skidded and
threw them on the pavement. Miss Gaylord's body was found beside the
Pacific Highway one mile east of Elliott's place at Foots Creek, 17
miles north of Medford, about 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Parsons lay
nearby unconscious. The wrecked motorcycle was nearby.
The couple were riding tandem. It is apparent that the accident was caused by an impact or sudden clamping of the brakes. Oregonian, Portland, January 16, 1923, page 4 BIGAMY
Mark C. Winkle of Eagle Point Is Held at Medford.
MEDFORD, Or., Feb. 13.--Mark Calvin Winkle, 23, a
resident of the Eagle Point district, was held in the county jail today
pending an investigation of alleged bigamous conditions prevailing in
the romances of the young man. The investigation was instituted by his
According to Sheriff Terrill, the records of Bend, Or. show Winkle was married in 1921 to Audrey Sabin of that city and a year later to Mildred Atwell, whose relatives live on the Crater Lake Highway, just outside Medford. Assistant District Attorney Winfield R. Gaylord says Winkle admitted both marriages, but declares that the first one was annulled, but has no legal papers to show it. The authorities maintain no divorce was secured, as far as they can find out. Until the matter is adjusted Winkle must languish in jail. Oregonian, Portland, February 14, 1924, page 15 GAYLORD LOSES CIVIL SUIT FOR LEGAL TUITION
In the civil action of Winfield R. Gaylord against H. D. Grey for the
collection of $124, alleged to be due on a promissory note given for a
correspondence course in law, the jury returned a verdict in favor of
Grey Thursday afternoon after short deliberation.
Medford Mail Tribune, December 18, 1925, page 4Grey, the evidence showed, while a resident of Klamath Falls bought the law-by-mail course, paying $5 down. He then decided he did not care to be an attorney and canceled the contract. The correspondence school then gave the promissory note to Winfield R. Gaylord "for services to be rendered," who sued, winning a $75 verdict in the justice court last summer. The case was appealed with the above results. The defendant was represented by attorney W. E. Phipps and the plaintiff by himself and Newton Borden. ![]() July 25, 1926 Pacific Record Herald ![]() October 30, 1926 Medford Mail Tribune Guardian Appointed for Oregon Woman; Has Property Here
Petition of W.
R. Gaylord of Medford, Oregon was presented in court this morning
asking that a guardian be appointed here for Lucy M. Knight, who has
property estimated to be worth $6000 in South New Castle borough. The
petition was accompanied by exemplification from the Oregon records
showing that Gaylord had been appointed guardian in Oregon and that
Lucy M. Knight is now confined in a hospital for the insane and unable
to look after her estate. The property here consists of sixteen lots in
South New Castle borough on which there are erected six houses. Judge
Hildebrand appointed attorney J. Wilbur Baer as guardian.
New Castle News, New Castle, Pennsylvania, June 3, 1927, page 18 Definite Aim for Rabbit Business
To the Editor: It is quite commonly accepted that there is at least a
living, and a possibility of more, in the rabbit business. But there
are so many kinds of rabbits, all of them attractive to look at, and so
many different propositions in rabbit fur that confusion exists as to
the best program for the rabbit industry.
Meat and fur are the two principal products of the industry, and there are various ways of disposing of these. The meat can be dressed and shipped to nearby city markets in moderate quantities, or in carload lots to eastern points. The fur commands a market, for "any old pelt" at a corresponding value, up to $2.50 as top price for the best grade of chinchilla pelt. It is evident that if there is any money to be made in rabbits, it will be on the fur basis, either for breeding stock, or for high-grade pelts as fur. In either case, there must be fur quality. The days of high prices for "breeding stock" are about gone, unless there is a demonstrated marketable quality in the breeding stock. And this demonstration must be based upon quantity production. The Rogue River Valley has no convenient immediate market for rabbit meat, and will have to depend on long-distance shipments of this meat, ranging from 300 miles to 3000 miles to reach the market for meat, with freight and refrigerator charges to be deducted. Clearly therefore, we must concentrate on fur rabbits, and on the best of these that there is to be had, or that can be bred. On this question there seems to be still some debate as to which is the best fur rabbit. Without entering into this debate, let me simply refer to the deciding factor of price, which is indicated by the nearest quotations listing the chinchilla pelts, "large, soft, dense fur, prime, suitable for furriers' use," at a top price of $2.50. This is the figure that interests the fellow who is looking for a profitable rabbit. No other price quoted for rabbit fur even approaches it, or pretends to do so. And I have good reason to believe that even this is not the top price for chinchilla fur. However, the best prices will be obtained--not for occasional good pelts--but for good pelts in quantity. So that the objective of the fur rabbit producer must include three items, namely: (1) a market outlet for rabbit meat at a reasonable price, (2) a high-class fur, and (3) quantity production of a standardized breed and quality of rabbit fur. All of this indicates the desirability of a definite organization of the local breeders, who are intelligent enough to combine their efforts, benefit by each other's experience, pool their forces, and persistently maintain a standard production. It is not necessary to study the question of "meat" rabbits. Solve the question of the best fur rabbit, and meat production will take care of itself. There will always be enough "scrubs and culls" to make meat. And if you are getting a standard price for standard fur rabbit pelts, you can afford to throw away the meat--if necessary--but you will not need to do so. There is needed also a policy of concentration of fur pelts for shipment, so as to secure the best prices. There is a logical place where these quantity shipments should be marketed. And this policy, once carried out, the growers will begin to realize what can be done by united action. This brings us to the question of fur standard in chinchilla pelts. This can only be arrived at by a united study of chinchilla animals, and chinchilla fur pelts, continued over a long enough period so that there can be an agreement arrived at among the growers as to what constitutes a standard pelt. The test of this, of course, must be made by the marketing of the pelts of various sorts which might be regarded as standard, in such a way as to secure a positive finding. When this has been done, there should be a culling of all animals that do not come up to this standard, and a refusal to breed, or to sell for breeding stock, any chinchilla rabbits, in this valley or elsewhere, that do not come up to standard. Once this practice has been established, the phrase "breeding stock" will come to have a definite and valuable meaning in this district, and Rogue River Valley breeding stock will have a standing all over the world. This program calls for some united and intelligent action. It will not cost any more to carry out than the present hit-or-miss methods; and inside of six months it will begin to bring results to those who will unite in carrying it out. Let us take the $2.00 chinchilla fur pelt as our objective. Let us cull out and sell for meat every chinchilla that does not contribute to this goal. Let us breed and select and compare and cull for six months, or more. On this line there is a real result awaiting those who will join in this and stick to it until the goal approaches. Then there will be a plenty who will be willing to share in the reward. W. R. GAYLORD.
"Communications," Medford Mail Tribune, January 26, 1928, page B4As to the Judiciary.
To the Editor:Your editorial dealing with the judicial situation in Jackson and Josephine counties states that judgeships should be kept out of politics. This is a familiar expression, but does not bear examination. "Politics" comprises those actions of individuals and groups which aim at securing the control of or influence over the processes of government. Government has for its functions the making and administration and enforcement of the laws, and the bulk of the laws and the functions of government have to do with the ownership, control, management and benefits of property. Judgeships constitute the key to the structure of government. I have known many judges, and I have never known one who was insulated from the political currents of influence of his time and community. You imply that the appointment of judges would so insulate them. But we all know that one of the powers of the presidency and the U.S. Senate is the control of the appointments of supreme court judges. And one way to judge a candidate for the presidency is to ask: "What kind of judges will he appoint to the supreme court?" You might as well talk about the "appointment" of a chief of police as a method of insulating that officer from graft in a big city. In signing the document, which you have published, endorsing Judge Thomas as circuit court judge, I reserved my rights as a Democrat. That was a political document; it is now being used as a political document. Signatures of lawyers were asked for, because it was thought they would be useful in influencing voters. The document had no other purpose. Not being entirely innocent, I treated the document for what it was, and would do so again. Judge Thomas is a Republican. The two attorneys who brought the paper to me to be signed were Republicans. The paper which now prints the document is a Republican paper. This is a predominantly Republican community. Nevertheless, I believe that a Democrat has some rights, which even the candidates for judge are bound to respect. If that is not so, I might as well find it out, especially since, as an attorney, I am compelled to appear before the judge of the circuit court. W. R. GAYLORD.
"Communications," Medford
Mail Tribune, September 1, 1928, page 4Medford, August 29.
Aid of the sheriff's office has been sought by
friends and relatives to locate Winfield R. Gaylord, local attorney,
who left August 9 to attend to business matters in San Francisco and
has been missing ever since.A postcard was received by relatives here and it bore a Los Angeles postmark, but nothing further has been heard. The sheriff's office has sent telegrams to California authorities in a effort to locate the attorney, but so far the efforts have been unsuccessful. He is said to have left Medford to attend to a matter in federal court in San Francisco, leaving here by stage. While it is believed word from Gaylord will soon be received, his silence being attributed to press of business matters and traveling about, his family and many friends are naturally considerably worried. Medford Mail Tribune, September 19, 1929, page 3
Deputy Sheriff Paul Jennings said last night he had
interviewed the stage driver, Clyde Peart, a former Medford and Central
Point resident, and that Peart told him that Gaylord had ridden on his
stage from Willows, California, to San Francisco on September 9. Peart
said Gaylord appeared perfectly sane and seemed to know what he was
doing. He said further he was positively not mistaken in
Gaylord's identity, having known him in Medford for several years
when Gaylord was engaged here in the motorcycle business.----
The sheriff's office yesterday afternoon and
last evening was attempting to check the report that Winfield R.
Gaylord, missing Medford attorney, was seen last week by a stage driver
near Woodlawn, California. The office was unable to learn the identity
of the driver, who is said to be a former Medford resident and well
acquainted with Gaylord, who has been missing since August 9, when he
left for San Francisco in connection with the settling of an estate.Gaylord, who was well known in Wisconsin politics and who in 1912 was candidate for the vice-presidency of the United States, on the Socialist ticket, came to Medford for his health and had been a resident of the city for some time. His family in Jacksonville received but one card from him that he was en route to Los Angeles, but outside of that nothing has been heard. Authorities have been unable to locate him. Medford Mail Tribune, September 22, 1929, page 1
No further information concerning Winfield R.
Gaylord, Medford attorney missing since August 9, was received here
today by friends and relatives, who have been conducting a search for
several weeks.Reports were received Saturday from Clyde Peart, an Oregon-California stage driver, that he saw Gaylord September 9, and that he rode on his stage from Willows, Cal., to San Francisco. Peart said he was carrying a briefcase and a description of the clothes he wore tallied with the clothes in which Gaylord left Medford. Medford Mail Tribune, September 23, 1929, page 8
Mystery still surrounds the
whereabouts of attorney W. R. Gaylord, missing from his office in
Medford and his home in
Jacksonville since August 9. Mrs. Gaylord this afternoon reported she
had received no further information concerning her husband but
expressed hope that no harm had befallen him. Her son, Oliver, will
leave this week for Corvallis to enter Oregon State College, and Mrs.
Gaylord plans to leave in a week or so to join her son at Corvallis.Medford Mail Tribune, September 26, 1929, page 2 Medford Attorney Missing.
MEDFORD, Or., Sept. 27.--(Special.)--Mystery still surrounds the
whereabouts of W. R. Gaylord, attorney, missing from his office in
Medford and his home in Jacksonville since August 9. Mrs. Gaylord today
reported she had received no further information concerning her
husband, but expressed hope that no harm had befallen him. Her son
Oliver will leave this week for Corvallis to enter the Oregon State
College, and Mrs. Gaylord plans to leave in a week or so to
join him there.
Oregonian, Portland, September 28, 1929, page 18
W. R. Gaylord, local attorney who has been missing
from his law office in Medford and his home in Jacksonville since
August 9, was still among the missing today, but inquiry of Mrs.
Gaylord this afternoon revealed that she was in great hope he would
return soon to Medford. She does not feel harm has befallen her husband
but that he has been suffering from a lapse of memory and is now
possibly somewhere around San Francisco. She has had no information
leading to his whereabouts.Medford Mail Tribune, October 15, 1929, page 3 A huge crowd of mill workers, their wives and children, estimated by police to number 4,000 to 5,000 gathered at [an] open-air meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in a good-humored demonstration. They were addressed by C. W. Bolick, union district organizer, and W. R. Gaylord, a representative of the Labor Banner, a publication of the United Textile Workers of America. "Textile Workers in Danville Mills to Begin Strike Today," Times Dispatch, Richmond, Virginia, September 29, 1930, page 2 MISSING GAYLORD IN CALIFORNIA IS HINT HEARD HERE
An unconfirmed report that Winfield R. Gaylord, who mysteriously
disappeared from this city 18 months ago, had been located on a ranch
near Santa Rosa, Calif., within the last fortnight was in circulation
here yesterday. Neither the sheriff's nor the district attorney's
office had any definite information, but they expect to get in touch
with Santa Rosa officials for confirmation.District Attorney George A. Codding said that a bonding company had adjusted the financial affairs of the estate of Lucy M. Knight, of which Gaylord was administrator, and that John S. Orth had been appointed to the position. At the time of his vanishment, it was persistently claimed that Gaylord was in the San Francisco Bay district. George J. Kunzman, local resident and lodge brother and friend of Gaylord's, who has taken an active interest in the initial efforts to find Gaylord, was out of the city today. Gaylord's disappearance created considerable interest in this city, where he was well known, as no apparent reason could be given. He was last seen on a southbound stage. No definite clue was ever found. His wife and family lived in Jacksonville, later moving to Corvallis, in order that a son might attend Oregon State College. Gaylord was assistant district attorney here under Newton W. Borden. He engaged in the practice of law and at one time was in the motorcycle business. Early in his career he was a national figure in the Socialist Party and once was their candidate for Vice President. He was also active in lodge circles, particularly the D.O.K.K. Medford Mail Tribune, September 11, 1931, page 1
No Trouble for the Eagle
Danville, Va. (UP).--There are 1,200 textile mills in
the South, and NRA violations have been charged against less than 300
of them, W. R. Gaylord, investigator for the United Textile Workers of
America, said here recently.
Advocate, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, November 22, 1934, page 7 Washington, May 8.--Textile labor prepared tonight to back up cotton mill owners now pleading with a cabinet committee for relief for the textile industry. Francis J. Gorman, aggressive vice-president of the United Textile Workers, who a scant six months ago directed the most intensive strike the industry had seen, tomorrow will present the workers' views as to what should be done to provide relief. He will be accompanied by Miss Elizabeth Nord, a general organizer, and Winfield Gaylord, of the U.T.W.'s research and statistical division. "Textile Labor to Support Mills," Times-Picayune, New Orleans, May 9, 1935, page 6 Last revised January 29, 2024 |