![]() ![]() Crescent City The town on Paragon Bay in
By Mr. Hereford, of Cram, Rogers & Co. [illegible]. Trade at Jacksonville dull; stock of goods on hand large; prices remaining about the same as at our last advices. The weather remarkably fine. Large parties out prospecting. The item of intelligence of particular interest is the discovery of a practical wagon road from the valley to the harbor at Paragon Bay. Several enterprising persons, among others Messrs. Steele, Cooke and Cosby, had gone to the bay from Jacksonville and Yreka to establish a trading post in conjunction with a company from San Francisco; others are preparing to follow. The harbor is reported to be safe and convenient. The distance from the new port, called Crescent City, is said to be forty miles to Sailor Diggings and seventy-five miles to Jacksonville. Profitable diggings are reported to have been found in the immediate neighborhood of the new city. If but the half of what we hear be true, a new era of commercial enterprise is just dawning upon Southern Oregon. CRESCENT CITY.--We find the following in the Placer Times and Transcript: The expedition which recently sailed to Point St. George, a locality which it is claimed will be the supply point for an extensive range of mining country, returned on the 9th inst. The company have surveyed a town, to which they have given the name of Crescent City. They have also made a survey of the harbor, and find twelve feet of water up to within 200 yards of the shore. Oregonian, Portland, March 19, 1853, page 2 The miners about Jacksonville have taken a stampede and flocked to Althouse Creek, about 16 or 20 miles north. There is at present quite an excitement here about the new port formed on the coast called Paragon Bay. Many are contemplating to visit it. If one-half of what is told be true, Paragon Bay is destined to become of great importance, as through that place will the whole of this section be supplied. The most cogent reason assigned in its favor is that it is much more easy of access than either Scottsburg or your place. Fenelon, "Yreka Correspondence" of March 13, Shasta Courier, March 19, 1853, page 2 Point St. George.
A friend writing from Point St. George, a bay recently discovered up
the coast, and which it is thought will be made the depot for the
supplies of the upper country--the Shasta and Siskiyou mines--gives a
very favorable account of that section of country. A company recently
arrived there by way of San Francisco, laid off a town and surveyed the
route between there and the interior, and are so highly pleased with
the prospect that they have returned to San Francisco for a cargo of
goods. The bay has been sounded and affords every facility for vessels
of light draft, the water being some twelve or fourteen feet deep.
There is a beautiful valley penetrating the hills for a distance of
some six or eight miles from the beach, about three miles wide, and
surrounded by the most magnificent timber, and in sufficient quantities
to supply the world. There are also abundance of the finest grass and
water, which have attracted there immense droves of elk, comparatively
tame, and which approach within rifle shot the encampments of huts.
Since the party arrived there, on the 14th of February, a number of houses have been contracted for, and in a few days some fifteen or twenty were to have been started. Miners had already been coming in, and had taken up claims, with the intention of improving them for agricultural purposes. A large tract of mining country lies east of and accessible to this point--for instance, Sailors' Diggings, Althouse Creek, Jacksonville, Applegate Creek, &c., all of which are being worked by a large number of miners with great profit. We have no doubt this is to become a point of considerable note. During another winter its efficacy and importance will be duly felt. Last winter, the people of Scott's Valley and neighborhood suffered innumerable hardships, because of a total interruption in the mercantile transit between there and Shasta City, or the great Sacramento Valley. Another season, it is anticipated that this extensive mining region will be entirely supplied through this channel. We hope the anticipation of those who have embarked in this matter may be realized, and the difficulties of another season may be subverted.--Sac. Union. Placer Herald, Auburn, California, March 19, 1853, page 1 FROM HUMBOLDT BAY.--By the way of Shasta, we have late news from Humboldt Bay and Eureka. A report had reached the latter place that sixteen of the eighteen men who were exploring the road from Paragon Bay to Rogue River Valley had been killed by the Indians. Daily Alta California, San Francisco, April 7, 1853, page 2 Several families have left here during the spring for Althouse and Paragon Bay. This bay is about one hundred miles southwest of this place, and about fifty miles from Althouse, in latitude 40 deg. 45 min. There is a good pack trail from it to both places. A vessel arrived there several days ago, and discharged her cargo, and has returned to San Francisco for another load. Some of the goods and groceries have been packed into the mines, and sold at reduced prices in the vicinity of Althouse. A pack train left Althouse and went to the bay, and returned in four days loaded with provisions for the miners. This is said to be a good landing, and a safe harbor for vessels nine months in the year, and some of the knowing ones say that a good safe harbor can easily be made out of it for vessels at any season of the year, by making a breakwater at the mouth of the bay. Doubtless large quantities of goods and groceries will be shipped to this point during the summer season, which will save a great amount of labor in transportation to the packers in this section of the country, and if it takes less labor to pack from this bay to the mines than it does from the Willamette Valley or from Scottsburg, it will necessarily reduce the price of provision in this part of the country during the coming summer. Letter dated April 26, 1853, Oregonian, Portland, May 14, 1853, page 2 ALTHOUSE CREEK, April 14, 1853.
Mr. Dryer:--Believing
that the opening of every new avenue which shortens the distance
whereby goods can be transported to the mines is a subject in which
your readers are more or less interested, I purpose to give you an
impartial description of the new harbor and the route to the same.
Paragon Bay, if bay it can be called, is located about ten miles south
of Smith's River, and immediately south of the peninsula known as Cape
St. George, and by observation is in lat. 41 deg. 45 m., consequently
is fifteen miles south of the Oregon line.This bay is formed by a curve in the coastline of some three or four miles in length, and is in the form of an half ellipse, the shortest diameter of which is about two miles, or in other words, the greatest distance from a straight line drawn from the headland at the north to headland south to the water's edge or shore, is about one mile. The only protection on the sea side from storms and wind is the slight defense afforded by Cape St. George, which is a low promontory rising some 15 feet above high water mark, and a reef of rocks extending some three hundred yards in a line from the head of the cape across the bay, which at high tide are mostly covered with water. Inside of this in calm weather vessels can anchor in seven fathom of water, at a distance of about a quarter of a mile from shore. The holding ground or bottom is said to be sand and rock. Immediately south of this cape a town side has been surveyed, which from the natural curve of the beach is named Crescent City. Stores, warehouses, &c., are being built, and if the price of lots is any criterion, it is soon to rival Portland or even Sacramento City, at least in the estimation of those interested. Had it the Willamette or Sacramento rivers, with their broad and fertile prairies, it might appear a little more plausible. But it is without a navigable river by which merchandise can be transported into the interior, while the farming land in the vicinity, although good perhaps for vegetables, is limited in quantity. The manner of transporting goods to the mines, or at least for forty-five miles of the distance from the coast, is now and in my opinion always will be upon pack mules. Yet some are sanguine that a good wagon road will soon be made and that at a mere nominal expense. There is yet some thousands of dollars to be expended upon the route to make it a good pack trail upon which mules can carry even an average load of 250 lbs. each. Having packed a train of mules twice over the trail myself, I can speak somewhat from experience. I am of the opinion that mules can better pack three hundred pounds each upon what is termed the Oregon trail than two hundred upon this, while the grass is more abundant upon the former and of a better quality. If Crescent City has any advantages over Scottsburg or the Willamette Valley as a depot for obtaining supplies, it is in the distances from the respective mining sections, and in the saving of ferry bills, which are quite a tax upon packers. The distance from Crescent City to the nearest mines is about forty-five miles--from the city to Althouse Creek about fifty-five miles--to Jacksonville one hundred and ten--to Yreka one hundred and seventy-five. In coming from the coast to this place or to Jacksonville in the summer season, there will be no ferry bill between the two places, although Smith's River is to be crossed twice; and at the time when I passed we were obliged to build rafts to cross over our packs upon and swim our mules. But both of these crossings are said to be fordable in summer time. Had I the time I might perhaps have given you a more detailed and comprehensive letter, but for want of which this must suffice. Respectfully yours,
Oregonian, Portland, May 14, 1853, page 2NATH'L. T. CUTLER. Business in Crescent City the past week has been comparatively dull in consequence of the decrease of the influx of pack trains--but it is hoped by the great improvement of trail, which is now pronounced by those who are good judges to be as good a pack trail as there is in California that business will be brisk again. During the week ending 7th ult. two steamers, the J. G. Hunt and U.S. Coast Surveying Steamer Gold Hunter, entered and cleared the harbor--the Gold Hunter having made a complete survey, soundings &c. A political canvass was held on Monday, 8th ult., at Crescent City, for the election of assemblyman &c. The meeting was addressed by Mr. Van Dyke, Mr. Whipple and several others. Sacramento Daily Union, September 3, 1853, page 2 PUBLIC SCHOOL ESTABLISHED
Messrs. Editors:--A public school is now established in this place, in
a spot sufficiently retired to avoid the bustle of the commercial
world, and sufficiently central to be of easy access. The school-room
is airy, commodious and well furnished.The teacher trusts that the exertions he has lately made to establish this school on a permanent basis will meet with the ready and cordial support which the importance of the case demands. The number of scholars now in daily attendance, and the number already promised from various parts of the adjacent country, convince him that the important item of a full school will not be lacking. He invites visits from parents and guardians. Such ought to know the character, talents and capabilities of him who holds himself forth as an instructor of youth and to whom they confide the development, intellectual and moral, of their offspring. He is now trying to secure a uniformity of textbooks, but with the best exertions he believes that this can only be gradually arrived at. Much depends upon the parents being willing to lay aside books "as good as new" which they have formerly procured, and buying new sets. So essential to the progress of schools is a uniformity of textbooks, that the teacher trusts parents and guardians will at once unite with him in securing this most desirable object. And now as the teacher has thus far done alone the work of fitting up the school-room and establishing the school, he respectfully suggests that the school commissioners of this county meet at an early date, give him their instructions and fix his salary.-- G. S. RAMSEY, Teacher. THE CHINESE
The Chinese immigration in California has in different parts of the
state caused much indignation and in more than one locality the
Celestials were, temporarily at least, ejected without much ceremony as
an unwelcome encumbrance. But the Calaveras Chronicle is looking at the other side of the question, and speaking on the subject says:"It must be recollected that in many counties, and our own among the number, the tax paid by the Chinese is the principal revenue for the support of the county organization. Stop off that item and we will be forced into a direct tax to support our present system of government. This may appear strange, but we believe, nevertheless, it is true. Without being acquainted with the figures, we do not believe the poll, property and license taxes are sufficient to meet the heavy expenses of the county. And to take away the foreign miner's tax would compel the residents to pay a very large direct tax to liquidate the current expense." Now this is sensible talk. The Chinese, it is well known, are industrious and frugal, and such a population can't seriously harm a new country. Only put them in the right place. In cities their heathenish propensities and their uncleanliness cause disgust. But in the mines those objectionable traits in their character will be less apparent and their work can be made profitable to the country, to their employers and to themselves. We heard of some enterprising miners on the Klamath that intend engaging Chinese laborers, with a view to working extensive bars, which up to the present time have not proved remunerative enough to the miners there. They calculate to do well with them in three-dollar diggings. But for the Chinese such diggings would be left undisturbed, and the gold they contain might just as well not be there at all. The work of the Chinese would add materially to our circulation and to our trade, while at the same time the tax collected from them would patch up our county finances. Thousands of Chinese could thus be employed on the Klamath without interfering with the miners, but on the contrary aiding them and the country in the development of its resources. Here is a wide field for enterprise and an opening for the useful employment of the thousands of Chinese who flock to the golden shores of California. Crescent City Herald, October 11, 1854, reprinted in the Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, March 7, 1924, page 7 Our townsman, H. B. Dickinson, is busy clearing up Battery Point and fencing in what will ultimately make a fine garden. The huts of the Indians have been moved back so as to make room for the road, which is intended to run clear around the Point, making it somewhat more circuitous than teamsters and packers may desire it, but it will certainly make a fine promenade. We are always reluctant, even seemingly, to interfere with any improvement whenever undertaken, satisfied that every individual effort directed in that way tends to the benefit of the whole community. We apprehend, however, that the improvement mentioned interferes in more than one way with vested rights closely connected with public welfare, and thus far we conceive it to be our duty to offer some remarks on the subject. Our state laws do not permit individuals to interfere with Indian habitations. Section 2 of "An Act for the Government and Protection of Indians" reads as follows: "Persons and proprietors of lands on which Indians are residing shall permit such Indians peacefully to reside on such lands, unmolested in the pursuit of their usual avocations for the maintenance of themselves and families; Provided the white person or proprietor in possession of such lands may apply to a justice of the peace in the township where the Indians reside, to set off to such Indians including the site of their village, or residence, if they so prefer it; and in no case shall such selection be made to the prejudice of such Indians, nor shall they be forced to abandon their homes or villages where they have resided for a number of years." When the present site of Crescent City was first surveyed in 1853 the Battery Point was left as a public common, where the Indians might continue to reside until they could be better provided for. The public commons were deeded to J. M. Peters, A. M. Rosborough, J. W. Farrington, R. Humphreys, J. K. Irving, W. Waterman, R. F. Knox, G. W. Jordan and J. B. Taylor to be held in trust for the use and benefit of the city, and from the section above quoted it would appear that it is made their duty to shield the Indians from interference with their habitations. It appears as a matter of record that Mr. H. B. Dickinson entered the premises on Battery Point under special permission from the first proprietors. We believe it is a well-settled rule of the courts in deciding upon land claims that a party entering upon premises by permission of a prior claimant cannot afterwards set up a possession claim in opposition to the first claimant. The supreme court of Oregon has in a recent decision adhered to that rule, which public morality and a decent regard for good faith will always enforce. In making these remarks we disclaim any ill feeling against the persons interested and were solely actuated by a desire to prevent, as much as lies in our power, future litigation, squabbles and misunderstanding. The public, once in possession of the facts bearing on the case, will decide for themselves. STREET WORK
We noticed with pleasure that some enterprising citizen has materially
improved the passage through Second Street, where it crosses I Street.
It would not be difficult to drain that sink wholly, and at the same
time causeway the street its entire length to the creek, by cutting
ditches along the sidewalk and throwing the dirt into the middle of the
street. Six blocks fronting on Second Street and lying between H and K
streets would be more immediately benefited and an assessment of ten
cents a foot would cover the expenses. Will not someone take the matter
in hand? The assessment will be cheerfully paid if undertaken by an
energetic and thoroughgoing man. This job once done we doubt not but
the owners of lots between G and E streets will follow suit and bridge
the slough, thus effectively opening Second Street to easy and free
We are permitted to make the following extracts from a letter from A.
M. Rosborough, dated at Yreka, December 3, 1854, and written by a
gentleman who has every opportunity of gathering correct information on
the subject of wagon roads to Yreka:"I am well satisfied now that Crescent City, taking everything into consideration, has greatly the advantage over both the Scottsburg and Sacramento River routes, in natural advantages to supply this city and vicinity with merchandise. I have been very carefully examining into this matter. I say I am satisfied that Crescent City has natural advantages far surpassing those of either of the other routes. Capital and energy, in making good wagon roads through first on the other routes, may seem to give them the advantage, but I feel assured that, with the same amount of energy, and even a less outlay of capital on the Crescent City route, the other routes could not be considered competitors in supplying this immense market--for, in the course of one or two years, this will be the largest mining town in the whole mining region of California. "From here to Scottsburg it is much farther than to Crescent City, and the route to make a wagon road is much worse than to Crescent City. I have conversed with many men who have traveled up the Sacramento and Pit and McCloud River route from Red Bluff. They estimate the distance from 160 to 175 miles and all agree, with the exception of a few who are locally interested, that it will take from $200,000 to $300,000 to make a road over which a wagon with any load can pass. And then they say it will be very rough, from the immense quantity of rocks and a large number of rocky hills, or rather mountains, that it will have to pass over for sixty miles, with scarcely a sprig of grass. "The foregoing facts are what I gather from the best sources in my reach. Navigation from Colusa to Red Bluff stops in July or August and does not start until after this time, when it is too late to get in supplies for winter at reasonable rates. Therefore, to compete with Crescent City in the business part of the year, when the roads are in the best condition, they will have goods to haul from Colusa to Yreka, a distance of between 250 and 300 miles, besides the freight from San Francisco to Colusa, which will be at least as much as freight by steamer to Crescent City, say $20 per ton." Crescent City Herald, December 13, 1854, reprinted in the Del Norte Triplicate, Crescent City, May 17, 1924, page 2 Letter from Crescent City.
December 18, 1861. The Flood in the North.
I wrote you about two weeks ago, by mail, giving you some account of
the ravages of the storm in this vicinity. (The letter referred to was
not received.--Ed. Bulletin.)
Since then we have had a second rise, and received news from places we
had not then heard from. I have heard of no additional loss of life in
this county since I wrote. The two white men and six Indians make up
the total for this county. The body of a woman, too much disfigured for
any possible recognition, was picked up on the beach and buried about
one mile south of here, about a week ago. It came, no doubt, from the
Klamath River.The news from the Klamath, so far as received, fully justifies our worst apprehensions, as expressed in my last. On the first rise, all the buildings at Fort Ter-Waw, twenty in number--except the three used as officers' quarters--were carried away; and on the second rise of the river those three went, as did all the improvements on the Indian reservation, except one building which is so undermined as to be useless. All the stores of every description at the Fort were lost, except the flour and the beef cattle; and nearly everything from the Indian reservation. Communications are so cut off that we have not heard from any of the headwaters of the Klamath. We only judge what the devastation must have been by what we find strewing the beach near here. For eight miles, which is conveniently accessible from this place, the beach is covered to an average width of 200 yards, and to the depth of three to ten feet, with every description of material that can be found in the country--except gold. One large "marquee," or officer's tent, was picked up a few days ago. Winter squashes "in good order," are occasionally found. Goods of all sorts, but badly damaged, are often seen. The best of timber lies on the beach, in quantities to supply the market of California for years. White cedar, sugar pine, redwood, and red and yellow fir are plenty as blackberries in summer. The great damage our town has suffered is in the loss of about 400 feet of the wharf. This was caused by the immense trees getting under it and entangled amongst the piles, when the heavy swell would in the end tear out one after another of the piles, till the whole went down. The outer and heaviest portion of the work stands uninjured. In Smith River Valley the damage is less extensive than was at one time feared. The flood on the north side of the river, where is the most extensive settlement, did but little damage comparatively. The second rise in the river carried off all the salmon of Smith & Co.--thus making, with what I wrote you before, a complete clean sweep of everything connected with their fishery. They only saved their seine and one or two boats. It is also reported that the salmon fishery of McCoy & Co., at the mouth of the Chetco, is gone, with all their fish. The Flood in Southern Oregon and Northern California.
The following from the Jacksonville (Oregon) Gazette will give your readers some idea of the storm in that section:During the week there has been a very brief period of dry or clear weather. By Friday the flow from Jackson Creek through the town had materially subsided, and the pools had quite disappeared from the valley. But Friday night the rains resumed and poured without cessation until Sunday morning. Before midnight of Saturday, Jackson Creek had broken over its banks and came sweeping in through the lower part of the town. By morning the flood reached its height. Again, as on the Sunday morning preceding, houses were surrounded, lots submerged, fences torn away, and some damage done to gardens. Down the valley as far as could be seen were streams and sheets of water. The inundation extended over a greater area than that of the week before. A slight rain fell during Sunday, but the flood gradually abated, and yesterday it had disappeared from one portion of the space it had covered, and only a small stream coursed outside of the regular channel of the creek. From the disasters and destruction of property caused by the storm of which we have already been informed, we fear the losses sustained in the valley and over on Applegate are very serious. The long bridge over Rogue River at Rock Point, built only about two years ago, together with the toll house on the north bank, was swept away Sunday evening. This was the finest bridge in the country. It was on the mail route northward, and had been recently purchased from R. B. Morford by a Mr. White. Until another bridge is built, the mail stages will have to cross the river at one of the two ferries below Rock Point, and it is said that both lost their boats last week, and cannot replace them soon. The saw mill and bridge at Wells's, on Applegate, were also carried off. Applegate rose six feet above the highest water mark of previous years, and was yet swelling so as to threaten the destruction of buildings, bridges, ditches, and other property. We hear from several localities of mining claims injured considerably by the flood. Throughout the low farming lands fences are swept off, winter stocks of buried vegetables washed out and carried away, and much other damage sustained. Rogue River was never before seen so high, and threatens to rise yet higher. Should it do so, the devastation will be great. All the streams are at an unprecedented height, and the loss of bridges, if nothing worse, is quite certain. Jacksonville is likely to be an isolated town, even from country communication, for a short time. From every point within the rather circumscribed bounds of news we get accounts of disasters and damages by the storm. The bridge over the stream near Callahan's, in Scott Valley, was destroyed and the country about there inundated. In Yreka, the flood swept the lower part of the city, carried away a bridge, and did much damage to gardens, etc. Great injury was done to the Yreka ditch, and in most of the diggings the miners suffered serious losses. About Cottonwood the roads were almost destroyed. The bridge over Shasta River was at last accounts momentarily threatened, and the rise of the Klamath caused fears for the bridge across that river. Jo. Leech drove over from Yreka on Saturday, but mired a mile or more from this place at night, and did not succeed in getting his vehicle in till Sunday morning, with a small bag of mail matter thoroughly soaked. He started back again yesterday morning, but declined to take the California mail, for fear of injury to it by wet, or of total loss. The stage north also left yesterday morning, but returned, as it was impossible to cross Rogue River. The Crescent City mail carrier had not arrived up to the hour of going to press, though due Saturday night. A report has reached here that the bridges through Umpqua had all been destroyed. It will not surprise us to hear that along the Willamette there has been a vast amount of property lost. It is quite certain, in fact, that the storm has raged with equal fury all through California as well as Oregon, and that the destruction and waste is far beyond that occasioned by the great foods of 1852 and of 1849-50. Miscellaneous Items.
Almost the whole population of this section of the state are leaving,
or preparing to leave, for "the northern mines." Whether it will prove
more to their advantage than the Fraser River exodus did, remains to be
seen. Everything is dull here, and likely to be so all winter, at least.The new ditch on French Hill is nearly completed, and the water will soon be let in on an extensive field that, it is believed, will pay well. The long and severe storm has delayed the completion of that work for a month. Our mails are over two weeks behind time, and we have to guess at the operations of Gen. McClellan and the rest. DEL NORTE.
Evening Bulletin, San Francisco, December 23, 1861, page 1THE FLOOD AT CRESCENT CITY AND SMITH RIVER VALLEY.--The Jacksonville Sentinel of December 14th thus refers to the effects of the late storm in the vicinity of Crescent City and Smith River: "Snow fell on the mountains to the depth of five feet, which went off with a warm rain; being flood tide, Smith River rose to such a height that its banks gave way and a large body of water run through the farms of Gilson and Cabel and emptied into the lagoon back of Crescent City. At that place a small stream called Elk Creek empties into the ocean, on either side of which are a number of buildings. The water from Smith River caused the lagoon to run over into Elk Creek and increase it to that extent that the buildings referred to were swept away. On Front Street, driftwood, most of which was hewn timber, supposed to have come from Humboldt and Trinidad, was piled up ten feet high; this, together with tapping the lagoon so that it could run into the ocean, which labor was performed by the Indians, the city was saved, although the water is said to have been three feet deep in the buildings on that street. The wharf sustained considerable damage; one-third of it was carried away in the middle, a large stick of timber was thrown with great force by the waters over the wharf and entered the warehouse of Dugan & Wall. The opinion prevails that the steamer Columbia is lost, as a variety of goods have floated ashore, some of which were marked "Snyder, Klamath Reservation." In the valley the loss has been far greater. A Mr. White lost his wife and two children; they had been taken from his house by the Indians in a canoe, which capsized. Smith was saved by clinging to a log, where he remained all night and was taken off by Indians. He lost his farm buildings and stock. Frank Gay, at the ferry, lost rope and windlass, but saved his boat and his house by lashing them to a rock. Gilson and Gay, with their families, were four hours on a rock which stood three feet out of the water; even this place was very insecure, as driftwood threatened to sweep them off. Gilson lost all his property. Cornelius G. White was at Gilson's house with his family when the water reached it; they went to the barn, from which they were rescued by Indians. Cabel lost his farm, but saved his family by taking them to the redwoods. The farms of Lockwood and Mrs. Benjamin were covered with water; the house of the latter was swept away. Otto, at Bradford's Ford, lost his house. Buel lost fencing and seventy-five head of cattle. Both fisheries were swept away. Mathias Smith lost farm and stock, including two hundred head of fat hogs ready for butchering; he was sick at the time, but was saved by being taken out through the roof of his house. At Fort Dick, on the lagoon, Yoman lost all of his fencing. John White lost his house, fencing, etc. Hale lost his ranch, house, barn, etc., and was taken out of the second story of his house while afloat. The Indians had to leave their camp, which was on an island at the mouth of Smith River. Hall lost his saw mill; one of his employees was on a stump twenty-four hours, and when the current subsided swam ashore. A man by the name of Humboldt, and another whose name our informant did not learn, were drowned while attempting to go from the Bald Hills to Crescent City. Taken all together, the destruction of property in Smith Valley has been fearful. All of the bridges on the Crescent City road, and two on the pack trail belonging to Gasquet, have been swept away, with the exception of the one across Sucker Creek. Lewis will rebuild his bridge immediately." Sacramento Weekly Union, December 28, 1861, page 1 Reached Jacksonville on Sept. 17[, 1852]. Small mining camp. Built large house for myself and engaged to build for others for $700.00. Three boys still with me. Work soon accomplished. Then engaged in other work. About Sept. 20, sixteen inches snow fell. Feared stock would perish. Man by name of Poole took cattle to Bear River bottom in heavy timber, came out all right. Three small provision stores. All goods used packed on animals from Portland, Oregon three hundred miles over bad road. Soon as snow fell, pack train could not travel, merchants put high tariff on goods. Salt; butter, sugar and tobacco $5.00 per lb. Flour, potatoes $1.00 lb. and other things in proportion. Soon ate up our $700.00. As soon as snow went off we went to work again. Decided that this country would not hold me longer than spring. In fall several men returned. Gave flattering account of coast. Believe man of my energy could cross mountains with wagons. Decided to try it. Several men volunteered to help me. Man with sixteen pack animals to accompany us. About March 20 loaded up and set out. First sixty miles down Applegate River and up Illinois River to junction of trail up mountains. Made without much trouble and struck camp for a time. With rifle I followed trail few miles to prospect route. Impossible for wagons to go farther. I returned to camp and reported result of investigations. Cast gloom over camp. In morning unloaded wagons, turned them bottom up, and put under them such things as we could do without. Packed freight on pack train, reserving gentlest animals for those not able to walk. Resumed journey. With difficulty reached summit and found snow six inches deep. Camped all night in pine grove. Made large log fire. Rained part of night. Had rough time. Spitting snow in morning. Situation unpleasant. As soon as light on our way down grade. Reached Smith River at 12 o'clock. River nearly bank-full here. Unpacked and turned stock loose. Grazing good. Saw first redwood timber. Some of these giants of forest measured forty feet in circumference. Large quantity of flood wood. Began building raft. Cut drift logs in 12-ft. lengths.… Rolled them to bank of river. Plenty of pack ropes so built raft of these thus: Rope wrapped around each end of a log and logs rolled into water. Ropes crossed at each end and another log rolled in. In this way until raft 20 ft. long. Other dry logs split into slabs and placed on raft crosswise under logs. River one hundred yards wide. Current smooth and moderate. Remained in camp overnight. In morning put part of freight on raft. Poled over river by seven men and unloaded. Had drifted down some in crossing so had to cordelle up to strike place where raft was built. Three men returned with raft. Balance of freight and family put on board and landed safely. Raft returned second time. Stock driven into river and forced to swim over. Those who remained boarded raft, crossed and unwound ropes. Let noble raft go down river one log at a time. Packed up again and reached coast in evening. On beach met 30 men. Offered us only cabin they had built and hindquarters of fine elk. Little ship Pomona had left provisions with Mr. Waterman to supply camp until return. I called on him to buy supplies. Very dear. Asked price of rice. $1.00 per lb. He asked me if I had any milk to sell. I said I had. My price $1.00 per qt. "All right," he replied. After this he had milk with his rice and we had rice with our milk. Now idle three weeks until Pomona returned bringing more men, tools and provisions. All went to work. Place laid off in town lots, called Crescent City. Ocean to south and west. Mountains to north and east. Valley level land, extended 16 miles along coast and three miles back. Shape of half moon. Very heavy timber covered nearly whole of valley. Began building in earnest. Cheap sawmill built to furnish lumber. I finished first house and opened it as boarding house. Other houses finished and opened in other branches of business. Pomona returned for supplies. Country thickly inhabited by Indians. Lived chiefly in villages along coast. Lived mainly on fish. Shy at first but when acquainted were quite trustworthy. In August fine prairie land [discovered] at mouth of Smith River twelve miles from city. Company wished me to join them and locate claim. Not convenient for me to leave home, but offered them use of yoke of oxen to do hauling if they would locate claim for me and build cabin on it. Offer accepted. Sixteen men went on ground, located and built cabin on each claim. In spring I went over and examined country. Pleased with future prospects, I commenced improving. My family the first that ever landed on beach, and after living here fourteen months I rented my house and moved on my claim, which we called Smith River Valley. As soon as land came into market I bought one thousand acres. When I first settled here, game plenty, elk, deer, bear, smaller animals geese and ducks by ten thousand. Handy with rifle and many a fine elk I killed within one mile of cabin. Began to improve my farm. Very productive. Prices very good. Stock doing well. Sent to San Francisco for all kinds of fruit tree seeds. Proved success. Soon had enough trees for self and neighbors. Small lot of hogs shipped to Crescent City. Five purchased by myself, four brood sows and one male for $200.00. In proper time I supplied neighbors with a start. Several families moved into valley. I saw necessity of schoolhouse. I received volunteer labor enough to build house. Soon had school started. Had Sunday school and preaching when we could get preacher. Fishery established at mouth of river. Everything moved on fair and prosperous till [1855] when Indian war broke out in Jackson County, Oregon. Soon spread to coast and our trouble began. Settlers became alarmed. Some moved to Crescent City. I began fort by digging trench three feet deep around house and well. Split ten-foot logs in two and stood them on end, one flat side in and one flat side out. Chamfering round sides together to be bulletproof. Also made bastion on two opposite corners so we could enter them from inside fort and from porthole look along two of outside walls from each bastion. Kept plenty of guns and ammunition. One man, my son and myself and family held fort while other families moved to city while men were engaged in war. Just before close of war five or six roughs engaged in killing all bucks they could find. Already surrounded two small villages and killed twenty or thirty inhabitants. One town of this character located on my land near beach. Very ancient village contained about one hundred persons. Roughs threatened this town also. Said they would kill my Indian boy who had lived with me three years. Faithful boy. My Indians became much alarmed. Many of them came to me crying for protection. Three roughs came to my house to kill my boy. Sharp words and serious threats but finally left. Indians had done no harm but were true and trustworthy. My duty to help them. Next morning at break of day I mounted my horse, armed with shotgun and pistols, started with boy to Crescent City where I left him with friend of mine. Went to city authorities and asked permission for my Indians to be put on Lighthouse Island in front of city. About fifteen acres of north half covered with scrubby timber made convenient shelter. Permission granted. I returned to Indian camp and told them to be ready at sunrise on morrow to move to island. Went to camp in morning equipped as before. They were ready. Followed beach to avoid danger. Reached city safely. If I had been caught in act by roughs it would have cost me my life as they still threatened me till peace proclaimed by General Canby [sic] about six weeks after Indians moved to island. After war they returned home. Ever remembered me for protection. Considered lives in my hands. Valley refilled by former occupants. Business revived. I built large barn and new house. Orchard bearing fruit. Good home. Valley very fertile. Good water and finest timber I ever saw. Felled several trees five to six feet in diameter. Sawed off 16 rail cuts each eleven feet long. Average would be 12 cuts of same length. Timber called redwood splits easiest and smoothest of any I ever worked in. Raised 65 bu. wheat to acre, same of barley, 115 bu. Chile oats and 300 bu. potatoes. When several farms got underway--home consumption overdone. Prices fell so low there was no money in farming and valley so isolated outside market could not be reached with any profit. Country mountainous and of rockiest character. Only one road from valley to interior. Road cost $1,000.00 per mile for first forty miles then less per mile to Rogue River Valley. Placed heavy tax on people. My portion $1,200.00. Road crossed copper belt. Large sums spent in search for copper ore. Search unsuccessful. I worked two summers and spent $1,500 but failure. Went to Copperopolis by way of San Francisco to examine mines there. Copper mining precarious business. I gave it up. Visited San Jose, Watsonville, Santa Cruz and several other smaller towns and Oakland and San Francisco. Had good time. Returned home after journey of 1,000 miles through populous country. Our valley looked very small to me compared to this land with broad and extensive plains. Upon mature reflection made up mind to sell out and leave valley. All daughters except one had married and moved out of country. This one lived in Crescent City. I had now lived in the country nine years, the longest I had ever remained in one place. Had served people as county supervisor for number of terms and had become acquainted with almost every man in county, besides being leading farmer. Seemed to be leaving a good home but finally sold out to Colonel Dave Buell for $20,000.00, stock and all included. I then gave my farewell party. Entire neighborhood invited besides friends from Crescent City. Spent twenty-four hours in one of most enjoyable and social parties of my life. Table furnished with all comforts country afforded. Plenty of new cider from our orchard, first made in county. Moved to San Francisco in 1862. Biographical Sketches of the Life of Major Ward Bradford 1893. Typescript at Indiana State Library. During the past score of years or more I have run across some very interesting original documents at old farmhouses and in the homes of pioneers. While in Crescent City I visited James McNulty, who showed me the original charter of Crescent City. It was dated at Sailor Diggings, on Illinois Creek, as the town of Waldo, in Josephine County, Oregon, was then called. A group of Oregon miners, who were mining at Sailor Diggings, decided to make their way to the coast and start a city at what was then called Paragon Bay. Among these miners were a number of sailors who had discovered rich ground, giving Waldo its original name of Sailor Diggings. The camp was called Sailor Diggings from 1852 to 1855, when the name was changed to Waldo and it became the first county seat of Josephine County. In the winter of 1852 the miners of Sailor Diggings organized a company and elected D. C. Lewis, whose daughter is one of the pioneer residents of Portland, secretary of the company. The ink on the old charter is somewhat faded, but I was able to make it out. It reads as follows: "We whose names are hereby annexed to the following constitution do hereby, for our mutual interests, form ourselves into a company for the purpose of locating and building up of a town on and near Paragon Bay on the Pacific Coast near the boundary line between the state of California and the Territory of Oregon, and we hereby agree to be governed by the following articles: "Article 1. This company shall be started and known as the Point St. George Exploring Company. "Article 2. The officers of the company shall be a president and secretary. The duty of the president shall be to superintend and regulate the general concerns of the company. He shall, in all cases, submit to the wishes of the majority of the company. A majority of the voters of the company is requisite to elect the officers, whose term of office is to continue for six months from election unless two-thirds of the members thould require a new election. In such case the secretary shall call an election. The duty of the secretary shall be to receive all moneys and pay the same over to the president and to keep a correct record of all proceedings of the company, also a correct account of the receipts and expenditures, ready for inspection at any time. "Article 3. By-laws may, at any time, if not inconsistent with the present constitution, be appended by a vote of the majority of the company. "Article 4. This constitution may be amended by consent of two-thirds of the members of the company. "Sailor Diggings on Illinois Creek, January 31, 1852. "Signed: C. Mathias Smythe, Alexander Coyle,
"Impressions and Observations of the Journal Man," Oregon Journal, Portland, May 3, 1927, page 12Thomas H. McGrew, Michael Martin, John B. Cook, John Picket, FlyMarket Ranger Ward, J. B. Tailor, Phillemore A. Ozimur, H. Kennedy, James McCoy, James Judson, D. C. Lewis." THE CRESCENT CITY ROAD.
The Sentinel
makes a strong point in an article under the above caption in its last
issue when it says that the people of Jackson County are throwing away
annually in the matter of unnecessary freighting expenses a sum equal
to their taxation. This is easily demonstrable. As at present imported,
the merchandise from San Francisco comes to us by the overland route
over nearly two hundred and fifty miles of railroad and then has to be
hauled in freight wagons about a hundred and seventy miles; by the
circumlocution [sic]
route it travels some seven hundred miles by water and is then about
three hundred miles north of us. Of this distance it comes two hundred
miles by rail and still has to be hauled over a hundred miles by wagon,
making a trip of about a thousand miles. Our merchants now find it
cheaper to ship by the northern route, notwithstanding the great
distance, so we may compare the Crescent City route with that. By way
of Crescent City freight would need to be hauled over a wagon road a
little shorter than that between us and Roseburg, a road, however,
which would doubtless, if properly built, be more easily traveled than
the latter; from San Francisco to Crescent City is but a little over
three hundred miles by water. So we should save the freightage upon the
two hundred miles of railroad, never less than half a cent a pound, and
the difference in ocean freightage which the saving of about four
hundred miles in distance and the towage and pilotage on the Columbia
river would make. Add to this the saving of the cost of handling the
freight once and the slight difference in favor of the Crescent City
road which teamsters will be able to make in hauling, and we may safely
conclude that the people of Jackson County would save nearly twenty
dollars upon every ton of freight which they ship to or from San
Francisco. This saving, it must be remembered, would not fall into the
hands of those only who are directly engaged in the shipping or
mercantile trade; it would be shared by every individual who buys a
pound of sugar or nails or leather, by everyone who takes part in the
consumption or use of the merchandise brought from the outside world
into our valley. What the people of this valley would save in one year
is amply sufficient to meet their share of the expense of building the
road. To take a simple example: Something over 200,000 pounds of wool
is exported annually from Jackson County. The saving of one cent per
pound upon this would amount to two thousand dollars. Let those
directly interested in wool growing contribute two thousand dollars to
the building of the new road, and when they ship their next year's clip
of wool by the new route they will get the two thousand dollars back in
the one cent per pound more which they will receive for their wool. So
it will be with all who may contribute. To speak of our people
collectively, they will in contributing toward the building of the new
road only be paying in advance a small portion of their next year's
freight bill. The road will cost them absolutely nothing but the
interest for a few months on the amount of about one-fourth of their
annual freight bill, and when once built it will be dropping money into
their pockets every year.Thus, in the narrowest view of the subject, it is seen that the simplest rules of economy leave our people but one course to pursue in this matter. What would be thought of the business sagacity of a man who could save his taxes every year hereafter by simply paying them in advance for the next year if, having the means at command, he should neglect to take advantage of the extraordinary opportunity? This is the situation of our people on the Crescent City wagon road matter. Will they act upon business principles? Ashland Tidings, November 21, 1879, page 2 IMPRESSIONS AND OBSERVATIONS
For 55 years James C. Bradford, who lives at 5275 Northeast 18th
Avenue, worked in sawmills, most of that time in various mills in
Portland.OF THE JOURNAL MAN By Fred Lockley "I retired six years ago," said Mr. Bradford, "when I was nearly 75 years of age. I was born at Crescent City, Cal. on March 4, 1854, in which city my father, Major Ward Bradford, built the first house. My first recollection has to do with something that rankled my soul with childish indignation of what I considered an injustice to me. My father had moved from Crescent City to a ranch in Smith River Valley, about 12 miles from Crescent City. In those days transportation was almost entirely by pack horse. A packer had put up at our place and left a small spotted cayuse pony, which had played out. I was about 5 years old at the time, and the packer gave me the pony. This pony was so lazy and gentle that it was absolutely safe for me to handle. I spent most of my time leading it into fence corners and climbing on its back. In time this pony became really fond of me and I became devoted to Billy, for he was the only thing I could call really my own. "At the close of the Rogue River Indian war there were a few Indians left who refused to sign our peace treaty. The white men, they claimed, had taken their land without payment, and killed their people, so a little group of seven Indians moved back into the mountains, swearing vengeance. Their leader was called "Six-toed Pete." He had six toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand. He was about 6 feet 2 inches tall and extremely powerful. One day one of the friendly Indians came to my father and told him that Six-toed Pete was trying to get the friendly Indians to join his band to attack the whites. Father said, 'The next time they send up a smoke signal, answer it, meet with them and learn their plans.' This Indian did so, and reported that Pete wanted this Indian, with six others, to meet him and the six Indians of his band and plan an attack. Father said, 'If you will kill Pete and the Indians in his band the white men of Crescent City will give you all the blankets you want, and pay you well.' The Indian said, 'I know the white man. If we kill Pete and his band, then the white men will kill us.' "Father went with this Indian to Crescent City and met the business men there and they assured the Indian that no harm would come to him or the other friendly Indians, and that they would give him blankets, guns, powder, lead, flour, sugar, and other supplies, if he would kill Pete and his band. Finally, Father persuaded the Indians to kill their tribesmen, the hostiles. The seven friendly Indians met Pete on Bald Mountain. They sat down to discuss plans for attack. The arrangement had been for both parties to come to the council without arms. The friendly Indians had been furnished with short sharp-bladed knives, which they had secreted, and at a preconcerted signal they attacked Pete and his six unarmed warriors, killed them, dragged their bodies to a small gully nearby and covered them with brush. "The friendly Indian then came to our ranch, reported the killing of Pete and the other hostiles, and wanted his pay. Father gathered a posse of about 20 armed men, went to Bad Mountain, and found the bodies of the slain Indians. They buried the bodies and came back to our ranch. Father went with the Indians to Crescent City, where they selected their pay in blankets, beads, powder, lead and groceries. Father's share of the payment did not cost him anything, for he gave my spotted pony, Billy, to the chief of the friendly Indians for the use of his boy, who was about my age. Thereafter I never saw that little Indian riding my spotted cayuse without feeling that someone had stolen my horse. I couldn't figure out whether it was my father, the little Indian boy, or the Indian boy's father; nevertheless, I knew I had been shortchanged in that particular deal." Oregon Journal, Portland, October 6, 1934, page 4 |