![]() ![]() Caldwells Town of Jacksonville vs. William Caldwell Charge: Disturbing the Peace
1874 October 24th
Complaint of F. Grob filed & warrant issued to Marshal. Warrant returned with the accused in Court. Deft. arraigned when the complaint was read to him. Deft. entered his plea of guilty as charged. Thereupon it is adjudged that Defendant be fined in the sum of $(5) five Dollars & cost of five Dollars. The Fine [$10.00 total] in this case remitted. 1871 Jacksonville Recorder's Docket page 128, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS920 Town of Jacksonville vs. William Caldwell Charge: Disturbing the Peace by assaulting Marshal
1874 October 24thComplaint of F. Grob, Marshal. Same day Deft. was produced in court in the Custody of the Marshal. Defendant arraigned & complaint read to him when deft. refused to plead and the plea of not guilty was entered by the Court. F. Grob was introduced as Witness for the Plff., sworn & his testimony heard. Here the case closed. Thereupon it is adjudged by the court that the defendant be fined in the sum of 10 dollars (ten) and cost of the suit. December 1st 1874 Rec. The above fine & cost [$11.75 total] in full. 1871 Jacksonville Recorder's Docket page 129, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS920 Town of Jacksonville vs. William Calwell [sic] Charge: Disturbing the Peace
June 25 1877Complaint of Ad Helms filed. When the defendant was produced in court in the custody of Marshal Ad Helms. The Defendant arraigned and the complaint read to him and the Deft. entered the plea of "not guilty." Addison Helms, J. Birdseye, H. A. Kinsen & Dan Cardwell were sworn as witnesses on the part of the plaintiff. No testimony introduced on the part of the Deft. And the court after hearing the testimony of Witnesses adjudged that the defendant be fined in the sum of ten Dollars and in default of payment of said fine to be committed for ten days. Paid fine as above [$10.00 total] in full by Defendant June 29/77. 1871 Jacksonville Recorder's Docket page 165, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS920 State vs. Wm. Caldwell, assault with dangerous weapon, the grand jury returned "not a true bill" and defendant was ordered discharged. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, February 12, 1879, page 3 SHOOTING AFFRAY.--On Saturday night about ten o'clock as Wm. Caldwell, who resides on Bear Creek, was about starting for his home from Manning's stable, he was met by a man named John J. Lathrop, said to be an old stage driver, and who had been trying to engage Caldwell in a quarrel during the afternoon. On the way down to the stable Lathrop fired two or three shots, probably from drunken bravado, and aroused Mr. Manning, who came from his house to the stable and found the two men engaged in a wordy row. He had hardly arrived on the ground when Lathrop drew a pistol and fired two shots at Caldwell, one passing through his coat and the other making a flesh wound in his left side. Manning wrenched the weapon from Lathrop's hand and found it to be his own, having been taken from the stable office, to which Lathrop had free access. Caldwell's wound is slight, which considering the fact the men were only a few feet apart, is almost miraculous. Lathrop was found on Sunday morning secreted in his house, and was arrested and lodged in jail by Sheriff Bybee. On Monday he was examined by Justice Huffer and discharged, as the Justice thought the evidence insufficient to procure his conviction. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, April 7, 1880, page 3 SHOOTING.--From
persons up from Jacksonville we learn of a quarrel in that place last
Saturday night in which one of the participants narrowly escaped being
killed. Wm. Caldwell, of Bear Creek, and one Lathrop, who were both
intoxicated, became engaged in an altercation in Manning's stable, when
Lathrop drew a pistol and fired twice at Caldwell, one shot inflicting
a slight flesh wound in his side. Lathrop was arrested and taken before
Justice Huffer, but Caldwell, who appears from accounts to have enjoyed
the shooting, declined to appear against him, and he was discharged.
Tidings, April 9, 1880, page 3William Caldwell, 35, farmer, born in Missouri, father in Missouri, mother in Virginia Margarette Caldwell, 32, born in Texas, father in Georgia, mother in England Artemisia Caldwell, 14, attending school, born in California John Caldwell, 10, born in California Emma Caldwell, 8, born in Oregon Samuel Caldwell, 6, born in Oregon Willie Caldwell, 1, born in Oregon U.S. Census, Manzanita Precinct (Central Point), enumerated June 5, 1880 Recorder's Court Town of Jacksonville vs. William Colwell [sic] Fighting & drawn Pistol
July 7th 1880The prisoner appearing in court in custody of the Marshal, D. W. Crosby, and upon the complaint being read to him and he being asked whether he was guilty of the charge as preferred or not, guilty he answered for himself guilty. Thereupon the Court fined said Wm. Colwell the sum of ten dollars & the Costs & disbursement of this suit [$13.50 total]. 1871 Jacksonville Recorder's Docket page 216, Southern Oregon Historical Society Research Library MS920 BORN.
CALDWELL--In Manzanita precinct November 23rd, to the wife of Wm. S. Caldwell, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, December 8, 1880, page 3 A Serious Affray.
A number of men working with a threshing machine near this place came
to town last Sunday night and after imbibing considerable of the ardent
announced themselves in readiness for anything that was on the
programme. Shortly after this a row started between Wm. Caldwell, Chas.
Dodson [see "Dotson," below]
Tom Curly in which some of the parties engaged received
nothing more than bruised heads. After this, about eleven o'clock p.m.,
Charles E. Hanna, a clerk in Reames Bros.' store, arrived on the scene
and making some remark favorable to Curly in the first trouble a row
was started with him in which pistols and knives were freely used.
During the affray young Hanna was shot in the face by Caldwell, just
below the left eye, the bull ranging downward and lodging in the back
of the neck near the base of the skull. After being shot and lying
helpless on the ground, someone, said to be Chas. Dodson, a stranger
here, rushed on him and cut his throat, inflicting a serious though not
a fatal wound. Hanna was immediately removed to the U.S. Hotel and Dr.
Aiken summoned and his condition at last account was so much improved
as to give strong hopes of his recovery. Caldwell was arrested
immediately by Marshal Payne and Constable Birdseye and lodged in jail,
after which the constable and Sheriff Jacobs went to Cardwell's
ranch, where the crowd was camped, and arrested Dodson. Both parties
will have a hearing before Justice Huffer on Monday next, the trial
having been postponed to that date on account of the absence of the
district attorney and nearly all of our lawyers.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, September 16, 1882, page 3 Hanna Shot by Caldwell, and His
Throat Cut by a Stranger.
A shooting and cutting scrape occurred in Jacksonville on last Sunday
night about 11 o'clock between Wm. Caldwell and Charles Hanna, in which
the latter was shot in the head and afterwards had his throat cut.
Hanna was shot just below the left eye, the ball ranging downward, and
it is reported in the back part of the head. The most cowardly part of
the affray was when another man, named Charles Dodson, a stranger
there, rushed in and cut Hanna's throat after he was shot and had
fallen to the ground. Although seriously wounded, Hanna's chances of
recovery are better now than at first supposed. Both of the assailants
are in jail.
Weekly Corvallis Gazette, September 22, 1882, page 3 Wm. Caldwell and Chas. Dodson were indicted on a charge of assault with intent to kill. "Grand Jury," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, November 18, 1882, page 3 BORN.
COLWELL--In Manzanita precinct, Jan. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Colwell, a son.
Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, January 27, 1883, page 3 CUTTING AND SHOOTING AFFRAY.--We have received information of a serious cutting and shooting affray which occurred at the railroad front this week. It appears that Dotson [see "Dodson," above], the same cowardly assassin who stabbed Charley Hanna here some time ago, committed an unprovoked assault upon an old gentleman named Bannister. Mr. Bannister's son, a young man eighteen or twenty years of age, learning of this took Dotson to task about it and a fight between them was the result. Young Bannister was rather too much for his antagonist, and was pummeling him soundly when Dotson drew his ever-ready knife. Seeing the knife Bannister, being unarmed, started to run, when he was pursued by Dotson who stabbed him twice in the back, the knife entering just over the shoulder blade. After the second blow a bystander named Hankley knocked Dotson down with a club, whereupon one of Dotson's friend named Stephens shot Hankley, the ball entering the fleshy part of the leg. Both Dotson and Stephens then escaped to the woods, and up to the hour of going to press they have not yet been caught. People here will remember this man Dotson as the man who stuck a knife into Charley Hanna, and afterwards escaped the punishment he so richly deserved. If Judge Lynch could preside at the trial of a few of such fellows as this man Dotson, it would be a good thing for society. Dr. Aiken attended the two young men who were wounded, and says that they were all flesh wounds, merely, which, though quite painful, were by no means, necessarily, dangerous. Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 19, 1883, page 3 SHOOTING.--Just before the Times went to press the news was received that Wm. Caldwell had been shot and killed by C. W. Broback at Democratic Times, Caldwell was shot through the left lung and survived only a few hours. "Here and there," Democratic Times, Another
Just before going to press the verdict of the jury was handed us by Justice Huffer, acting as Coroner, and is appended below: We, the Coroner's jury empaneled to inquire into the cause of the death of William S. Caldwell, find that the deceased came to his death by a gunshot wound from a pistol in the hands of C. W. Broback, and find that the said C. W. Broback was perfectly justifiable and acted in self-defense, and we exonerate him from all blame. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, JOHN BYERS, WM. EGAN, J. H. WILSON, ISAAC WOOLF. Morning Oregonian, FULLY EXONERATED.--Shortly after the shooting of W. S. Caldwell at Democratic Times, JOHN BYERS, WM. EGAN, J. H. WILSON, ISAAC WOOLF. "The first death occurring in Medford [the first deaths reported were the children of a Mr. Raynes, reported February 8, 1884] was the murder [sic] of William Caldwell, the noted desperado of Southern Oregon, and the terror of the country," said Mr. [Joe] Thomas. "It seems that Caldwell had been making the rounds of the saloons, was drunk, and pretty quarrelsome. It was his habit to walk into a saloon, smack his gun on the counter with a loud whack and remark to the trembling bartender, 'Set 'em up!' and his orders were always respectfully obeyed, as Caldwell had the reputation of being quick with the trigger. "Caldwell slapped the young son of William [sic] Broback during the course of a card game, and Broback in great anger shot him. Lots of people around town said it was a good thing that Caldwell's gun stuck, due to the smackings it had received on the various bars of the city saloons, or William Broback would certainly have been out of luck," Mr. Thomas continued. The murder occurred in 1884, and Broback was never even arrested. The coroner's jury exonerated him, figuring the country was well rid of the desperado. "Lots of people kidded Broback--told him they guessed he was trying to start Medford's first graveyard," said Mr. Thomas. "First Xmas in Medford Is Recalled," Hon. C. W. Broback of Medford, one of the best citizens of our valley, was in this place this week. A few spiteful persons are persecuting him, but to no avail, as public sentiment is with Mr. B. Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1885, page 3 CARD FROM MR.
MEDFORD, Oregon, April
8, 1885
MR. BROBACK--I take my pen in hand to plead for my fatherless
myself. With my own work I can support myself; but I
want to raise my children decently and give them a common education. I
put my claim at $1,000. If you will compromise with that amount I will
not prosecute you. I will give you till tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock
to make up your mind. If you don't compromise with that amount I will
prosecute to the extent of the law.MRS. CALDWELL
In reply to the above I have to state that if I am indebted to you on
account of the death of your husband then I am a criminal, and your
offer to compromise your husband's blood and honor and allow the
perpetrator of such a crime to go free, and your husband's blood
unrequited, ought to bring the blush of shame upon the cheeks of your
advisers if not upon yourself.In the declaration contained in your letter to "compromise" crime for money, you hold up the character of yourself and the blackmailing villains to public infamy, thus warning all men not to credit them. A perfidy so notorious cannot be hid. It stands open to the public gaze. To accept your offer would be like a foolish dotard taking to his arms the bride that despises him, or who has placed on his head the ensigns of her disgust. It is kissing the hand that boxes his ears, and proposes to renew the exchange. A due sense of honor to myself and family and the community forbids me accepting the terms you propose. C. W. BROBACK
Medford, April 21, 1885Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 24, 1885, page 3 Mrs. M. Caldwell of Medford, as administratrix of the estate of Wm. S. Caldwell, deceased, has commenced suit against C. W. Broback for damages, on account of killing her husband, which she places at $5,000. As it was proved that Mr. Broback acted in self-defense, it seems as if Mrs. C. was being imposed upon by some enemies of this gentleman. "Here and There," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, May 1, 1885, page 3 Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, widow of the late Wm. Caldwell who was killed at Medford, has brought suit against Mr. Broback for $5,000 damages. S. B. Galey, Esq., of Ashland, is retained by Mrs. Caldwell to manage the suit. Margaret Caldwell, administratrix of the estate of Wm. S. Caldwell, deceased, vs. C. W. Broback, to recover damages. "Circuit Court Docket: Civil Cases," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 2, 1885, page 3 When ready for start for Lake County, Cal., this week, C. W. Broback of Medford was informed that a suit for $5,000 damages had been entered against him by the widow of William Caldwell for the killing of her husband not long since. While Mr. Broback did shoot and kill Mr. Caldwell, a judicial investigation declared him not guilty of any crime and he was discharged in consequence, the community in which he lived approving of the verdict. The case will come up for trial at the next term of court, and Mr. B. has set the date of his departure at a time after its close. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 2, 1885, page 3 Martha Caldwell, administrator of the estate of W.S . Caldwell, vs. C. W. Broback; suit for damages. Motion to strike out part of answer sustained. "Circuit Court Proceedings," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 30, 1885, page 3 The Caldwell-Broback damage suit has been postponed until next term of court, and the latter will move to Lake County [California] in a short time, expecting to return at the next term. "Local Items," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, May 30, 1885, page 3 The Caldwell-Broback damage suit has been postponed until next term of court. Mr. Broback has removed to Lake County, but will return when the case comes up for trial. "Brevities," Ashland Tidings, June 12, 1885, page 3 M. Caldwell vs. C. W. Broback--action for damages. "Circuit Court Docket: Civil Cases," Oregon Sentinel, Jacksonville, October 3, 1885, page 2 It is ordered by the Court that Plymale & Angle be allowed their bill of $10.00 for mdse. furnished Mrs. Caldwell--indigent. Commissioners' Journals, vol.. 6, page 569, March 3, 1886 It is ordered by the Court that the regular indigent allowance of Mrs. Wm. Caldwell be and the same is hereby revoked. Commissioners' Journals, vol.. 7, page 254, August 1, 1887 Iradell J. Phipps to Maggie Caldwell; lot 6, block 24, Medford; $175. "Real Estate Transfers," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, August 21, 1891, page 2
Died at the Penitentiary.
The messenger of death visited the penitentiary yesterday about 1:30
o'clock, and took the spirit of Geo. J. Caldwell back to God, who gave
it. He was yet a lad 19 years of age, and a life prisoner, for the
crime of manslaughter, committed from Jackson County about two months
ago. His story is a sad one and stands as an example to young men of
the fallacy of sowing seed amidst the tares where the tiller tilleth
not. Twelve years ago his Christian mother left him for that unknown
beyond, to shape his own career and battle with the controversies of
life. Five years after the mother's death the father was sentenced to
the state prison for murder in the second degree, to remain for his
natural life, and he is now a trusty, and is highly spoken of by the
officers of that institution. After the boy's arrival he went to work
with a will, and showed a disposition that was not bad. About three
weeks ago he was stricken with typhoid fever, from which he died
Sunday. The funeral will be a public one and will be conducted by Rev.
Shulse, on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. The remains will be interred
in the burying ground set apart for that institution, just east of the
prison. This is the first public funeral that has ever been held from
the penitentiary for a prisoner.--Salem Independent, Feb. 19.Del Norte Record, Crescent City, March 3, 1894, page 1 It is reported that Gov. Pennoyer has pardoned Chris Caldwell, a "lifer," for fatally stabbing a teamster in a hurdy gurdy house row on the Siskiyous during railroad construction days, and father of Geo. Caldwell who died in the penitentiary recently while serving a life sentence for the killing of James McGuire on Blackwell Hills. "Medford Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 19, 1894, page 4 I don't know if these Caldwells were related to William Caldwell. John C. Hutchinson's Estate.
JOSE, Cal., Sept. 10.--Lulu Blabon today petitioned for letters of
administration upon the estate of her father, John C. Hutchinson, who
died in Monterey County on August 19, 1895. The estate consists of
property in Monterey and this county, and is valued at $5672. The heirs
are the petitioner, Lulu Blabon, who resides in this city; Maggie
Caldwell of Medford, Or., and Amelia I. Caldwell of Contra Costa County.The San Francisco Call, September 11, 1895, page 4 78 G Street, Gold Hill, Oregon: Margaret Caldwell, 52, widow, married 32 years, 9 children (7 living), born April 1848 in Texas, father in Georgia, mother in England Everett Caldwell, 19, day laborer, born in Oregon, father born in Missouri Frank Caldwell, 17, day laborer, born in Oregon, father born in Missouri Charley Caldwell, 12, attending school, born in Oregon, father born in Missouri U.S. Census, Manzanita Precinct (Central Point), enumerated June 5, 1900 Miss Maggie Doran, a granddaughter of Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, who has been visiting for the past month or two with Mrs. Caldwell, left for Walla Walla, Wash., last evening, where she will continue her studies for a trained nurse. "Local Happenings," Medford Mail Tribune, July 3, 1908, page 2 343 North Central, Medford: Margrette Caldwell, 61, widow, born in Texas, father in Georgia, mother in England U.S. Census, enumerated April 16-18, 1910 OBITUARY.
The Spokane
of October 8 contains the following concerning the death of a former
resident, mother of Charles Caldwell, formerly with the Pantorium Dye
"Mrs. Margaret Caldwell, aged 67, died October 7 at the Sacred Heart Hospital, following an operation for stomach trouble. Mrs. Caldwell had recently made her home with her sons, Charles Caldwell, proprietor of the Touraine Dye Works, Spokane, and Everett Caldwell of Reardan, Wash., although her home for years was Medford, Ore. "Other surviving children are Frank Caldwell, Marshfield, Or.; Samuel Caldwell, San Francisco; John Caldwell, Montgomery, Ala.; Mrs. Will King, Emmett, Idaho; Mrs. Louis Doren, Wellen, Ore. "Mrs. Caldwell was a native of Webster, Harris County, Tex. Funeral services will be held at Gilman's undertaking rooms at 1 p.m. Sunday, October 10." Medford Mail Tribune, October 13, 1915, page 2 GATELY--John S. Gately passed away at his brother's home at 1431 Cloverdale, Los Angeles, Calif., May 13th. Age 60 years, 11 months and 13 days. He was born in San Jose, Calif., May 30, 1870. Coming to Oregon in 1872 and going back to California at the age of 19 years. In 1906 he went to Montgomery, Ala., making that his home until 1928, when health began to fail. After that, traveled in search of health. He made one trip to the West in 1915, at the time of his mother's death, Mrs. Margaret Caldwell. Leaves to mourn his loss, four brothers and two sisters, Mrs. Artie Doren of Medford, Mrs. Emma Bosterder of Emmett, Ida., Sam Caldwell of San Francisco, Calif., Frank Caldwell of Los Angeles, Charley Caldwell of Spokane, Wash., and Everett Caldwell of Pomeroy, Wash. He had one brother, Will, who passed away in 1897. Mr. Gately was respected by all who knew him. He was with the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Montgomery, Ala., for many years. Burial was in the Valhalla cemetery at Burbank, Calif. Mr. Gately's wife passed away May 12, 1911, in Alabama. Medford Mail Tribune, May 31, 1931, page 3 EVERETT CALDWELL, EX-RESIDENT,
Word has been received here of the death of Everett Caldwell at 1 a.m.
today at LaCrosse, Wn. He was born in Medford Nov. 22, 1879, and
resided here until 1895. His last visit to Medford was in 1905 until
last fall, when he was here for several weeks, being called back to
Washington by the death of a son.
Mr. Caldwell leaves three children of Washington, and two sisters, Mrs. Artie Doren, Medford, and Mrs. Emma King, Emmett, Idaho. Three brothers survive, Sam, San Francisco; Frank, Los Angeles, and Charles, Spokane. He had many old friends in the valley who will be grieved to hear of his death. Funeral services are to be held Sunday at Dusty, Wn. Medford Mail Tribune, January 8, 1937, page 1 Last revised August 15, 2023 |