![]() ![]() George Endeavor Boos He was only in Medford a few years, but he spent thirty years boosting the Northwest. ![]() GEORGE ENDEAVOR BOOS
He Has Mixed with Men from the White House to the Barnum Railroad
Many men are born for jobs, few are christened for
them. But the subject of this pleasing portrait no sooner saw the light
of day than he was named Boos. The George Endeavor was added to it.
Thus that modern word so common in promotion literature today,
came into existence.
It was a close shave. For George was born in Milwaukee, and it might have been Booze, which is the German name for Pilsner. That was way back in Civil War times, 1855 to be exact. But boosting in Milwaukee consisted so entirely in saying "bottoms up" and "Hoch der Kaiser" that it became monotonous even for a young man of 20-some years, so Mr. B. took a train for Montana in the early '80s, where boosting consisted principally in dodging six-shooters, talking politics and waiting for the eastern papers. Mr. Boos saw there was money in the latter occupation, so he went to work in a print shop and helped get out a weekly symposium of what was happening in Montana. The work pleased him so much that he went to Helena and started publishing the Helena Stock Journal. But when the number of cattle became exceeded by the number of people the paper was changed to the Helena Daily Journal. And now came boosting in earnest. A son of Benjamin Harrison joined with Mr. Boos in the venture, and they went after making Father Harrison President of the United States. The stirring Republican editorials in the Journal are still remembered by old settlers in Montana. The election came. Montana went Democratic. But Father Harrison was elected President. Another presidential election came around in 1892. Father Harrison was opposed by a certain Grover Cleveland, and the way the Journal lit into Grover was a caution. Grover was elected. But Montana went Republican by a large majority. That night the Republicans held a demonstration and red fire was burned for the good services of George Boos and the President's son. There is nothing that succeeds like politics. George E. Boos was not forgotten when William McKinley was called to the White House, and pretty soon a nice official invitation was received in Helena asking the editor of the Helena Journal to act as superintendent of the printing of the U.S. census. There was a job. Mr. Boos spent four years in Washington, and when the noses had all been counted and put up in type the census bureau sent their master printer out to the Pacific coast to collect statistics on mines and mining, manufacture, telegraph and telephone, street railways and various other things. Mines brought our hero west, and he located in Seattle in 1902 determined to give up red tape and official life. But when the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition was decided upon and the cooperation of Idaho, Utah and Montana was desired there was no one but G.B., former editor of the Helena Stock Journal, to get the intermountain people in line. So Mr. B. was sent out and went boosting from this village to that, smoking a pipe here and slapping a back there with the result that all three states decided to be represented at the exposition. His services were so appreciated that when a vacancy occurred in the secretaryship of the Seattle Commercial Club, Mr. Boos was elected to it, and he held the position for 18 months, leaving it in the latter part of 1908. And then Uncle Sam stepped in and said "Go to Medford, my son, go to Medford." There was more official work to do, "and George did it." But after journeying all around the globe and taking all sorts of jobs, Mr. Boos decided that the one place in the world to plant himself was in Medford, so he bought two tracts and moved to a grape ranch in Jacksonville. About this time the Medford Commercial Club was in need of a secretary, and after the usual excitement which attends such occasions Mr. Boos was awarded the job which he now holds. The native of Milwaukee does not make much noise or cut many handsprings, but he is sticking to the job all the time, and he is paving the way for several factories and enterprises to take advantage of the rich opportunities that Medford and the Rogue River Valley offer. Incidentally, he has one of the most attractive exhibits of fruit--pears, peaches, apples, melons, etc., etc.--that has ever been shown in this city. This winter Mrs. Boos is going to visit her two daughters and one son, living in Vancouver, B.C. and in Missoula, Montana, while Mr. B. will come to Medford, taking apartments at the new Medford hotel. As will be indicated by the appended illustration, Mr. Boos has a sanguine and genial disposition. Perhaps the best indication of this is that he owns a vineyard after the manner of the ancient philosophers and smokes a sweet and benevolent pipe. Another indication is that in spite of being secretary of a commercial club, he sleeps eight hours every night and thinks life worth living. But perhaps the Rogue River Valley has something to do with that. "In Medford's Hall
of Fame," Medford Sun, September
24, 1911, page 5
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West Bend, Wisconsin:
George Boos, 18, tinsmith, born in Wisconsin U.S. Census, enumerated July 18, 1870 Book Binding.
proprietors of the Journal
made an arrangement with Mr. Geo. E. Boos, late State Binder, to reopen
its binding department. They felt that such a newspaper and job
printing establishment as the Journal
to be, and means to be, could not be complete without a binding
attachment in full operation. Mr. Boos is well known in this city and
vicinity as a skillful and reliable workman, and we ask for the new
establishment a liberal share of the public patronage.Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, November 8, 1878, page 4 We have the pleasure of announcing that the Journal bindery has been reopened under the charge of Mr. George E. Boos, late superintendent of the state bindery. We are now prepared to do all kinds of work--ruling, book binding, blank book manufacturing, etc. The community is well enough acquainted with the character of Mr. Boos' work to know that whatever he undertakes will be executed in a skillful and masterly manner. Prices always reasonable. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Address Springfield Journal Co. Advertisement, Daily Illinois State Journal, Springfield, November 8, 1878 et seq., page 4 ![]() February
3, 1879 Illinois State
Journal, Springfield
Mr. George E. Boos, who arrived in Helena on Wednesday last, under an engagement with Fisk Bros., has taken charge of the Herald book bindery and already has the entire machinery of that department in excellent working order.--Herald. "Territorial News," Rocky Mountain Husbandman, Diamond City, Montana, April 3, 1879, page 2 Pioneer Book Bindery.
We are in receipt from Mr. George E. Boos, of Helena,
of a circular announcing his purchase of the Herald book
bindery and paper box manufactory. Since the establishment of this
industry in the summer of 1878 Mr. Boos has been in charge as foreman,
and the work done for the public is the best recommendation of what it
will be in the future. The proprietor intends adding largely to his
stock, and will purchase the newest and most approved machinery with
the view of doing in Montana work which to this time has had to be sent
Ever of those who encourage home industries, we cordially commend the Pioneer Book Bindery to the public and trust the proprietor will receive the substantial support of all desiring work in his line. The New North-West, Deer Lodge, Montana, June 4, 1880, page 3 George E. Boos, 28, bookbinder, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Prussia Dorthea Boos, 27, born in Kentucky, father born Prussia, mother Baden Edward Boos, 3, born in Illinois Charlotte Boos, 1, born in Illinois U.S. Census, enumerated June 12, 1880 DEATHS
Boos--In Helena, Nov.
7th, 1880, Arthur, infant son of George E. and Dora Boos, aged four
The New North-West, Deer Lodge, Montana, November 12, 1880, page 3 ![]() September 29, 1912 Oregonian Mrs. Geo. E. Boos, an experienced instructress in the German and English languages, contemplates establishing at an early date a kindergarten school for children from 7 to 8 years of age, provided sufficient encouragement is given to justify such a step. We hope the school may be established. Daily Independent, Helena, Wednesday December 22, 1880 Excellent Book Binding.
We acknowledge
receipt this week of several volumes of Montana Statutes bound by Mr.
George E. Boos, of the Pioneer Bindery, Helena. They are excellent and
elegant in every respect--green morocco with gnome green sides. Parties
having books, magazines or papers to bind can have the work done in
first-class manner and at reasonable rates by addressing Mr. Boos.
The New North-West, Deer Lodge, Montana, March 3, 1882, page 3 George E. Boos, the pioneer bookbinder of Helena, has put in a new job office, and Mr. W. B. Shaw, local on the Herald, has gone in with him. They will doubtless make it a successful venture. "Local Notes," The River Press, Fort Benton, Montana, June 21, 1882, page 5 The Montana Stock and Mining Journal was started in Helena on May 1, 1884, by George E. Boos and W. B. Nickles with Nickles as editor. On Oct. 1 of the same year it was changed to the Montana Livestock Journal under the firm of George E. Boos & Co. with S. H. Crounse editor. Col. W. F. Wheeler is the present editor. John Russell Wilson, "Montana Papers in Early Days Enjoyed Varying Successes," Montana Standard, Butte, June 28, 1936, page 8 New Year's calling cards in great variety at George E. Boos & Co.'s. Open until 1 p.m., January 1, 1885. "Localettes," Helena Independent, Helena, Montana, January 1, 1885, page 5 Change of Name.
The Montana
Stock and Mining Journal, published by Geo. Boos
& Co., Helena, has been succeeded by the Live Stock Journal. The
change is a good one, and we are pleased to see it. The proprietors, on
making the change, say: The course of the Journal is
changed, and it will hereafter be conducted in the interest of the
stock grower, more especially. Not that we shall drop out mining
entirely, for we shall always be glad to chronicle success in that
direction and say a good word for the industry, but to conduct it as a
stock and mining paper together was somewhat embarrassing with the two
interests so wide apart.
The Sun, Sun River, Montana, March 12, 1885, page 1 George E. Boos has purchased the interest of Mr. S. H. Crounse in the printing and bookbinding firm of George E. Boos & Co., paying $4,100 therefor. "Montana Mention," Daily Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, September 18, 1885, page 1 George E. Boos has deeded to J. P. Lewis part of block 610, Hoback & Cannon addition, for $5,200. "Jottings About Town," Helena Independent, Montana, November 10, 1892, page 8 HIS EMPLOYEES
In His Time of Trouble George E. Boos Finds He Has Sincere Friends.
We, the undersigned, employees of the Daily Journal and
Journal Publishing companies, desire to publicly express our sincere
sympathy with Mr. George E. Boos, general manager of the above-named
companies, in the calamity which has so recently overtaken him in his
business pursuits. And we desire to express our appreciation of the
benefits we have received through him as our employer, and of the
manner in which he has dealt with us as employees. We realize the
extent of the loss which the city of Helena sustains in the failure of
this business enterprise, an enterprise which has so faithfully
advocated and zealously supported every movement which has had for its
purpose the advancement of the interests of the city of Helena and the
development of the community in which we live, and one which has
afforded employment to so large a number of persons, thereby
contributing so greatly to the financial prosperity of the city.
We also recognize that we individually are called upon to share our portion of the burden of misfortune which has been laid upon him, and ask this means and opportunity of conveying to him our sincere sympathy in this time of greatest misfortune. [Signed by 32 employees.] Helena Independent, Montana, November 13, 1892, page 8 In its issue of Wednesday the veteran Missoulian announced that it had finally passed into the hands of the Missoulian Publishing Company, with George E. Boos as manager and Dr. A. H. Hersey editor. Both gentlemen are well known to the newspaper fraternity of Montana. The Missoulian will in a short time become a morning paper, and strange to say, it will be Republican in politics and advocate Helena for the capital. "Journals and Journalists," Weekly Tribune, Great Falls, Montana, August 31, 1894, page 2 Mrs. George E. Boos and children will be residents of the Garden City [i.e., Missoula] for some time. "In the Garden City," Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, September 9, 1894, page 69 A large number of the business men of Missoula met at the courthouse this evening to organize a board of trade, looking to the advancement of Missoula's interests. George E. Boos was elected temporary chairman and E. H. Winstanly temporary secretary. "Cobban's Scheme a Go," Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, February 19, 1895, page 6 Mrs. George E. Boos and two daughters, who have been spending the winter in Louisville, Ky., where Miss Lottie has been attending school, returned to Montana last week and are at Missoula. "Personal and General," Helena Independent, Helena, Montana, March 17, 1895, page 7 George E. Boos, business manager of the Missoulian, is over from Missoula. "Personal," Helena Independent, Helena, Montana, June 8, 1895, page 8 Early in the spring of 1879, Jack Fisk went to Chicago, and while there purchased a small bindery outfit--the first in Montana--and brought with him to run it a first-class bookbinder in the person of George E. Boos, who afterwards started the Stock Journal, up to that time the best daily paper in Montana, and the last publication of which was dated Nov. 9, 1888, the day after Ben Harrison was elected President. Mr. Boos, who started in as a bookbinder in Montana, has succeeded so well that he is now manager of the Missoulian in this city and candidate for state auditor. "Editors and Comps," Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, June 27, 1896, page 12 In the Wrong Pew.
Madison County Monitor:
Looks rather queer, doesn't it? for a candidate for state auditor to
come a-begging to a Democratic newspaper for its support to his
candidacy on the ground that he has "constantly put forth his best
efforts to promote the welfare of the Republican Party." But Brother
George E. Boos of the Missoulian
was never known to suffer from excessive modesty.
Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, September 2, 1896, page 9 George E. Boos, Harry Mattison, Henry O. Collins, Arthur F. Boos and Peter Towey have formed a partnership under the name of the Missoula Publishing Company, have leased the Missoulian plant and will run it under the new order, beginning February 1st. Philipsburg Mail, Philipsburg, Montana, January 29, 1897, page 2 When McKinley and Bryan were contesting for the presidency [in 1896], Montana was decidedly for Bryan, the latter having the support of the Silver Republican Party, no unimportant element in Montana and of generous proportions in Missoula County. To be a gold bug in those days was to be a marked man. George E. Boos, and an insignificant following, were gold bugs. The organization of the Republican Party was in the hands of the Silver Republicans, leading lights of which were Hon. Thomas C. Marshall and William Q. Rauft. Mr. Boos was manager of the Missoulian, which during the presidential campaign was forced to assume a colorless attitude by the Silver Republicans, who even went so far as to threaten to start anther paper if he preached pure Republicanism as he threatened to do. . . . When the votes were counted and it was found that McKinley and not Bryan was elected, the Silver Republicans of Missoula County proceeded to get into line as rapidly as possible and to demand the spoils of office. . . . The one particular prize in view, however, was the Missoula post office, and George E. Boos became a candidate for that position. He received most hearty endorsement, whatever may be said to the contrary, as recommendations on file will prove. But Mr. Boos was persona non grata to Col. Marshall and Mr. Rauft, and they made no secret of their endeavor to defeat him; notwithstanding this, Mr. Boos loyally supported Col. Marshall for Congress with his paper. The colonel was defeated by A. J. Campbell, a man whose position is much more admired than he is himself in Montana. . . . The wishes of a holdover Republican senator in regard to federal appointments could not be ignored by Senator Carter, and Senator Worden was consulted about the Missoula post office. Senator Worden, Marshall and Rauft are good friends. Senator Worden informed Senator Carter that he would not endorse George E. Boos [for postmaster]. Marshall and Rauft cast about for a man to defeat Boos. . . . George Keep, chief clerk at the Florence Hotel, was next endorsed by Col. Marshall and Rauft and of course recommended by Senator Worden. Senator Carter was somewhat disturbed in mind. Boos had good backing, but he was not in with the push. The senator found a way out of the difficulty. He secured a place for George E. Boos at Washington, chief of the census printing department, with a good salary attached. Mr. Boos accepted the place. Mr. Keep was then assured of the postmastership, which he will have within a few days. The Silver Republicans are jubilant and the regulars correspondingly depressed, for Mr. Boos will be removed from Missoula. "Missoula," Weekly Miner, Butte, Montana, May 11, 1899, page 13 NOT HITTING HIGH PLACES.
Editor George E. Boos Takes His Good Luck Calmly
George E. Boos, editor and publisher of the Missoulian, who
has only recently been appointed superintendent of printing of the
census, is in the city on a brief visit. Mr. Boos' new position will,
it is said, pay $7,000 a year and will consequently be nearly as
remunerative as the ownership of a Montana newspaper, but it is said
that the hours will not be so long as an editor's and the work will be
much lighter.
Editor Yerkes, of the Bozeman Chronicle, and Mr. Boos had a long conference last evening, and Mr. Yerkes, it is said, advised Mr. Boos that if he would exercise strict economy and live within his $7,000 income during the next seven years and purchase bank stocks with his savings he might become rich someday, too. Editor Boos could not be said to have looked displeased about the appointment, but he did not show evidence of unusual exultation, either. He said that he did not know yet when he would go to Washington, but understood that it might be about June 1. "Montana is a good place to spend the summer in," said Mr. Boos. "I wouldn't care if I might stay here until September." Helena Independent, May 15, 1899, page 5 NOT HITTING HIGH PLACES
Helena Weekly Independent, Helena,
Montana, May 25, 1899, page 15Editor George E. Boos Takes His Good Luck Calmly
George E. Boos, editor and publisher of the Missoulian, who
has only recently been appointed superintendent of printing of the
census, is in the city on a brief visit. Mr. Boos' new position will,
it is said, pay $7,000 a year and will consequently be nearly as
remunerative as the ownership of a Montana newspaper, but it is said
that the hours will not be so long as an editor's and the work will be
much lighter.
Editor Yerkes, of the Bozeman Chronicle, and Mr. Boos had a long conference last evening, and Mr. Yerkes, it is said, advised Mr. Boos that if he would exercise strict economy and live within his $7,000 income during the next seven years and purchase bank stock with his savings he might become rich someday, too. Editor Boos could not be said to have looked displeased about the appointment, but he did not show evidence of unusual exultation, either. He said that he did not know yet when he would go to Washington, but understood that it might be about June 1. "Montana is a good place to spend the summer in," said Mr. Boos. "I wouldn't care if I might stay here until September." An Eight Years' Job.
Special Dispatch to the Standard.
Sept. 11.--George Boos, of Missoula, who has been appointed chief of
the printing division of the census bureau, left here tonight for
Washington to assume his duties. His family will follow him in about
one month. Mr. Boos expects that his term of office will last about
eight years.
Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, September 12, 1899, page 2 Mrs. George E. Boos, Misses Charlotte and Antoinette will depart for Washington, D.C., where they will join Mr. Boos. "Neighboring Cities: Missoula," Weekly Miner, Butte, Montana, November 30, 1899, page 14 1238 Kenesaw Avenue, Washington, D.C.: George E. Boos, 48, government clerk, born March 1852 in Wisconsin, parents born in Germany Dora L. Boos, 27, born October 1852 in Kentucky, parents born in Germany Charlotte B. Boos, 21, born November 1878 in Illinois Antoinette M. Boos, 9, born September 1890 in Montana U.S. Census, enumerated June 4, 1900 Will Campaign in
George E. Boos, superintendent of printing, census office, left
yesterday for his home in Montana to take part in the presidential
campaign. Mr. Boos has been in active politics in Montana for a number
of years, having been treasurer and general manager of the Helena Journal, with
Russell B. Harrison. He has always been an ardent Republican and feels
that every individual who can take part in continuing an administration
of good government should do so. Mr. Boos proposes to be in the
thickest of the fight until the night of the election, and said before
leaving that he felt satisfied McKinley would be reelected.
Evening Star, Washington, D.C., October 16, 1900, page 7 Census Estimate Too High.
October 20.--George E. Boos, a former resident of this city, and a
well-known newspaper man of Missoula, is spending a few days in the
city visiting old friends. Mr. Boos now has a position in the census
department in Washington, and while he is unwilling to speak on census
matters, he admits that the population of Montana, as will be shown by
the returns from the department, will not be up to expectations. Where
the falling off in the expected increase is he did not care to state.
The statements of the population of Helena, published some time ago, he
says, is correct.
River Press, Fort Benton, Montana, October 24, 1900, page 5 George E. Boos, special agent of the United States Census Bureau, is in the city, gathering information relative to street railways, a branch of work to which he is specially detailed. The bureau is collecting minute information of every street railway in the country. "Personal Mention," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, January 18, 1903, page 22 George E. Boos, of Washington, D.C. is a guest at the Portland. "Personal Mention," Morning Oregonian, Portland, January 29, 1903, page 10 Mr. and Mrs. George Boos, who have been living here the past 20 years, have located in Portland. "News of Society: Forest Grove," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, February 15, 1903, page 22 Collecting Mining Data.
E. Boos, of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C., is
at Baker City, and will make a complete report of mining in Eastern
Oregon, showing production, cost of operation, wages, etc. By act of
Congress mine owners are compelled to furnish information under penalty.
Bend Bulletin, August 7, 1903, page 4 TO HOUSE FAIR CROWDS
Suggestion That Temporary Flats
Be Erected, as in Buffalo.
"What are you going to
do to accommodate all the thousands of people who will come to Portland
to see the Lewis and Clark Fair?" asked George E. Boos, of Washington,
D.C., a special agent of the United States Geological Survey, who
arrived yesterday from Baker City, where he has been collecting
statistics of the production of minerals in the year 1902. "Your hotels
are full now, with only ordinary travel, and even two or three hotels
the size of the Portland will not hold all the people who will come."You need more hotels, but to provide for the Fair it would be a good idea to adopt the policy of Buffalo. There the people built cheap, two-story flats on vacant lots, which could be taken down again after the fair. They were stuccoed and painted, and looked nice, but they did not cost much, and rooms in them could be rented for $1 a night. When the Grand Army met at Washington, we put up tents in the suburbs. That did very well for a few days, and the old soldiers enjoyed it, because it felt like a return to camp life, but for visitors to the Fair, who are likely to remain some time, you need something more permanent. You will need accommodation for which you will have no use after the Fair; so that it is out of the question to put up enough hotels for the purpose, though you need more hotels even now. I hear the Lewis and Clark Fair talked about all over the country, and the enterprise will be greatly damaged if it gets about that you cannot accommodate the people. "Lots of mines are being opened in Baker County," continued Mr. Boos, "and a great deal of money is being spent in development, so that there are likely to be a number of new producers next year. I am collecting statistics for the year 1902, giving not only the quantity of ore marketed, but the quantity in stock at mills and smelters and on the dump at the mines. The district will begin to realize great results from the work that is being done by next year, provided the ore can be hauled to reduction works. In many of the states I have visited I find custom mills handling the product of given districts at profit to the millman and the miner. It occurred to me that this same practice could be established in Baker County with profit. I do not see why mill men do not go into the various districts and make contracts for the ore. In this manner the small operator would be encouraged to market as much ore as possible, and he would find near at hand the means of making a little ready money, so that he might press his work without the assistance of outside capital." Mr. Boos, who is at the Perkins, has come to Portland to finish up his work on the Baker district, many of the mines being owned in this city. He is an old Montana newspaper man. having started the Helena Journal in 1884, and sold the control in 1890 to Russell Harrison, who continued the paper until 1892, and brought the first Mergenthaler typesetting machine west of the Mississippi River. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 27, 1903, page 14 George E. Boos of Helena is not a permanent resident, but he has been here a great deal on official business connected with the census bureau in Washington. Since he severed his connection with the census department, Mr. Boos has gone into the exploitation of Alaska mines and will probably make his headquarters here. "Former Montanans Make Up an Important Colony in Puget Sound's Big City," Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, Jun 5, 1904, page 3 BOOS
He Is Now a Special Agent for One of the Departments of the Government.
E. Boos, formerly publisher of a newspaper in Missoula and later in the
public printing office in Washington, D.C., arrived in Butte last
evening and through force of habit registered as "George E. Boos,
Montana" at the Finlen. Mr. Boos is now United States special agent
under the Department of Commerce and Labor and is here for the purpose
of gathering statistics for compilation under that heading. The
statistics comprise taxation, crime, pauperism and benevolence,
together with those pertaining to the number of births and deaths in
the state. His work will not be confined to Montana, but the start is
to be made here. It will cover Idaho, Wyoming, Washington, Oregon,
California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado and keep him busy more than 300
days. Mr. Boos came direct from the East, his ride from Chicago being
continuous. Senator Thomas H. Carter came west on the same train, but
went direct to Helena.
Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, July 24, 1904, page 9 George E. Boos at Helena.
Special Dispatch to the Standard.
Helena, Aug. 19.--George E. Boos, a former resident of Helena, who was
long engaged in the printing and publishing business, is revisiting
former scenes after an absence of a number of years that have been
broken only by an occasional visit. Mr. Boos removed from Helena to
Missoula a number of years ago, where he embarked in the publishing
business. Then he went to Washington to accept a position in the census
department. For three years he has been gathering statistics of
different kinds for the department.
Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, August 11, 1904, page 11 GETTING FACTS ABOUT OREGON'S
representatives of Uncle Sam called at the county jail this morning and
secured criminal statistics to be used in the next census reports.
Their names are George E. Boos and Leroy Thomas. They are commissioned
to procure statistics from every city and county jail in the state and
the penitentiary at Salem.
Only actual commitments since the first of the year were taken by the commissioners. Color, age, nationality, whether single or married, nature of the crime committed and the date of the expiration of sentence were secured in the case of each prisoner. These statistics will not only be used in the census reports but will form valuable material for the government, it was explained, in keeping apprised of individual criminals, their whereabouts and other facts. Oregon Daily Journal, Salem, October 14, 1904, page 5 George E. Boos, of Washington, D.C., special agent of the manufacturers' branch of the United States census bureau of the department of commerce and labor, is in the city, a guest of the Idanha. He is here collecting data for the census bureau of the manufacturing business done in 1904 and includes all enterprises that produce anything, either in line of raw material or a manufactured product from the raw material. . . . Mr. Boos was formerly a resident of Montana, where he was engaged in the newspaper business with Russell B. Harrison, publishing the Helena Journal from 1886 to 1892. "Data for Census," Idaho Statesman, Boise, August 6, 1905, page 2 At a meeting of the literary department of the Seattle Woman's Club, held Tuesday, Mrs. George E. Boos was elected leader and Mrs. Eugene Wilson secretary. "Literary Clubs," Seattle Daily Times, October 15, 1905, page 34 Forms New Connections.
E. Boos has associated himself with the General Lithographing &
Printing Company, of this city, and the firm, under the name of George
E. Boos Company, Manufacturers and Dealers in the H. C. Miller's Loose
Leaf Accounting System, has been merged into the above-named company,
with offices at the old stand, 113-115-117 Third Avenue South.
Seattle Daily Times, March 15, 1906, page 4 COMMISSION G. E. BOOS
Former Montanan to Boost for Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.
George E. Boos, who has been a resident of this state since 1902, has
been appointed special commissioner of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
Exposition for the states of Montana, Idaho and Utah, says the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Mr.
Boos also spent a number of years prior to his coming to Washington in
those states to which he will be sent as a commissioner. His present
home is at 1526 Belmont Avenue.
Mr. Boos became a resident of Montana in 1879 and started in the newspaper business there. He began as publisher of the Montana Stock journal and in 1886 took charge of the Helena Daily Journal. He became proprietor of the Montana Missoulian in 1894 and continued to publish this paper until 1899, when he was appointed to the office of superintendent of printing of the twelfth United States census. His many years' residence in Montana as publisher and state printer brought him in touch with many of the prominent citizens of Montana, Idaho and Utah. He has taken an active part in several of the large expositions held in this country. After the completion of the printing of the United States census he was appointed special statistician of the Department of Commerce and labor, visiting the western states in gathering data on street railway, electric power, mines and mining and manufacturing industries of the West. Anaconda Standard, Anaconda, Montana, January 6, 1907, page B12 A visitor at the [Commercial] Club today was George E. Boos, commissioner of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition for the states of Montana, Idaho and Utah. Mr. Boos is in Portland in the interest of the 1909 Seattle fair. "Dr. Brougher Will Shout for Portland," Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, March 21, 1907, page 10 NEW SECRETARY A NEWSPAPER MAN
George E. Boos, Business Head of Seattle Commercial Club, Well Known in Montana, Where He Published Papers.
E. Boos, the new secretary of the Seattle Commercial Club, who assumed
his duties this morning, is an old-time newspaper man. He came to
Montana in 1879. From 1886 to 1892 he was engaged with Russell
Harrison, son of President Harrison, in publishing The Journal at
Helena, Mont. From there he went to Missoula. With his family he came
to Seattle in 1903, and received the appointment of special
commissioner for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition for the states of
Montana, Idaho and Utah.
The following statement was made by Secretary Boos today regarding his policy as business head of the Seattle Commercial Club. "The club has a big job on its hands for the next two years, and it will be my aim to call every citizen's attention to this fact and request him to do his share. The club has in the past advocated many good measures and has carried them through with success for the best interests of the city, but this is only a starter, and I anticipate a large increase in membership as the good work of the club becomes better known. We should be 3,000 strong." Must Strive to Keep Up.
"We should
realize that the
phenomenal growth of our city is almost beyond our capability to keep
up with. Many of our public utility undertakings, both municipal and
corporate, it appears, are striving to do their share in providing the
public with the best that time and money and labor can produce, and
while we may at times find reason for complaint, we should look back
and realize what we have accomplished. Where do we find a progressive
city like ours in better shape--a city which is moving mountains to
build streets for use of business, which is daily increasing?"As to our municipal government, I believe that a more rigid economy should be practiced and that more stringent ordinances for the cleanliness of the city should be passed." Need of Better Jail.
"Our city
jail should have proper attention. The city needs better jail quarters."As to the streetcar system of the city, I believe that it is excellent. The rolling stock is of the most modern type, and the service is far superior to that in many eastern cities. The company is constantly making extensive improvements. "The streetcar fender problem, the city hall, street paving, manufacturing sites, the blocking of sidewalks and streets by contractors, and other topics of this character, will all come before the Commercial Club within a short time. The club is entering a new era of prosperity and, with the splendid backing it now has in the city, will be able to accomplish a tremendous amount of good during the coming year." Boos was, after leaving Helena, appointed superintendent of printing for the twelfth United States census. This work kept him in Washington for some time. He also did much work for the government gathering street railway statistics all over the United States. Seattle Daily Times, October 2, 1907, page 13 ![]() Secretary George E. Boos has a cozy office just off the main hall, and there is a reading room and a small card room off of it. . . . "The club is just beginning its third year," said Mr. Boos, "and the future is very bright. We have received 316 new members since last October, and when I saw that I mean regularly paid-up subscribers." "Commercial Club in New Quarters," Seattle Daily Times, May 10, 1908, page 4 Seattle to Send Aid.
Wash., Aug. 3.--The Seattle Commercial Club, through George E. Boos,
secretary, tonight wired Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Ottawa extending
support to the stricken ones in the Crows Nest district. Tomorrow both
the Commercial Club and the Chamber of Commerce will take steps to rush
some immediate aid.
Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 4, 1908, page 7 N. R. Sibley was last night elected secretary of the Seattle Commercial Club, to succeed George E. Boos, who has tendered his resignation, to take effect June 1. "Club Names Sibley Secretary," Seattle Daily Times, May 26, 1909, page 9 Prominent
Conservationists Invited
invitation to attend and participate in the sessions of the First
National Conservation Congress, to be held in Seattle August 26 to 28,
will today be extended to prominent men attending the National
Irrigation Congress in Spokane by George E. Boos, delegate to the State
Conservation Association. Boos, President E. H. Libby and Secretary L.
Frank Brown left for the Falls City last night to be present at the
irrigation meetings there. Boos has arranged for the distribution of
6,000 folders at Spokane, which features the conservation exhibits at
the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.
Seattle Daily Times, August 9, 1909, page 7 The federal manufacturers' census now being taken in Seattle under direction of George E. Boos, chief special agent for manufactures, under the bureau of the census, is expected to show close to 1,000 different factories in this city. . . . Mr. Boos was connected with the twelfth federal census as superintendent of printing at Washington, D.C., and later as special agent on manufactures, mines and mining, up to the time of locating in Seattle in 1905; later serving as commissioner of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition for the states of Montana and Utah. Mr. Boos was secretary of the Seattle Commercial Club from 1908 to 1909. "Opens Headquarters for Factory Census," Seattle Daily Times, March 20, 1910, page 13 George E. Boos of Seattle then presented to Medford [Elks] lodge No. 1168 a beautiful silken flag, which had been dedicated at Seattle to Medford. Mr. Boos gave it in appreciation of the cordial and splendid good fellowship extended to him during the past year. "Ladies' Night Is Great Success," Medford Mail Tribune, March 31, 1911, page 2
an hour of balloting Wednesday afternoon the board of directors of the
Medford Commercial Club chose George E. Boos, formerly of Seattle, as
secretary-manager of the club to succeed Charles A. Malboeuf, resigned.
Mr. Boos will receive a salary of $150 a month.
ROADS ARE BUILT BY COUNTIESSeveral other applicants were in the race, among them being Hal Conrad, formerly secretary of the club, Ed M. Andrews, who has been identified with Medford's growth for the past several years and Harry H. Hicks, city editor of the Mail Tribune. The balloting was spirited, Mr. Hicks taking the lead and holding it until the eighth ballot, when one of his supporters swung to Mr. Boos, who had the necessary number to elect. The board then declared his election unanimous. Mr. Boos, who takes up the duties of the office, so well administered by Charles A. Malboeuf, comes well recommended. He has recently been employed by the government in the census department. Previous to that time he was identified with the A.Y.P. exposition and was secretary of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. He came to Southern Oregon last fall and has invested in the valley, purchasing two tracts in Roguelands, Inc. Mr. Malboeuf leaves Friday night, and Mr. Boos will take up his new duties immediately. The commercial club met last evening and ratified the action of the board of directors. Mr. Boos addressed the members and was assured of their hearty support. A letter of appreciation of the services of Mr. Malboeuf was ordered drawn and presented to him. Medford Mail Tribune, April 27, 1911, page 5 George E. Boos, secretary of the Medford Commercial Club, is circulating a petition asking the Rogue River Valley Railroad to change its passenger schedule to make it more convenient for business people wishing to reside at or near the county seat. It should be granted. "Our Correspondents: Jacksonville," Medford Mail Tribune, May 14, 1911, page 13 PIPE'S AGE IS 130 YEARS
Medford Man Has Meerschaum Arab Gave Father for Water.
Or., Aug. 23.--(Special.)--Given to the father of George E. Boos,
secretary of the Medford Commercial Club, for a bag of water by an Arab
dying of thirst on the Sahara Desert, a meerschaum pipe reputed to be
130 years old has been brought to Medford from his home in Jacksonville
by Mr. Boos and deposited in a safety deposit vault.
Seventy-seven years ago, George Boos, Sr., was traveling across the Sahara Desert with a caravan when they came upon a party of Arabs suffering for water. The Arabs gave them ivory, gold, silver and many things of value for something to drink, and the meerschaum pipe fell to Mr. Boos. He kept it and smoked it and later brought it with him to America. Morning Oregonian, Portland, August 24, 1911, page 1 OREGON LINES ARE BACKED
Southern Railroad Company Stock Subscribed in Seattle.
Wash., Oct. 28.--With headquarters at Seattle and $2,000,000 capital,
the Oregon Southern Railroad Company has been organized by J. Arnold
Doyle, of Spokane; H. M. Farren, of Boise, and Charles Radebough of
Corning, Cal. According to the articles filed with the Secretary of
State here today, the purpose is to construct a railroad from Ashland,
Ore., to Medford, to Jacksonville, to Grants Pass, to Eugene, and to
Port Orford, with branches into California and in Oregon.
The three incorporators with George Godfrey and George E. Boos compose the first board of trustees. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, October 29, 1911, page 3 AN APPRECIATION.
The Mail
Tribune is
in receipt of the following tribute from the pen of George E. Boos,
former secretary of the Medford Commercial Club, to the small-town
newspaper, which hits the nail on the head so hard that comment is
unnecessary, except to admit that the appreciation is rare indeed:
To the Editor: The importance of a town is generally the impression created from the kind of a newspaper there is published in the town. A local newspaper is the mouthpiece of the town; it does more for a town than all the booster, commercial clubs and boom literature can do. For the size of our town our local newspapers are up to the standard compared with towns of similar importance. Then there are towns much larger than Medford which have no daily papers at all. Of course by their newspapers thou shall know them. Many prospective comers write, "I don't care for your literature; send me copies of your newspaper. I may want to subscribe for it for one or more months," and if you consult the subscription list of both our papers you will find in their out-of-town list many short-term subscribers who are studying our town through the papers they receive. I am in favor of improving our local papers. Our papers should contain more reading matter. A larger telegraph service, set in smaller type and set solid. To do this everybody will admit that the cost would be correspondingly greater. It is the duty of every local merchant, manufacturer, contractor and business man to advertise in his home paper, and it is also the duty of the reading community to at least subscribe for one of the home papers. Some business men look upon a newspaper only so far as "What can I get out of it by inserting my ad." This merchant is not the best citizen. He is shortsighted, selfish, and one of that caliber that don't care a tinker's cuss for his city or town which he expects trade from. Help to improve your home paper by liberal patronage, and then the growth of a green bay tree would not be in it. A small-town newspaper is a dead and shut proposition. None ever got rich at it. It's an everyday grind to find ways and means to meet payrolls, and if the publisher's receipts should increase, you can depend on it that increase goes back in the columns. There is no other way around it. We have an up-to-date city, our municipal improvements are modern, our water, lighting, sewer, police, streets and sidewalk system compare favorably with many cities twice the size of Medford, and much of the credit is due first to our newspapers. GEORGE
Medford Mail Tribune, May
6, 1912, page 4 The
Central Point Herald also
printed the letter.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Boos of Medford announce the marriage of their daughter Charlotte Beatrice to Mr. William Frederick Hart on Tuesday, May 7th, at New Orleans, La. "Society,"Medford Mail Tribune, May 6, 1912, page 4 The first day of the campaign for the securing of 10,000 acres for the completion of the proposed Roguelands Canal netted 1560 acres, the result of the efforts of the Medford committee under the guidance of George E. Boos, representative of the Rogue River Valley Canal Co. This with the 900 acres previously signed up makes a total of 2460, almost one-quarter of the total amount necessary. "Many Acres Are Signed for Water," Medford Mail Tribune, June 13, 1912, page 6 Get Water on Land; See Things Boom
Geo. E. Boos, field representative of the Rogue River Canal
was in Gold Hill the other day preaching the gospel of irrigation, and
found a sympathetic hearing, as it has come to be commonly agreed that
Southern Oregon land, good as it is without water, is better with
water, understandingly handled.Says George E. Boos Irrigation Evangel for Valley The company which Mr. Boos represents has undertaken to secure contracts for the irrigation of 10,000 acres, and he reports great success in the work of persuading land owners to increase the productivity of their soil. The central portion of the valley will be covered by water from the canal extensions of the company, which are to cost $1,500,000, and upon which work will start as soon as the minimum of 10,000 acres which makes the project possible is secured. "Water on the land means bigger crops," asserted Mr. Boos. "It means more intensive cultivation, and this means an increase of population. It means a steady, reliable, dependable market for all our agricultural products. It means an annual improvement of our crops, which will bring them to the highest perfection. It means good roads and transportation companies to move our products--consequently lower rates. It means that this valley, endowed with its diversified resources, will become the most famous fruit garden in the West." Gold Hill News, August 24, 1912, page 1 A. K. Ware, Dr. Ratte and George E. Boos of Medford were among those who came up to take in the fair today. The gentlemen are prominent in the councils of the progressive party in Jackson County and were combining political business with pleasure. "Local and Personal," Ashland Tidings, September 26, 1912, page 5 BOOS IS COMMISSIONER
George E. Boos
returned last night from San Francisco, bringing with him his
appointment of commissioner of the Panama-Pacific International
Exposition, to be held at San Francisco in 1915. His commission covers
the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. Mr. Boos will
again leave the city on Tuesday, after consultation with some of
Medford's people, to take up his work. The scope of his duties at this
time will be to interview the several governors and legislators-elect
of the four states assigned to him relative to appropriations for
buildings and exhibits. The following states have selected sites for
state buildings already: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
Utah, South Dakota, Missouri, Nebraska, Kentucky, Illinois, Arizona,
Pennsylvania, New York, Colorado, New Jersey, Indiana, California,
Philippine Islands and Hawaii.Medford Man Appointed to Promote Panama Exposition in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana. Oregon was the first to select a site for its building, and Mr. Boos says it is one of the most prominent on the grounds. New York state has already appropriated $700,000 for a building, and it is expected this will be doubled. Twenty-four foreign governments have also officially accepted the invitation of the President of the United States to participate. The object of the world-famed exposition is not generally understood, and it will be Mr. Boos' aim to exploit [sic] that this great exposition shall bring permanent values to the states of the nation. It is desired that each state may not only view what is best morally, educationally and economically in the countries of Europe and Asia, but that they shall learn from each other and make this great celebration the beginning of a closer fellowship and a better understanding. A representation of all the states will tend to the elimination of old prejudices, based on misinformation, and be the beginning of a new and better understanding among the states of the nation. Mr. Boos is desirous to have Oregon in the front rank and solicits suggestions and a general support in his work by the general public and especially so from his Medford friends. Mr. Boos is well fitted for this appointment, having held a similar commission of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in 1908. His experience as a newspaper man and a large acquaintance with the people in the West will crown him with success in his undertaking. Ashland Tidings, November 11, 1912, page 4 ![]() November 21, 1912 Oregonian Boos Goes to California to Boost
for Good Roads
A few days
ago George E. Boos,
secretary of the Pacific Coast Good Roads Association, left for
California to take up the good roads work there, with headquarters at
822-823 Balboa Building, San Francisco. Mr. Boos has completed a
successful campaign for the association and the good roads cause in
this county and the adjoining counties in Oregon and the northern
counties in California, and his purpose is to get central California in
line.The purpose of his association is to continue the agitation and boosting for good roads. His territory covers the three coast states from the borders of British Columbia to the borders of Mexico. He says relative to the Pacific Highway, only when the system is fully completed from these two terminals will the highway come to its best for the greatest benefit of our people on this coast. The Pacific Coast Good Roads Association's main work is creating sentiments for the promotion and construction of good lateral roads to the several highways. These "to the market" roads are as essential as the main and trunk highways. Mr. Boos says the whole country is life and soul for good roads and everybody is doing his little mite to assist in this laudable enterprise. He is pleased to report, though only five months old, the association already is backed by over 500 members. So far the majority are in California, but Oregon is a close second. Medford alone is represented by 108 members, Ashland 26, Grants Pass 23, Jacksonville 20, Roseburg 22, and every town in the neighboring counties is on the list. Last month 52 names were added to the California membership from Redding, California. Every mail brings requests for membership, and Mr. Boos says if the good work can be continued, the membership by the time the association meets in 1914 at Medford should be close to 3,000 members. With this body of good road advocates the Pacific coast should be in a position to accomplish much, not alone in our state legislatures, but in our federal congress as well. Mr. Boos is highly esteemed by our people, and we know of no one who could have better brought this good roads movement to a greater success. He says the good work is only begun and expects to return early in the spring to go down the whole line through the states of Oregon and Washington. During the absence of Mr. Boos the office will be in charge of Mr. H. R. Hance of the Rogue River Canal Company, and all local matters relative to the association will be promptly attended to. Knowing that Mr. Boos will make good, this paper extends to him a successful business career and a speedy return. Ashland Tidings, December 8, 1913, page 1 BOOS BOOSTER FOR BETTER ROADS
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 13.--After spending three months in preaching the
good roads doctrine in Southern Oregon and Northern California, Geo. E.
Boos, secretary of the Pacific Coast (Tri-States) Good Roads
Association, who was elected at Eureka last August, has opened
California headquarters at 821-823 Balboa Building. Boos expressed
great satisfaction at the number of good, hard-surface roads that are
being built throughout his territory.MAN ELECTED IN EUREKA IS BUSY San Francisco Headquarters Are Established by Association "The contract for grading thirteen miles of the Pacific Highway over the Siskiyou Mountains, connecting California and Oregon," he said, "was let for $108,000, to be completed May 1, 1914. "The total mileage for the Jackson County highway, fifty-two miles, for which there was voted half a million dollars in bonds, will be completed by December 15, 1914. The grades over the Siskiyou Mountains will be reduced from 30 percent, to not more than 6 percent. "The Northern California counties are taking hold well, as are those of Southern Oregon. Shasta County will this month vote $400,000 for roads; Humboldt is considering a million-dollar bond issue; Siskiyou County is right now spending a $50,000 fund for roads and rights of way and will shortly vote a bond issue of a similar sum; Josephine County, Oregon, is petitioning for a $200,000 bond issue; Douglas County is preparing for a bond election, and it is so all along the line. "Many districts are building and promoting laterals and links to the main highways. Considering all the various movements, I predict that in 1914 and 1915 more scientific road building will be done on the Pacific Coast than has ever been thought of in the past ten years. "I am in San Francisco to boost, for if our association's efforts will be encouraged, I do not see why we should not do even better in Central and Southern California than we have done in the north. We want to strengthen our association with a membership of at least 5,000 by July, 1914." Humboldt Times, Eureka, California, December 14, 1913, page 1 Better Highway Construction Main Topic in 61 Districts in California, Says Booster. PUBLICITY WORK IS URGED Improvements Increase Values of Land, George E. Boos Explains. $1,000,000 from Auto Tax Is Obtained Yearly for Repairs. By George K. Boos, Secretary, Tri-State Good Roads Association. (Part 2, California Highways.) The cost of administration, surveys and engineering amounts to from 10 to 15 percent. This will reduce the original amount almost $2,000,000, leaving but $16,000,000 for actual road construction. As originally planned, the 900 miles of laterals probably will be constructed and the reduction of mileage will be taken from the trunk lines. This is as it should be. The Pacific Coast Good Roads Association's primal object is to bring about the construction of lateral roads to the market, the cities and towns. Consequently, we of our association encourage the commission for doing this wise act. We could go further. Since there is no possibility of completing the highways in the three coast states by 1915, the year of the Panama-Pacific Exposition, when perhaps the largest travel for years is expected, we deem it advisable that for the present only the roads which are impassable, or such stretches of roads as are bad, should be constructed (not repaired) of the regulation width and of such material and type as will be selected for the ultimate highway system. Education Campaign Advocated.
Has our association been instrumental in the lateral road building in
the counties visited? Yes, very much so. As I have stated in a previous
article, I visited 62 localities in California alone. In every one of
these localities construction of better roads was the main topic, and
by our campaign we concentrated and crystallized a better sentiment
among the people.We found the majority of the people willing to pay the special road bond tax, but there are many who are opposed to progress and enterprise. This class is found in every community. They must be educated and convinced that good roads are as essential as good schools, and that every mile of lateral road built to the highway, market or city enhances their property from 20 to 60 percent. Their cry is high taxes. For illustration, a fruitgrower near Marysville, in Sutter County, has 10 acres fronting on the highway. This land was valued and purchased by him in 1909 for $4000. He complained that his taxes have increased almost 50 percent in four years. I asked him if that increase was on the valuation of the land in 1909, or at the present time. If the latter I agreed it was exorbitant. Property Increased by Road
I asked him: "Would you sell the place?" "Yes," he replied, "if I can
get my price for it." After some dickering he offered the place for
$9100 net, stating "It is on the highway," and "it is worth the price."I believe it was a reasonable price. I finally convinced him that the increase of taxes was largely due to the enhancement of his property by the exterior improvement, and that today he is paying on a valuation of $10,000, an increase of 100 percent, with only a 60 percent increase in taxes, all due to good roads. He finally agreed with me that better roads make values and better communities. What provisions are made for maintaining the highways? For maintaining the highway the state of California has an automobile license which brings more than $1,000,000 annually. The lowest license fee for autos is $10, and the highest is $30. Five-sixths of the revenue is for repair and maintenance of the highway, one-half of the revenue going to the county where the automobile is registered. I shall shortly start out for a membership campaign in Oregon and Washington. We want 3000 good road boosters by the date of the second annual meeting, held at Medford on July 17-18. 1914. Sunday Oregonian, Portland, May 17, 1914, page 51 George E. Boos, now vice-president of the Jackson County branch of the Taxpayers and Wage Earners League, was in Gold Hill for the fair, having the "best of good times" and preaching the propaganda against statewide prohibition. "Local News Notes," Gold Hill News, September 26, 1914, page 3 The Swastika Club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Boos, 972 Milwaukie Avenue, November 6. "Society," Sunday Oregonian, Portland, November 15, 1914, page C5 George E. Boos left this morning for San Francisco on matters in connection with the Tri-State Good Roads meeting to be held in that city next year in connection with the 1915 fair. Mr. Boos also has a position with the exposition. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail Tribune, November 16, 1914, page 2 ![]() This will be the fourth annual convention of the association. The first was held in Eureka, Cal., in 1913; the second at Medford, and the third at San Francisco last year. The association covers the three Coast states-- Washington, Oregon and California. . . . "The association is not organized for a single purpose centered upon a specific highway," said Mr. Boos yesterday. "It advocates and promotes construction of good roads everywhere in the three states. It is broad in scope, with manifold road interests, and, therefore, greatly assists the work of the greater Pacific and the larger highway associations of the United States. "It helps to build the very roads that the larger associations need in routing their continuous single highways through the various states." "Roads Men to Meet," Morning Oregonian, Portland, June 6, 1916, page 7 ROAD PLANS MADE
Tri-State Association to Work for Bond Issue. CAMPAIGN IS SCHEDULED Complete of Pacific Highway Is First Object-- Convention of Boosters May Be Called at Medford.
Or., March 8.--(Special.)--In view and in anticipation of highway and
road legislation in Oregon which finally terminated for future
activity, and the necessity of a strong campaign for the successful
carrying of the $6,000,000 road bond issue, the Tri-State Good Roads
Association, which accomplished such good work in California, was
reorganized last week and has elected four of its five tri-state
directors from the state of Oregon, as follows:
John A. Westerlund, Medford, president; C. C. Chapman, Portland, vice-president; George E. Boos, Medford, executive secretary; W. C. Leever, ex-Jackson County Commissioner, Central Point, director and chairman; advisory board; J. Edgar Allen, San Francisco, Cal., treasurer; C. Y. Tengwald, assistant secretary. The purpose and object of the association for the year 1917 is to devote its best efforts for the betterment of good roads in the state of Oregon and especially the construction and completion of the Pacific Highway, connecting the states of Washington and California, and such other roads and highways as provided for in the legislative act passed as amended under bill No. 550. Secretary George E. Boos is already in receipt of letters from members of the association from the three states offering their assistance in the campaign. An advisory board consisting of good road advocates of every city and town in Oregon will be selected shortly to assist the association in spreading the gospel and organizing a strong campaign for better roads. The states of Washington and California, which are vitally interested in roads, will also be called upon to help. The tri-state organization is one with interested members in the sister states who will be called upon to assist Oregon in perfecting the interstate thoroughfares throughout the state. The association is already in correspondence with all the automobile and good roads clubs of the three states to get their advice and support in holding a good roads convention sometime prior to the date of the bond election, to be held at Medford, the most centrally located city on the Pacific Highway, inviting the governors, highway commissioners, county engineers and automobile clubs of the three states, and the public in general to participate. Details are now being worked out by the directors to launch their campaign. Morning Oregonian, Portland, March 6, 1917, page 13 George E. Boos, secretary of the Tri-State Good Roads Association, registered at the Imperial en route to Seattle, where he will attend a family reunion of the Boos clan, the first to be held since 1899. "Personal Mention," Morning Oregonian, August 7, 1917, page 9 Helena, Montana: George A. [sic] Boos, 66, customs inspector, born in Wisconsin, parents born in Germany Dora L. Boos, 65, born in Kentucky, parents born in Germany U.S. Census, enumerated March 23, 1920 U.S. Special Agent in
E. Boos, United States Special Agent on Irrigation Statistics, is in
Vale for the purpose of getting data on irrigation. He is now sending
irrigation schedules to those who have not yet reported, and he
earnestly requests that the blanks furnished be filled out and returned
to him promptly. He is making headquarters at the courthouse and will
be glad to meet irrigators to help them make their report. It is to the
interest of every water user to make this report and to assist in
making a good showing for this country.
Malheur Enterprise, Vale, Oregon, October 2, 1920, page 1 FORMER PUBLISHER KILLS SELF.
Wash. (AP)--George Boos, once associated with Russell B. Harrison, son
of former President Benjamin Harrison, in publishing the Montana Journal at
Helena, Mont., was found dead in the bathroom of his apartment here
Tuesday, with a bullet in his head. His wife said she heard the shot
from an adjoining room. Mr. Boos was 70 years old.
Idaho Statesman, Boise, November 2, 1922, page 1 George E. Boos, 70, 312 E. Olive St., October 31. "Deaths," Seattle Daily Times, November 4, 1922, page 13 EDWARD H. BOOS OF MISSOULA IS DEAD
Missoula, Sept. 26.--(AP)--Edward H. Boos, 60, advertising manager of
the Missoula Mercantile Company since 1899, died at his home here today
after a long illness.
He came to Montana from Kentucky with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Boos, in 1888. The family first resided at Helena, where the elder Boos was publisher of the Helena Journal. In 1894, the family moved to Missoula, where the elder Boos was publisher of the Missoulian during the Helena-Anaconda state capital struggle. Helena Independent, Helena, Montana, September 27, 1937, page 1 Last revised June 12, 2024 |