The Infamous Black Bird Southern Oregon History, Revised

1858 Jackson County Names

A list of politically significant residents--probably loyal Democrats--transcribed from a ledger in the Joseph Lane Papers at the Lilly Library.

Jacksonville, Jackson.
R. T. Brickley J. W. Rigsby Omar T. Saltmarsh John Goldsby
G. B. Davidson Perry Bowen F. M. Strickland Chas. Donaldson
Dennis Crawley A. J. Molton Jas. Ross Chas. Burton
Wm. F[illegible] Mary Ann Harris, widow of George

Gen. John K. Lamerick Thos. Stewart D. B. Brenan
Ben Haymond John T. Holman G. W. Keeler P. P. Prim Esq.
James Barnes Thos. Pyle Hon. J. C. Reed C. C. Beekman
J. Tatum Ben R. Davis Rev. J. O. Raynor Jas. Clugage
Lewis Miller James Ringgold W. T. Kelley
Removed R. B. Morford J. R. Peters Sewall Truax
John O'Brien W. W. Fowler T. F. Beall Ben. T. Davis
John Nichols A. B. Overbeck Jos. Satterfield J. B. Sifers, P.M.
F. M. Strickland Wm. Hoffman James Hamlin B. F. Dowell
J. Swingle J. B. White L. J. C. Duncan M. G. Rice
D. Courtney Lycurgus Jackson B. Bozarth Henry Klippel
M. Dildine Jas. Kilgore Dr. George Fidler W. J. Allen
S. D. Van Dyke E. R. Alcorn O. D. Hoxie Wm. Burke
Alexr. Carter Richard Williams N. D. Smith W. M. Hughes
John Music H. H. Brown Harvey Morgan E. Pinkham
Phillip Griff Jacob Hoffman Hon. C. Nye Major Ball
Jas. E. Davidson Col. James Bruce Wm. Hughes J. S. Miller


Scottsburg, Umpqua Co.
    R. H. Lord, P.M. Job Hatfield
Wm. Golden John Nicholson
E. P. Drew J. W. Drew
Benj. Brattain Gard Chism
J. A. Haines P.M.: Lord & Co.
Wm. E. Lewis
Ashland Mills, Jackson Co.
A. D. Helman Giles Wells
J. C. Tolman Hon. Thos. Smith
Hon. Patrick Dunn Claiborne Neil
W. T. Songer
Gardiner, Umpqua Co.
J. T. Cooper Peter Mackey
Collector: Burns
Elkton, Umpqua County
        Hon. W. W. Wells, P.M. Jas. M. Merrick Danl. Stearns
Henry Brown Pitzer Smith Hon. D. H. Wells
Wm. Hibbert S. R. Slayton Clark Hudson
L. Butler

Names drawn from the records of
precinct meetings--March 1858

Jackson Co.

Manzanita precinct--
Thos. Hopwood, Chn. Jas. Kilgore, Sect.
John S. Miller Thos. F. Beall
Hyman Fairchild
Sterling precinct--
R. Armstrong, Chn. Jas. T. Wood, Sect.
B. Bozarth P. Bowen
D. Crowley J. A. Van Nest
Evansville precinct--
D. F. Fisher, Chn. Benj. Haymond, Sect.
L. F. Gall Marion Dildine
Ashland precinct--
P. Drum, Chn. A. M. Short, Sect.
Thos. Smith Jona. Jampson
Geo. Good W. F. Songer
Eden precinct
N. D. Smith J. P. Burns
W. J. Allen Jas. Hamlin
Star Gulch precinct
Wm. Carberry, Chn. U. S. Hayden, Sect.
T. L. Linkswiler G. B. Davidson
Applegate precinct
Danl. Newcomb, Chn. Kasper Kubli, Sect.
John O'Brian Jas. P. Barnes
Jacksonville precinct
Wm. Burke, Chn. R. Williams, Sect.
Butte Creek precinct
Ogden Barrett
Some names were lost in the gutter of the book.    P.M.=Postmaster.

Last revised December 10, 2017