![]() ![]() Thomas Hart Benton Taylor Novel Confidence Operation.
Among the wounded at the Lovell Hospital
was a man who called himself Thomas H. Benton Taylor, a
soldier belonging to an Indiana regiment, who was shot through the hand
during the Rebellion. At the hospital he received the kindest
care of a young lady belonging to this city, who, as he expressed to
us, saved his life. The constant companionship of this soldier and
the lady finally led to their being united in marriage, and they came
to this city to live, but after a short interval he
represented that he could better secure a living if he knew the rules
of bookkeeping, and wished to go to Poughkeepsie to study.(From the Newport, R.I. Mercury.) Having no money himself, he secured about one hundred dollars from his wife and went on his way. While he was there it became known that he was not a true husband, but probably a bigamist. After a while he came back, flush with money, and was employed as bookkeeper by one of our merchants at a very small salary, and continued in this employ for about one year, when he was employed by another. He had been in his new employ but a few months, when one day he received a telegram which read as follows: "SALEM, INDIANA.--T. H. B. Taylor.--Your uncle died yesterday, leaving you $40,000. Come on and get the money." The report of his luck immediately spread, and he commenced his confidence operations at once by borrowing $100, as he alleged, for the purpose of going to Indiana. He stayed but a short time away, and returned with some gold pieces which he showed to his friends, alleging that his uncle left $500 in gold which had been divided between the three heirs. Soon after a package came by express, marked with his name and denoting that it contained $3,000. About this time two strange men were seen with him, who stopped but one day, and dined at his house. He soon hired a large house and continued his confidence game by securing costly pictures and other articles to be placed in the house, and as he was now reported rich, had no trouble in procuring watches, jewelry, nice clothes, dry goods, &c., until his credit had secured him goods to the value of over $4,500. He represented that he wished these articles by a certain time, as he was then going to Indiana to get $20,000, and would return on Monday last and pay for them. The day before he started on his journey, he sold all the furniture in the house where he had been living for $200 cash. He then packed all the articles of value that he had received into a number of trunks, and left the city. He did not return as promised, and the following day those who had been made his victims found to their sorrow that he was a black-hearted villain. His wife, who is an estimable lady, was on a visit to some friends in Providence during the whole of his last operations, and first knew of his desertion by the receipt of a letter stating that when it reached her he would be on his way to Europe. It is now some ten days since he left the city with the articles secured, and no tidings have been received of his whereabouts. The Cincinnati Commercial, August 14, 1867, page 5 RETURNED.--We hear that Mr. T. H. B. Taylor, whose departure from Newport some weeks since elicited considerable comment, has returned and taken rooms at the Perry House, where he is receiving calls from his friends. Newport Daily News, Newport, Rhode Island, December 21, 1867, page 2 Jan. 8[, 1870].--Thos. H. B. Taylor-Florence E. Booker. "Hymeneal" (list of marriage licenses issued by Woodbury County in 1870), Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, Iowa, January 8, 1871, page 4 Depot Hotel.--Thos. H. B. Taylor, Le Mars . . . "Personal," Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, Iowa, May 23, 1871, page 4 Thos. H. B. Taylor, Woodville, wounded in hand, $18.00. "Pensioners," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 1, 1884, page 2 PUBLIC NOTICE.
given his son,
E. H. B. Taylor, his time, and will not lay claim to any of his
earnings; neither will he be responsible for any debts of his
Pleasant Creek Precinct, April 6, 1889.Democratic Times, Jacksonville, April 11, 1889, page 3 Thomas H. B. Taylor, Woodville, Oregon, private, Company A, Third New York Cavalry, enlisted 1864, discharged October 2, 1864, length of service 7 [sic] months Wounded in left hand 1890 Veterans Schedules, U.S. Census Taylor's headstone says he was a corporal in Company F, 48th Illinois Infantry Dr. DeBar, of Jacksonville, was called to Evans Creek Sunday by T. H. B. Taylor, whose family are afflicted with the influenza. "Woodville Whittlings," Valley Record, Ashland, February 26, 1891, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor has piped off quite a large area of ground in the old Pomeroy diggings, and has several hands employed cleaning up. He will doubtless take out considerable dust. "Woodville Whittlings," Valley Record, Ashland, April 9, 1891, page 2 T. H. B. Taylor was in the city from Woodville this week and gave us a pleasant call. "Local and General," Medford Mail, June 10, 1892, page 3 Mrs. Thos. H. B. Taylor met with a very painful accident a few days since, being caught by a falling bank while she and her sister Miss Booker were running the giant in her husband's mines. T. H. B. and his son were both sick with the grippe at the time and the two hired men had quit work. Mrs. T. is all right again, able to attend to her household duties or run the giant, as the occasion may demand. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, February 5, 1892, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor and sons of Pleasant Creek are having a big run, with lots of water, and will doubtless make a nice cleanup in the spring. "Mining News," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 3, 1893, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor and G. E. Roberts are canvassing Yamhill County for the Economy Flour Bin, and report having taken eleven orders the first half day they were on duty. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, June 9, 1893, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor is just completing the largest and finest residence that has ever been built on Evans Creek. "Evans Creek Chronicles," Medford Mail, November 3, 1893, page 2 Patent No. 509,407 granted to E. H. B. Taylor and J. D. Wimer for Saw Tooth and Means for Securing Same, November 28, 1893. Evans Creek Chronology.
hope you will
excuse me for not writing sooner, but the fact is I have been kinder
under the weather (so to speak) and you will certainly sympathize with
anyone who has been under such as we have had for the past two or three
months. I went down to the Pass a few days ago to consult Dr. Kremer. I
had a hard time getting there, you bet. I got along all right until I
got just beyond the Tuff ranch, where I struck the Grants Pass level,
where I run into a bank of fog so thick that I was obliged to get out
of my vehicle and literally cut my way through; but as luck would have
it, I had a hay knife with me. Just as I got into the edge of town I
cut into some other fellow, and he said, "where in Sheol
you going?" I said, "what part are you
in?" He said, "S.W. quarter, called Grants
Pass." Says I, "there's where
I wanted to get,
but" says I, "what in Sheol are you doing
now." Says he, "cutting some of this fog up into
chunks and piling it up in the corner of my garden to use when the dry
spell comes next June." Well, I finally got to the
doctor's office and told him I was feeling somewhat. Says he, "Let me
see your tongue"; then he felt of my wrists
a few seconds in a thoughtful attitude. "Oh, I
see," says he, "you need a new
diaphragm." I told him I had a very good one, but I loaned it
to old Mr. Scott last fall and he had never returned it. He said my
lumbar region was out of fix, too. I asked him if common rough would do
to fix it up with, "for," says I, "I have
had considerable experience in the lumber business this fall (that
house, you know), and find that it would only take a little
No.1, S.P., S4S [first
grade sugar pine, sanded four sides] to ruin the whole
business." Oh," says Doc., "you are non compos mentis." I told him I
he was right. He said he could fix me all right. so he loaded up some
blank cartridges he had (about 38 caliber) with powder and
told me at
early candle light to fire one of them down my esophagus. "Down where?"
says I. But let me see, where was I?
Oh, yes, I was going to give you the news from Tail Holt and Evans
Creek generally. There isn't an empty house in Woodville; all
three of them are full, and so was Mr. Whatshisname a few days ago. The
Homestake mine has closed for the present. (I don't know
whether they will get it or not.) I asked one of the partners, the
other day, the signification of the name. He said an old crank located
that ledge, that sometimes made a little homestake and he wanted some
place to put it, where there was neither moth nor rust, and so forth.
Farmers in these parts are jubilant over the prospects of there being
rain sufficient to start the plow (with an oar); still some think that
eight or nine days more rain would make the ground a little softer. A
friend of mine told me, the other day, that while on his way from Gold
Hill he was attacked by reptiles, ad libitum--whatever that
is--from the most common garter up to the monster
boy instructor (boa constrictor). He said the only weapon of defense
he had was a "black bettie," which he wielded and
slayed them right and left, but all to no purpose, for in spite of all
some of them got into his boots. I have another account to give that
happened in this vicinity but not this time. Watch this space for the
next two or three weeks. But honest Injun, Mr. Editor, don't
this weather beat the oldest inhabitant? In a practical mining
experience of nigh onto twenty years it is the first time I ever saw it
too wet to mine. The farmers in this vicinity improved the fine fall we
have had, and most all have their seeding done in grand shape. At the
last literary at Woodville they had for debate: "Which is the
most enjoyable, happiness or misery." Misery, I believe, got
away with it. After all, what is more enjoyable, when one has been in
misery with pityriasis or psoriasis, than to lacerate our cuticular
system with our own nails? The next question for debate, I believe, is,
"Which race of people is the greatest blessing to
our country, the Chinese or the Japanese." Let us hope the
decision will settle a long mooted (and long tailed) question; and let
us also hope that the privilege of the hog-eye-man remaining on our
shores and polluting our air shall not be extended to exceed seven or
nine times more, "and thereby hangs a tale." "'Tis finished."THOS.
Mail, December 7, 1893, page 2This Is a Bear Story.
ED.:--As I
promised you some time ago to give you details of a very nearly bad
accident, I will do so now. I have called the following a "Black Bear
Story" in order to prevent its being mistaken for anything in the
ordinary--and the truth of which can be vouched for by several persons,
fully as truthful as is the writer himself--so here goes: It came to
pass on the seventh month and the 17th day of the month (about the time
the gopher wood boat run aground) as one Wakeman--whose surname was
Joseph, a Pharisee--and also a hypocrite--who sojourns on Pleasant
Creek--and his mother's name was Joshua. While going forth to provender
his camels, [he] heard something having a picnic with some of his pet
pigs, so Joseph ran to his house and the first thing that he came in
contact with was an ax, so he grabbed it and away to the rescue. The
racket was in a clump of brush, consisting of vine maple, buckhorn,
manzanita and greasewood (a bad mixture), so Joe rushed right into the
fracas pell mell, not dreaming of future consequences. "Hellen blazes,"
says Joe, "it's a bar!" but it was everlastingly too late to consider
now he had got so close he was afraid to run and his only alternative
was to fight--gathering all his strength he aimed a tremendous uppercut
at the intruder, which struck right where the bear was only a short
time before, but it cut a big slit in the air and jerked the ax handle
in two right in the middle. At this juncture the bear thought he
smelled a rat, so he let the other pig go and give his undivided
attention to Joe. Just then Joe made another pass at his antagonist
with the stub end of his ax handle, which was parried by bruin with his
right and simultaneously he shot out his left and caught Joe on the
shoulder with a downward stroke which took Joe's jumper and shirt
sleeve and some little calf skin along with the rest. Joe says just
then he happened to remember what he had read somewhere, about "He who
fights and runs away," and a live coward is better than half a dozen
dead heroes, so he lit out for the "dearest spot on earth to me." The
bear, in the meantime, having become somewhat bewildered as to which
one of them to pursue, had lost considerable time, which Joe was using
to the best he knew. Joe had not gone far before he met one of those
slick madrona trees, about six inches in diameter and about 20 feet to
the first limb; he thought he could make it, but he only got about 15
feet the first jump, so there he was--he says he never before felt as
though he would like to rise in the world--he had never in all his life
hugged anybody as tight as he did that sapling--he says he thinks if
there had been a good coat of grease on it he could have stuck, but he
began to lose ground. Joe says when he was slowly and surely sliding
down that tree, he looked back over his left shoulder and saw that bear
coming red eyed for him, he realized that "This world is but a fleeting
show," he saw that there was only a few short, fleeting moments between
him and eternity, he says he thought in a twinkling of all the awful
things he had ever done, how he kissed Mary Ann Simmons behind the
kitchen door at Squire Smith's candy pulling, how he had kept out a few
eggs every day for two or three weeks before Easter and hid them up in
the loft of the old log barn thereby deceiving his trusting and loving
mother, then too, he thought how he had went to the school house and
while ostensibly fixing up the fire, he had dropped a little cayenne
pepper on the stove just as evenin' prayer meetin' was getting under
way, but he thought there was perhaps one chance in about ten million
for him so he let all holds go and down he came, and said "farewell
vain world, I'm going home," and he started just as bruin made a grab
for the most imposing part of his physical system, but Joe was too spry
for him and away they went, Joe only a neck ahead. Just then he thought
of his faithful dog and he began to call, "Here Tige! here Tige! here
Tige!" The bear thought Sheol had broke loose in Georgia and give up
the chase and turned in the opposite direction and was soon lost in the
dank, dark woods. There was a picket fence in front of Joe's residence
but he never saw it, and never stopped until he was in his mother's
kitchen. Mother, says he, make me a cup of hop tea, for my nervous
system has not had such a shock since old Roan run away with me with
that load of pumpkins.T. H. B. TAYLOR.
P.S. Joe says there is no use talking, a
durned cat
with nine claws on each foot couldn't climb one of those slick madronas.Watch this space for the next time and I will tell you about our new house. T. H. B. T.
Mail, December 29, 1893, page 2The Mail is under obligations to Hon. Thomas H. B. Taylor of Woodville, for a complimentary box of fine sea birds (?). Mr. Taylor has notions that are peculiar, and this time his peculiarities tallied very accurately with the one article most desired as a means of sustenance by the pencil pushers of this "once a week" family companion. "All the Local News," Medford Mail, January 12, 1894, page 3 Our New House.
Two little robins
built a nest
I suppose, Mr. E., I might have saved
time and trouble by simply stating in the outset that our house was
just like Jerry Nunan's. It is in respect that the foundation was built
first and it was built outdoors. A foolish thing, you will say, to do,
a fall like the past. But here it is: And it came to pass in the
eighteen hundred, ninety and third year, after a very remarkable event
that Taylor, a Pharisee, in the 50th year of his age, in the month Zip,
which is the 10th month that he began to construct his house. And the
house which he built for his wife, the length thereof was 24 cubits
(Eng.) and the breadth thereof 12⅔ cubits, and the balcony before the
house 2⅔ cubits was the length thereof according to the breadth of the
house. And he built the house with bull pine studding and the outside
he covered with No. 1 sugar pine rustic round about and the whole house
he overlaid with Prince Metallic--that is, the top and the floor was
overlaid with a heavy coat of raw [sic],
and in the 1893rd year in the month Bul,
was the house finished throughout, round
about. That is to say, 18 years ago, come next cider making time, we
landed right here in Oregon. I then promised Huldy Ann (that's my wife)
that I would build her a house, and I have kept my word. I
always do. Well, when I got ready to build I asked Huldy (I always
called her Huldy when I wanted to be sweet) what shape she wanted her
house. Says she, a [cross]
with all the rooms facing the south. Says I, by God that might be done,
but I couldn't do it. He is the only one [who] can do the impossible
and says I, if you will read Judges 1 and 19 you will see that God
could not drive the Canaanites out of the valley because they were iron
clad. Says she, by God your mouth could be made a little bigger, but
not without setting your ears back. Radder sargastick aindt it? but she
was always a little that way. I remember when courting her one evening,
I stayed a little earlier than usual, 2 a.m. I believe, I asked her if
she knew "There's No Place Like Home." She said she did, but there were
lots of people who did not. So when I got the skeleton up I invited
Huldy over to see it. I explained to her that we had faced it
sou-sou-east and sou-sou-west (my folks came over in the Santa Maria,
hence these nautical terms). I asked her how she liked it. She said she
liked the position all right, but said she did not fall in love with
the name. I showed her where one part stuck out into the air a little
more than the rest and told her that was what an Englishman would call
the "hell." She replied that that was what it looks like. Really our
house is, main 16x34, parlor L south side main 12x14, joins main 18
feet from east end, north L 14x16 (projected 14x28) joins main 5 feet
from east end, all 18 feet wall. Main front room east end first floor
14½x15½, fireplace middle of west side. In this
room is a circle top
glass front door in northeast corner of east end, middle of east end is
a two-light window, each light 25x32, and in south side a double window
of the same dimension; a room exactly the size of this above is the
east end main bedroom, doors and windows the same except on south side
there is a single light 36x48. In parlor L the first floor is the
parlor. It is lighted by glass front door in east side and two windows
of the same size as in main, one in south and one in west. The room
above this same size (12x14) is lighted exactly the same and
is parlor
bedroom. A glass front door lets you into hallway at the
junction of
parlor L and main, hallway leads direct through to kitchen and dining
rooms. On the left side of hallway is a corkscrew or winding stairway
with rather nobby manzanita newels. The west end of main is lighted the
same above and below, with two large windows in each of the four rooms.
In close juxtaposition to east end main bedroom and south parlor
bedroom and west end main bedroom, is situated bathroom looking south.
The tub is depressed or inlaid to a level with the floor, fringed all
around with about three feet of oilcloth, so as to make precipitation
(otter like) slick and easy. There is a balcony across east end main
and also one on east side of parlor L, each supported by two insulated
pilasters of oak, the base of which are enriched by manzanita plinths.
We can have fire in every room in the
house. The
architecture consists of Ionic, Corinthian and composite, touched off
with a little Doric. I might say mostly Doric; there are fifteen I
believe. We have a Queen Anne parlor, but a Huldy Ann kitchen. She said
she wanted the kitchen built on hygienic principles as there was where
there was the most consumption. My boss carpenter said one day he was
ready to put the socles
on. I told him there wasn't one on the ranch.'Twas in the damp fall weather, They built it out of odds and ends That weary they had scratched together, Before the work was halfway done By rain, the joints got out of level: Says Cock Robin to his Huldy Ann I think this weather beats the D---l. I think so too, she angry said Then blushed behind her wing Says she, You're a naughty Robin To make me say a wicked thing, A wicked thing? you silly goose, Do you think it fun to spoil our labor? The only wicked thing on earth, my dear, Is to misuse yourself or neighbor. I know you pay your parson well To point you out the narrow, thorny byway, While he, perchance, for aught you know May walk the wide and perfumed highway. These words, my dear, I kindly speak So you must take it no offense, For Robert Burns once truly said, What is not sense, logically, philosophically and scientifically considered, is pure and simple, unadulterated, A No. 1, hand- picked nonsense. Our house is causing some of the neighbors a good deal of trouble. Some thinks it looks nice but they are afraid it will fall over, it is so high, others say they don't see why we built such a nice, big house on such a poor digger ranch. Well, it is a little strange, Mr. Ed., but the fact is, our house is built partly from an old recipe; the plans and specifications, however, were not the handiwork of Hiram, the widow's son, but it was founded on a rock, just as right, and finally it was built expressly for Taylor & Co., to have and to hold, their heirs and assigns, until Gabriel blows. T. H. B. TAYLOR,
Mail, January 19, 1894, page 4The Evans Creek Theophilanthropist. Greatest Fast on Record.
Editor Medford Mail. Dear
fasting has--I was going to say, become quite a fad--at least became
quite prevalent--I thought I would post you up a little. Perhaps you
are not aware that the crow comes home to roost, the foxes can eat sour
grapes, and the bear can suck his paw, but man, the son of woman,
usually comes into this world at such an early period of his life that
he is more helpless than a sucking dove or a kitten before the nine
days are up. But I was going to give you some points on fasting. I will
say to begin that it is a good deal like hanging--when you get used to
it you don't mind it at all. Last winter I fasted 151 days, commencing
with Nov., Dec., Jan., Feb. and March. I was working in the mines all
the time--Sundays excepted. To find the exceptions: multiply
months by
days, divide the quotient by 7, cancel the two right-hand figures and
multiply the remainder of days I DIDN'T work
and the result will be Sundays--neither of those months had six Sundays
in them.Well, to begin with: the first thing in the morning I said my little paternoster, which I here give in the sweet, flowing language of the native Oregonian: Nesika papa klaxta mitlite kopa sahale; kloshe kopa nesika tumtum mika nem; kloshe mika tyee kopa konaway tilakum; kloshe tumtum kopa illahe kahkwa kopa sahale; potlatch konaway sun nesika muckamuck; pee kopet kumtuks konaway nesika mesahche, kahkwa nesika mamook kopa klaska spose mamook mesahche kopa nesika, marsh siah kopa nesika konaway mesahche. Kloshe kahkwa. [The Lord's Prayer in Chinook Jargon.] Then instead of eating a good hearty breakfast I would go through the motions by partaking of say three soft-boiled eggs, a half-pound of ham, three or four graham gems, two ounces of fresh ranch butter, a pint of good hot coffee--trimmed with Jersey cream--and a piece of mince about six inches square. Instead of dinner I had blinds put on my (miner's) cabin windows and then went through the same farce, a la Williams and Tanner, as I did for breakfast, and through the act of deglutition get away with a quart of baked beans (a la Bosting), a small loaf of bread, a few vegetables and canned goods, tapered down to a green apple pie and sago pudding. For supper I did not eat' anything--just stowed away three or four baked potatoes with not a thing on them except perhaps a little butter and salt, a little white bread and perhaps a bite or two of rice spoiled with cream, a piece of sponge cake and a cup of tea. The above bill was followed, with perhaps some slight variations, for a consecutive period of 151 days. I was at hard labor and I think I can truthfully say I was, if anything, stronger mentally and physically at the termination of my unprecedented feat than I was when I began. Yes, Mr. Editor, it is all in knowing how. I remember the first few years after Huldy Ann and I (Huldy Ann is my wife) were incorporated, if she happened to trim her fingernails with my best hollow-ground or give one of the babies the looking glass and hammer to amuse itself with I would get in a pet and, in fact, I would go off into the bedroom and pout. I would not eat a bite of dinner but walk the floor all the afternoon and occasionally walk through the kitchen and slyly purloin a biscuit and chunk of meat from the cupboard then walk out to the woodshed and stow it away--then come back and walk the floor. When Huldy Ann would come with tearful eyes, lean on my bosom and take the starch out of my Sunday shirt, I would look sour as a cranberry and cross as a sawbuck and tell her that I would starve myself or leave the ranch. But when she would go off into the parlor, seat herself at the organ, pull out the vox humana, and in a tearful voice sing that sweet, though sad refrain, Sta-a-ay at ho-o-oh-ome Tom-om-om-my do-o-oh-nt go-oh-oh-o--that would break me all up. I would then (like Davey's coon) come down and say the most awfullest, sorrowfulest things that even if I had murdered all your mother-in-law's relations. Mr. Editor, you would not ask the Governor to pardon me--you would do it yourself. Of course we must admit that we makes some mistakes--(some folks admit it not knowing it). This is altogether owing to--but I want to see the color of a man's hair whose digestive apparatus is in good working order and who after mauling bull-pine rails all day and comes home at night, hyas till [very tired], nika, I say I want to see him walk around a table whereon among other things is a nice baked turkey, stuffed with oysters, and not have a hankering to indulge. Bah! why, a man like that would be a raving maniac in less than three days--to say nothing of forty. I see Dr. Tanner is down in Mexico starting a new generation on his fasting hypothesis. He may turn out a race of centaurs, but more than probable he will raise up a lot of white-livered, half-witted idiots, that wont know enough to come in when it rains. No, Mr. Mail, it can't be did, honest and above board, there has always got to be some shenanigan about fasting unless you fast the way I do. It is like spiritualism with slate work, etc. I am a spiritualist myself, and I must tell you about it some time--not now, this letter is too long already--but watch this space for what comes next. As I have given you "potlatch kumtux kopa mesahche" [gift/understand/evil: warning?] you must take heed. TOMMY
Mail, February
16, 1894, page 4Some of Taylor's Hot
An open letter to the People's
Convention March 10:FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS: As the time has almost arrived for the distribution of nominations, I wish to say, generally, I am in favor of letting the office hunt the man, but as I am living away up here in one of the rural districts on Evans Creek, where it is about all a sewing machine fiend can do to find me, I thought maybe I had better notify the office that I am open to propositions. Governor would be accepted and no questions asked, or, I was going to say, county treasurer, but as there is no treasury and the county away behind with Bloomer--and, by the way, Bloomer somewhat behind with me--I wish to be excused on that score. An M.C. would not be bad, or representative--if I only had to represent Jackson County, I think I am competent to do that, as it would not require any extraordinary brain capacity, witness the Bloomer hoax. But I am not going to be particular, if there is any vacancy and the people wishes me to fill it, I am at your service. I see some of my friends have me down on their primaries for assessor, Now that just hits me hard. I have a good horse and cart, and will soon be at liberty to go out among my friends to see who has the biggest mortgage on his farm, and how many are perfectly satisfied that the courts done just the square thing in the Bloomer bondsmen case. Then too, I want to see what kind of a set of fellows there is in this county who have voted that diabolical old Jacksonville ring in for, lo, these many years. There is certainly no excuse for them, unless it is, perhaps, that they wished to perpetuate the absurdities of their fathers. My friends, there is no politics in the panorama now before us, no more side issues will suffice to bring about the result that every taxpayer in this county and country ought to know needs to be. Candidly, my friends, it makes me tired to see a poor farmer work and toil from year to year with the single idea of raising enough grain etc., to barely pay his taxes and to eke out a scanty living for himself and family, and when you try to convince him of his error, to hear him say, "Oh, well, I guess times will change for the better before long." He might as well say, Hell will change while the Devil is still heaving in the brimstone, as to expect a change in the Jacksonville ring. I think it would be humiliating to the voters and taxpayers of this county when they seriously contemplate (if they ever do) the political chicanery that has been going on in their midst for the past twenty-five or thirty years, until the whole county is hopelessly in debt. Just think of it my friends! not a lucrative county office of any kind has been held by anyone out of the ring in the past twenty-five years!! Go to Portland or any other place in the state and ask any business man "Who is county or district judge?" he will say, "Why, let me see? Oh, I can't think who is this year, but it is either So and So, or So-So." Go into Jacksonville, court week, outline any case to Nunan, P. J. Ryan, Kubli, or any old resident there and ask them the result and they will tell you too quick. This is not a political speech, for politics cuts no figure in the outlook for the poor farmers and taxpayers of this distressed community. We are now left to the two alternatives, change or starve, either down political rings or go down with them; it does not (in this instance) matter what money is, as long as we have none of either kind; it is principle we are after. Think of the Bloomer bondsmen trying to shirk the responsibility they voluntarily took to secure the possibility of a failure of the county treasurer, and then think of a judge who would admit of a technical flaw to let them go. I ask all candid-minded people, if they all are not accessories to the theft? Those bondsmen said to the people of Jackson County, "Now, if Geo. E. Bloomer steals all the treasury of your county, we solemnly agree to pay every cent of it back." Now the court raises the question, "Did Bloomer steal!!" Of course Bloomer did not steal anything, he just took it! and as a matter of fact that lets the bondsmen out!! Now, I am not an office seeker, because as some of you know, I am only a common scrub farmer, not capable of holding an office, unless I could hold it by the tail (like some of the Jacksonville folks), but I will say this, if I should ever be the assessor of Jackson County there is some men I will assess for nothing and board myself, and if I ever am the assessor and I ever skipped anyone, it will not be the owner of one among the largest farms in the county (the owner being a rich man living in the East), as was done last year. My sight is not as good as it was, but it is not so bad but what I can see a little speck about the size of 1200 acres of land. No sir, if I skipped anyone it will be some poor fellow, living up on the side of one of these Jackson County mountains where he can hardly walk without the assistance of a Jacob staff, who has a wife and seventeen small children and nothing but a blind hog for next winter's meat. Hoping I have, in a feeble way, conveyed to you where I stand, and also hoping the people may for the time, forget politics and all join in brotherly strength, and once for all, do away with rings, I will begin to close. As I said before, this is not a political speech, and it is not published in a political paper, but that both are laboring in the interest of the taxpayers in this county, I think you must all believe. I should be glad to meet you in convention, but as I cannot, you have my best wish and my prayers also (such as they are). THOS.
Woodville, Oregon.Medford Mail, March 9, 1894, page 4 Somewhat Crooked.
In a certain
crooked county
There is a crooked town, Where a lot of crooked shysters Are always to be foun (d). In this tenas crooked city There is a crooked ring, Who know lots of crooked ways To do a crooked thing. They had a crooked treasurer, Who kept a crooked book, He always gave a crooked smile, When you wished to take a look. He took a crooked notion— - His crooks were getting thin, So he hit a crooked railroad, And took a crooked spin. He left some crooked bondsmen To straight his crooks all out, But they were the crookedest lot of crooked crooks That a crook could find about. They hired some crooked lawyers To fix up a crooked muddle, And it was the crookedest lot of crooked crooks-- They call it now the Jackson County fum-fuddle. But all those crooked lawyers Told so many crooked lies Before the crooked court, That he shoost vinked his crooked eyes. Says he, "Of all dees crooked pees-ness, It makes me nodding crooked oudt. But you must keep your crooks well in Or some other crooks will find your crook all out." So, says.this crooked court, "This is a crooked, crooked mess, And though I am a crooked court, It out crooks me I must confess." About these crooked bondsmen, That they are crooks I do not doubt, But these everlasting crooked crooks Are bound to let them out. So now the crooked farmers Must crook their crooked backs, To dig up the crooked six pence, To pay their crooked tax. So Mr. Editor, the above lot are about all the crooks I have in stock just now. I could have crooked some of those crooks a good deal crookeder if I had some of the Jacksonville ring to help me crook them. Hoping you will not get any of those crooks crooked up in your hair so you can't uncrook them. I will close by saying the above crooks are from an Evans Creek crook, the two first letters of his name being, THOS.
Mail, April 13, 1894, page 4A Warble from Woodville.
thought I
would tell you what is going on up in these parts. Well sir, last
evening (Saturday), there was a social shindig up at Pap Wm. Herriott's
mill, and it beat everything. Me, Huldy Ann, Mr. Whats-His-Name and
wife, and in fact, everybody and everybody else were there; and if we
boys and girls didn't have a jolly time, there is no one to blame but
ourselves. We danced until we got tired and then rested up and went at
it again. I don't know exactly how long we did dance, for the clock got
such a shaking up that it stopped, and all the boys who had watches
when asked for the time, declared their watches were so excited they
could not keep correct time. Several asked we what time I thought it
was? I told them it could not be midnight because the rooster always
crowed at midnight this time o' the year, and then, too, says I, it's
never late until the moon goes down, but I had just got home and got
one boot off preparatory to turning in, when the hired girl rang the
first bell. Yours truthfully,THOS.
Mail, April 27, 1894, page 4Pleasant Creek, May
2, 1894.
I had the pleasure of attending one of our People's Party lectures by
our Bros., J. A. Jeffrey and Grant Rawlings, who in a pleasant and
forcible manner set forth many crooked crooks in the old and unreliable
parties, who have for the past forty years been doing their level best
to do unto others as they would that they should do unto them, but who
have made an ignominious failure. To say that there was a good
attendance is hardly doing it justice, for everybody and their wives
were there. The house was crowded and to see such a turnout now, where
a year ago we could hardly get enough out for a corporal's guard, shows
plainly that there is a great change in the minds of the people; they
now realize that if they get help they must help themselves. To those
who are skeptical, I would say, go and hear the above gentlemen tell
you (as Mark Anthony said) what you already know, that you are
"depressed and no doubt will be deposed." We must put new strings on
our harps and learn to sing new tunes or we will learn the
tune the old cow died on.
Finally, I say don't be afraid to go out and hear these gentlemen tell
the truth and then perhaps it may be so plain to you that you will
wonder you did not see all along that the old parties were only telling
you lies for their own selfish ends.Yours far truth.
Valley Record, Ashland,
May 17, 1894, page
1T. H. B. Taylor. THOS. H. B. TAYLOR, of Woodville, was in Medford one day last week and while here spent a goodly part of his time "joshing" with the Mail men. Mr. Taylor is nothing slow with the pen as our readers doubtless know, who read in this paper a couple of months ago his account of the crookedness in Jackson County. The gentleman is now preparing for an extended visit to his old home in York State, which place he has not visited since his boyhood. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 1, 1894, page 3 Taylor Heard From.
MR. ED:--I
thought you might like to hear how I am progressing. I will
say that am
progressing about as rapidly as a church and part of the time like a
crawfish. I met with nothing unusual until I met the Willamette at
Portland. She is now quite unusual, being almost us broad as long. I
had to take a boat from Portland to Kelso (50 miles down the river) to
get a fresh start by rail. Nothing worth noting occurred until we
arrived at Tacoma. There I met another delay of 14 hours. I left Tacoma
on the morning of June 12th, and arrived here at 6 p.m., not prepared
to see such a country as lies between here and Tacoma. After slowly
sliding down the side of the Cascades, we struck a sand and sagebrush
desert that vividly reminded of the country the Children of Israel
traveled in for forty years and which the Good Book tells us, out of
3,000,000 souls there were only two left. If it really was a country
like this I am speaking of, I am not at all surprised. It seems to me
that about the only thing that could live here would be death and a
mortgage, with perhaps a small amount of desolation. The
day was quite
warm, and the sand sifting silently, though surely, through the almost
airtight cars was anything but delicious. Far away across the
might be seen sand spouts shooting up into the air like smoke of
torment. Every 15 or 20 miles we would come to a little oasis where
some poor son of Adam was staying. I asked one of those what in blank
nation he was living in a country like this for? He was on the
fight in
a minute, and said it was none of my blank business. I hardly expected
a different reply, for I knew they all had SAND.
fellow said he was going to move out back further, for, said he, "The
neighbors are getting too thick. Only last week a fellow moved in right
over there only about 15 miles off." About every 20
or 30 miles the
engine would give a toot to relieve the monotony and make believe we
were coming to a station, but it would only be an extra large bunch of
sagebrush and an extra big pile of sand. I heard the sound of but one
rooster for a distance of some three hundred miles--and that was only
an old tin weather vane on one of the water tanks to tell which way the
wind blew, just as though anyone would care a bland cent which way it
blew--it would fill your eves full of sand just as right. It seems to
me that in a country like this death would be a welcome visitor--or at
least life (what little there is) would be given up with but little
reluctancy. Now about "Spokane"--it is a compound word with a
accent. The Spoke is accented lightly, then you can come down heavy on
the "Can." You say Spo-Kan. The word was derived from what was left
over from the Jargon,
and signifies "give as little as you can for the money."T. H. B. TAYLOR.
Mail, June 22, 1894, page 4Taylor Heard From Again.
will remember I told you in my first letter that I was expecting to
leave Spokane that day at noon. Well, when I was just ready to step
aboard the train a young man gave me a gentle poke in the ribs and
asked to see my ticket. After looking a half second, he says, "You
can't go on this train." The ----- I cant, says I, "No sir, you will
have to see the N.P.G.P.A. over across the river, and get another
ticket." Well, I said some things that now I was sorry for, after I
cooled down & little, I concluded to take a more philosophical
view of the situation, and as long as I could not do as I liked, I
thought I would (as Bob Ingersoll says) "do as I must." You see, in my
haste I had not thought of the Spokane Falls--or rather, having seen
most all the great falls in the United States of America, and being
right on my way to the Great Niagara, I thought the Spokane Falls did
not amount to a hill of beans, but having nothing else to do, I
strolled down to the falls this p.m., and I assure you I was
delightfully disappointed. In all the great falls I have ever seen--not
forgetting some great political party falls--I have never seen anything
to equal in picturesqueness and grandeur the Spokane. As I stood on the
bridge viewing that stupendous cataract, a feeling of sadness came over
me. I seemed to realize for the first time how insignificant science
was to nature (though nature has done so little for some of us). I
don't like to write about these falls as I cannot do them
justice. The
upper part of the falls are, as the Frenchman would say, magnificent.
They are broken with here a fall, there an island, there a promontory
and here another fall; they seem to join in a merry embrace, then go
rolling, tumbling, seething in a boiling mass, then separate, then
re-embrace, then glide smoothly along for a short distance, then make
another plunge over the lower fall; for a distance of 150 feet it is
one frothing, hissing, foaming, distracted mass of distraction. If I
did not like Spokane for anything else, I should like it for its falls.
The Spokane are unlike many of the great falls on account of the
nearness of view. While the Niagara Falls are on a higher scale, you
cannot approach them so perfectly as the Spokane. It don't seem to me
now as I ever enjoyed a view of the Niagaras (and I have seen them
often) with anything like the satisfaction that I do the Spokane today.
I took my pencil and began figuring on the power that could be
generated from that fall, and after figuring over all the stationery I
had about me I gave it up. I saw the electric light plant that is run
by a tiny bit of the power and I said to a gentleman, I should think
electric light must be very cheap here. He replied, "I should say so.
Why, when it is any way cloudy here they use it all day, for it is
about as cheap as sunshine any way." Yours truthfully,
Mail, June 29, 1894, page 4T. H. B. TAYLOR. Laid over. "Home Again!"
N.Y., July 5, 1894.
ED.: Has it
ever been your misfortune to realize to the full all that the above
heading implies? It not, thou art surely blessed. But let this pass for
the present.I came back here to old York state ostensibly for my health--you will remember seeing me a few days before my departure and you will also remember how indisposed I was (to remain in Oregon). As I wish to be sincere with you I will tell you--confidentially, you know--that it was not altogether for my health. You see once upon a time (something over a quarter of a century ago), when I was somewhat verdant, I lived in this part of the universe; and there were also some others living here, too, and some of the opposite sex, and to tell you the whole truth I wished to see if there were any of them left. Of course I COULD specify some ONE more particularly, but time and space prevent. Well, when I stepped off the cars onto the platform there were scores of faces but not one familiar. I looked around a few moments, then thought I would wander through the old village and take a look at the old familiar spots; but what was my surprise to find that they, like the faces, had, alas, all disappeared. I stood as if spellbound--dumbfounded and almost horrified. All was so strange. I felt as if I had been a Rip Van Winkle and had been sleeping all these long years and had suddenly awakened in paradise or the other place, and for the life of me I could not tell which. However I heard of that one particular one, and with anything but a buoyant spirit I started on my tour of investigation. I did not ask many questions for I wished to hear it all from her. I had already learned that this certain young lady was a widow, so I took some consolation in that fact. She was residing out a ways in the country; so I, with heartfelt emotion, trod softly the well-beaten path that led to the widow's cot. My intention was to play the book agent role. Presently I reached the door, with the latch string hanging out, but I gently rapped and soon there appeared to my wondering gaze--what? I hardly know. I made some awkward remark and thinking of nothing else to say for the moment, I asked for a drink of water and from that on conversation became general. After we had exhausted the weather and religious and political topics I said I once had a friend in this part by the name of--here I gave my name--and says I, "Did you ever know of such a person?" "What?" says she, "Know Bent. Taylor? Well, I should say I did. Why," says she, "Bent. used to be awful sweet on me, and folks said we were going to marry; but land sakes! I never thought of such a thing. Of course he was a nice, good kind of a boy but rather soft, you know. No, I don't know what ever became of him. Oh yes, Bent. must be dead years ago." I saw quite a number of small urchins standing round, and I said. "Are these all your children?" She replied, "Oh yes, and these are not all. I have eleven children. Yes, I married Bill ------ just twenty-seven years ago the 5th day of this month, and this (pointing to a gangle-legged young man, who, like some of our fruit trees, looked as if he forked too high) is our oldest son." "Is it possible?" says I; and says I, "You must have married quite young." "Oh yes, I did," says she. Then as conversation began to lag I took one more good look at her and took my leave. There was a feeling akin to sadness came over me. I thought I would walk along until I came to the first milepost and then and there bump my brains out; but when I came to it I could not do it without getting on my knees, and as that is something new to me I did not try the experiment, so I sat down and gave my thoughts full rein for a few moments. Thinks I to myself, is that cadaverous lump of deformity the girl I used to take to the circus, give taffy, etc.; and did I ever cider-press her to my boiled shirt and kiss that elongated cavity in her face and call it nectar? O, ye gods! if I ever did, Lord forgive all my sins and that, too. But I must close. Is it hot here, did you say? Well, no. Were you ever in--in--that is, I mean, did you ever lie down on a tin roof to cool off, when the thermometer said 110? If you didn't it's no use to try to tell you. TAYLOR,
Down East
Mail, July 27, 1894, page 4Mr. Taylor on Traveling--and
T. H. B. Taylor, the versatile writer
and good citizen of
Woodville, is now visiting at his old home in York State. He writes of
his preparation for his trip, the trip proper, Chicago and the narrow
confines of "Noo York":Dear Mr. Editor:--Let us recapitulate. I have perhaps become somewhat previous, so we will rub it all out and begin over. One reason why I got through as well as I did, is, perhaps, my tending strictly to the advice my grandma gave me years and years ago; so when I left home I made me some little sachets and put a small piece of "fetty" in each and placed one in each of my coat pockets, and then I had a piece about the size of a chestnut (a horse-chestnut, I mean) which I carried in my vest pocket;--all these were to ensure health, for my aforesaid grandma told me that there was no telling--anyone was liable to catch the hieroglyphics or pneumatics or something of the kind, by traveling around with those "plaguey 4iners," --furthermore it makes room; whenever there began to be more than three in a seat, I would take out my little piece of asafoetida and give it a few gentle rubs up and down the leg of my trousers, and pretty soon someone would say, "I guess I will go into the smoker;" some would say something about the air being fixed, etc.. and soon I would have a whole seat to myself. I like to died one day, after trying the "fetty" hypothesis; there was a rather skookum lady only two or three seats from me and I saw she appeared to have either lost confidence or wanted to, and for the life of me I couldn't tell which; but when the conductor came around she was looking as though she would like to have a rod or two of barbed wire fence to chew. Says she, "Why don't you remove those Chinamen from that front car?" The conduc' says, "Beg pardon, Madam, but there are no Chinamen there." Well, says she, "Do you permit the porter to sell that horrid Limberg on the train?" "No, Madam," says Conduc. "Well," says she, "I think you had better smash one of those jugs of fire extinguishers in this car, anyway." And there I was, with a whole seat and my sleeves, and in fact my whole anatomy, running over with mirthfulness. Well, I got along without any other incident worth recounting here, until I got to--to--well, I can't call the name just now, but it was where Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over the lantern, some time ago. There I had to change cars, and when I went for my baggage the smasher wanted me to give up my check, but "I vas smart for dat" (for my grandma told me to never give up my check until I got to my destiny). I was just going to put a protuberance on that baggage man when along came a great overgrown dude, with an oversized drumstick in his hand and a big tin star on his blue coat. I don't know who he was, but I guess it was the mayor, or it might have been the city council; anyway he was or seemed to be of a good deal of importance. Says he to me, "You are from Skowhegan, aren't you?" "No sir," says I, "I am from Tail-Holt, Oregon, and am a ------ upright citizen." "I thought so," says he, "one of those fellows that blows out the gas." I did not know what he meant, so I said, "I guess so." Changed, did you say? What, Chicago? Well, I should say! Why, when I was here last--or first, rather--there was only one street in Chicago--called Water Street, but it got to be awful thick water along about February or March, just after the frost came to the surface. There was a little "red front" grocery on one side of the street and a hash factory and blacksmith shop on the other. A Vermonter had got out there and put up a derrick right in the middle of the street and when a fellow got stuck crossing he would--for two bits--pull him out. The freighting business was all done with ox teams across Lake Erie. And now see what a place it is. I asked a man what were the two largest things on record, and he said, "Setting aside the whale and the flood, the next two were the Eiffel wheel and Montgomery Ward & Co." But I am getting beyond again; so let us go back, or return, rather, to my landing in that hyas town. It ran something like this: "Hack-sir-right-this-way-for-the-free-bus-for- the-all-aboard-for-the-step-right-along-all-going-east-through-hack-hack-Niagara- Falls-Skowhegan-carriage-sir-baggage-checked-to-Sheol-or-all-going-to-Noo-York- Bosting-Passamachumkeag-via-East-Kennebunk-this-car--Cabbages-potatoes-black- raspberries-charcoal-any-old-tin-to-mend-fresh-fish-whitefish-codfish," and so forth. Fact, Mr. Editor; I had to ask a man what my name was, and he rather facetiously remarked that it would be Dennis if I did not look sharp. This is a grand old country here in York. In fact its grandness makes me weary. Everyone seems to have something to keep their minds off the transitory things of this earth, earthy. As there are no poor-houses here the law makes it obligatory, when a man gets too poor to live here he has to choose between whether he will be willingly hung or flee seven ways for Sunday--he generally flees. I have been confined. since I came here to a very limited space of country. I try to get out in the country and just as I am beginning to look for green pastures by the running brook--slam I run up against another town. No Sir, they may talk about their "Down East," but give me the tall pine hills and rocky trees of the Italy of Oregon--namely, Tail-Holt. The far away home
of the jackrabbit
O, how I long to see; And bear the buzz of the bedbug's wing And feel the red-hot skip of the gentle flea. Here the mosquito is almost ripe-- The thought of it makes my blood to chill. I think I'll take my grip and start Before he presents his little bill. LATITUDINARIAN TAYLOR.
Mail, August 31, 1894, page 4MARRIED.
Woodville, Sept. 20, 1894 by Rev. Joel Milton, E. H. B. Taylor and Miss
Bertha Osburn [sic].
Democratic Times, Jacksonville, September 24, 1894, page 2 T. H. B. Taylor, the sage and poet of Woodville, has returned from a trip to New York. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, November 1, 1894, page 1 ANOTHER COUPLE GONE WRONG.
The friends and acquaintances of Prof.
Taylor will be grieved and
shocked to learn of this false step taken in his heretofore exemplary
life. Yes, Mr. Editor, and you, kind reader, you may regret, but don't
say "I told you so!" or "It's just as I expected!" because you didn't
expect anything of the kind. No more did we, but circumstances over
which we had little control impelled us on to this downfall. In fact we
were impelled forward by a pair of cussed mustangs, and I doubt if
there is anyone who reads this that will feel any more grieved or
shocked than we did when our specific gravity came in contact with
Mother Earth; if there is, they have my sympathy. Speaking for myself,
I will say cordially I hope I may never receive a greater shock, either
mentally or physically.Prof. T. H. B. Taylor and Sister-in-Law Run Away. It was like this: Myself and sister started for Tail Holt, driving a pair of ponies, one of which did not seem to be up to my standard of progress, and in order to facilitate business I gave her a cut with one of Jones' best two-bit persuaders, and after the effects of that cut got into the circulation of that colt and she felt as if something was wrong somewhere, she let drive with her heels, and, whack! they struck the dash. She was on the starboard side. and that seemed to have a demoralizing effect on the bobtailed roan on the larboard, so he went into the air. About the second jump the tackle all unshipped, the rudder came down and we were at the mercy of whatever was to happen. We heaved to and tried to luff, but that roan had the sea way and kept it. We were going before the wind (that is, ahead of it) at the rate of twenty-seven knots an hour, and came to an angle (I might say an acute angle, for it was about ninety degrees) in the road, and the fallen rudder seemed to get tired of keeping right straight along in the road and it took a turn and we ditto. We both had a death grip an the main hawser, trying to land that roan, but nary land. So when our craft luffed out in the brush we took a turn in space and it was quite a large space where I struck and it shivered all my timbers from keel to stern and more, too. I essayed to get up after I struck the ground, but it was about the poorest essay I ever experienced. Just as I struck I saw more stars than are in the galaxy. I saw seventeen colored moons and Jupiter. I seemed to go into a trance. I looked, and behold, I saw a four-wheeled chariot, two wheels on this side and two wheels on that side and the hindmost wheels were large wheels like unto an oxcart, and the large wheels were trying to overtake the front wheels, and I saw the beast that drew the chariot. He was a stub-tailed roan and he had great horse teeth and he held the bit tight in his teeth, and there were sparks of fire flying out of his eye, ever and anon. Again I looked, and behold, I saw two living creatures in the chariot. They were holding on to something (as it were) for dear life. I saw them take a header into the beyond and as they jumped I heard a loud voice saying, "Whoa! January." When I came to, my sister-in-law was bending over me and asking me if I was dead, and I inadvertently said "I guess so." Well, the fact is, I know I should have felt better if I had been. I am still lying in bed, this being eleven days, and I have put in all the spare time I had trying to think, what in the devil we held on to those lines for? T. H. B. TAYLOR,
Mail, November 30, 1894, page 4 Photographers were often
referred to as "Professor."Woodville, Or. Thos. H. B. Taylor, of Woodville, is still lying in bed--from the effects of that team runaway of several weeks ago. "News of the City," Medford Mail, December 14, 1894, page 5 An Alphabetical Fiend Again at
A was an archer and
shot at a frog.B is for Bloomer, who now goes incog. Also for bondsmen, for boodle and bluff--but of this combination we have had quite enough. C is for corruption, that putrid old thing which largely composes that grand(?) old ring. D is for donkeys with big loads on their backs, and also for farmers who pay the ring tax. It might stand for dollars the treasurer once had but they all flew away 'long with Georgie, to the bad. E is the elephant who eats hay with his tail, led by the "Commish" while the hayseeds bewail. F stands for farmers, for fools and for fun and all those who still vote the old gang to be run. G is for grab and for gouge a good deal; if you want to know more interrogate Mr. ----. H is for honesty, which they tell us is best, but the gang furnish a precedent and gives us a rest. I is for injustice which the hayseeds have all had--and always will have while they vote like their dad. J is for Judas, for jugglery and jaw, which the court tells the farmer is nothing but law. K is the kontempt we have for the judge who let the bondsmen off on such a rum-fudge. L is for longevity iniquity can boast. The ring or the devil, say which has the most? M is for mugwump, for muddle and manner and that is, they say, what's the matter with Hanner. N is for nothing they will all have to say, like the boy the calf run over, on that reckoning day. O is for "O, Lordy!" the taxpayer's prayer; if he don't change the tenor and happen to swear. P is for primp. pomposity and pride, the phaeton in which politicians like to ride. Q is the queer way they all have to do it; though it's a tough cud, the farmers must chew it. R is for ringster, rascality and ruin; also for regrets which the voters are doin'. S is for sinner, for sneak and for snare, and for snide and for sooners you can find everywhere. S will answer for sugar, also for soft soap, the halter the farmer puts round his own throat. T is for taxpayers with their burdens. Oh, alas! so like Balaam's saddle horse the angel could not pass. U is for united. the plebeians all must be if from oppression's yoke they ever would be free. V is for the vultures who satiate in gore, who never stop to think or heed the supplications of the poor. W is the working man, boots all out at the toes, who turns himself the old machine which grinds his own dear nose. X is the cross we will all have to bear if we don't kill the crooks who are infesting our air. Y is the Yankee tricks the politicians play on the credulous hayseed, from day unto day. Z is for Zero, where all tricksters try, "Ver da don't got any snow." The above lines by Prof. Taylor will not be published in book form but will be copyrighted, and can only be had by applying in person to Yours truly,
Mail, December 28, 1894, page 8T. H. B., Woodville, Or. W. E. Phipps saw a huge panther on the road between Wimer and the residence of T. H. B. Taylor last Saturday. "Wimer Items," Valley Record, Ashland, July 11, 1895, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor had an examination before Justice Simpkins at Woodville last week on a charge of stealing a horse from Mrs. Presley. He was discharged, however, and the costs, amounting to $80, were taxed up to the plaintiff. "News of the City," Medford Mail, October 25, 1895, page 5 Some Things Out of Joint.
I must beg your pardon for this long
delay, but, the fact is, I
have been hors de combat (so to speak) for some time. I consulted Dr.
Kremer a few days ago and after looking at my talk-a-phone a few
moments he asked me if I had ever been troubled with somnambulisticness
(he was way up on big words). I replied that I had never seen any of
them since the war, but along in '61 to '65 when I was in Dixie I was
bothered a good deal with them, more especially when I got on the third
relief, which necessitates a fellow getting out of a warm cozy bunk at
1 a.m., and when it happens in one those balmy southern nights and not
a secesh in forty miles, there's where your insomnambulisticness comes
in. "Well," says he, "how do you feel generally?" "I generally feel
pretty well, thank you, only not now owing to my epiglottis having
slipped a cog; my trachea was not in good running order, causing me to
deglutite about ½ a fish ball the wrong way at breakfast
this morning.
My epiglottis is somewhat contracted in places, having a kind of
drawn-mortgage sensation sliding up and down it; otherwise I am feeling
fine." He said I was undoubtedly suffering from a mild case of
psoriasis or he said it might possibly be pityriasis, but in any event
it would only be a matter of time when it would disappear, usually in
say six or seven years. But I fear I am getting off of what I
originally intended to write. Let me see, where was I. O, yes, I was
going to say there were some reasons why I write even as early as I do.
I have ever tried to be mild and considerate--almost amiable. I might
say, lived up to the golden rule (of three). Tried to love my
neighbor's wife as well as my own and (confidentially you know) come
very near succeeding. Have been a father to the fatherless, and have
been a husband to the widow, just as near as I could with any degree of
safety. But now there are so cussed many things out of joint that
patience is no longer a virtue. As King Richard said, it is "stale and
I am weary of it." There was the tariff, the income tax, etc., and then
along comes Mrs.
with her hypnotism. This is a little more than I can stand. I wonder if
the average man cares a tinker's anathema whether hypnotism is an
entity or simply an old woman's whim. If Mrs. Lease really wishes to do
something useful and practical why don't she tell us some easy way to
exterminate the green worm that is infesting our cabbage, tell us of
some more pleasant and expeditious way of getting rid of the Colorado
potato bug than catching them and biting their heads off, or better
yet, demonstrate to us beyond reasonable doubt which is the mother of
the chick, the hen that laid the egg or the one who sit on the egg for
three long consecutive weeks, day and night, filled with many doubts
and misgivings, never leaving her post until the climax. Hypnotism be
blowed. Once on a time I heard Mrs. Lease say, while stumping this
county, that the only overproduction that Kansas had ever had was an
overproduction of fools. Whatever my doubts may have been on that
subject then they are all dispelled now.I was dining with a lady friend the other day, at the Josephine, in Grants Pass, and the air being chill we took a macaroni soup to start on. My friend poising a long piece on her fork said, "Prof. Taylor, I am a little rusty in my geography so I wish to ask, where do these macaronies grow?" "Well," says I, "it is a long time since I reviewed, so I am not absolutely positive but," says I, "I am quite sure they grow in the Argentine Republic, in South America." And says she, "Really I have forgotten but do they grow on a vine or a tree?" "Oh," says I, "they grow on a tree something similar to a peanut tree." "Thanks awfully." You must excuse me now Mr. Editor. After all, I have not said what I intended, but I will have to quit now or I may cause you to--well to think something awful. Ko-pet-o-coke. Hi-as-till-ni-ka. [Stop this. I''m very tired.] More anon,
Mail, January 10, 1896, page 7T. H. B. TAYLOR, Tail Holt, Ore. What I Know About Roads.
This, Mr. Ed., is calculated to be a
companion paper to "What I
Know About Farming," by H. Greeley. I was talking with a gentleman
recently from New York state and in speaking of the roads, he said this
is a great country. "Why," says he, "I paid $3 toll for driving a team
over a road in this country where a man is in big luck if he don't get
his neck broke before he gets over it." Perhaps his criticism is a
little too too, but there is food for thought in it. One thing is
certain, a road is the first thing a newcomer and would-be purchaser is
sure to notice, and it stands a people in hand to see to it that the
road compares favorably with other surrounding improvements. I now
recall an incident which will serve to illustrate some of the vexations
that beset a teamster on some of the Oregon roads. I was teaming over a
mountain toll road some years ago and when well up to the foot of the
mountain, coming around a short turn--slam I came up against a heavily
loaded six-horse team. When our leaders' noses came together we pulled
up. I saw a frown on the other fellow's face and I suppose he saw the
same on mine. After sitting there a few seconds, looking into each
other's faces, the frown upon his face subsided into a grin and he
said, "Well, the sah-ha-le tyee ten-as man." [Literally, the "high chief
little man"--an expletive?]
"That's what I say," said I.
Well, Mr. Ed., if you had seen the blue smoke that went up from that
little bend in the road! It's a good thing there was a heavy dew on
that morning or the woods would have been set on fire. As I was going
up, and the other fellow coming down, and as there was hardly room
enough on the grade for a teamster to walk beside a team, let alone
passing, the only thing to do was for me to back down another turn,
where there was a pass. I don't often back down from a proposition, but
that I did. There are many places like the above on the roads in
Jackson and adjoining counties--places it looks like an idiot would
know enough to make a passing place. There are other things. Let a
person travel along through the county and see the zigzag county roads
as they meander along across the foothills, up hill and down, here and
there. When a farmer wishes to take another little patch, he simply
shoves the county road up the hill a little further with impunity. It
is taken as a matter of course. Brown does it, Smith does it, and in
fact they all do it. One naturally asks, have we any county roads?Last summer I was out on the district road work, not so much for the filthy lucre there was in it, but for the purpose of ascertaining if there was anything new in either the style of work or the usual bear stories, my supply of the latter having become threadbare--as it were. I found nothing new to speak of in either. (Confidentially you know.) It is almost amazing the amount of stupidity there is displayed in the supervisors of roads, not only in this county, but in the whole country. There are miles and miles of roads through the country that are dangerous to both life and property, being lined on either side with tall pine trees, many of them dead and decayed to such an extent that they are liable to tumble down at any time, and there they remain year after year. While on the other hand, if there happens to be a beautiful and harmless hardwood tree, either ash, oak, madrona or maple, standing within the sixty-foot limit, it is immediately cut down and destroyed. There are but few miles of roads in the country but what if they had been intelligently supervised for the past twenty years, would have been a beautiful shady drive during the heated term--a pleasure to man and beast. The idea of reserving a right of way through the public domain for a road was good, but the idea, as generally construed and carried out, of converting this tract of land, mostly through a shady wood, into a dry barren roadbed, is stupidity personified. I can speak intelligently on this subject, for once on a time (confidentially, you know) I was road supervisor myself. Just think of driving along one of our barren dusty roads, 110 in the shade and within 30 feet (just over the fence) on either side a row of nice shade trees--"so near and yet so far'--it is enough to make a fellow say cuss words to his grandma. And I want to say right here if I am sent to Salem this year (not by the sheriff, mind you, but to be an M.C.), the first bill I introduce will be: If anyone directly or indirectly, himself or his assigns, shall willfully and maliciously with malice aforethought, or afterwards, bruise, break, maim, deface, or cut, or cause anyone else to bruise, break, maim, deface, bend or otherwise injure any hardwood tree or bush hereinbefore mentioned, which is not within two feet of any wagon track within the aforementioned prescribed limit of the Oregon county roads, he, she or it shall be hung by the neck until he, she or it is dead, and whereas if the mischief be did, it shall be prima facie evidence that he, she or it did it and a "Men tik-eh kum-tux kan-a-way me-sah-che pee mam-ook kloshe kopa til-a-kum" ["Men need to understand the bad in order to do good to friends."] shall not be necessary. In conclusion let me say it is my candid opinion that when every citizen, who wears clothes like a man, between the ages of 21 and 110 years, lame, halt or blind (for the blind sometimes shows the blind the road, you know) shall be compelled to pay $3 cash each per annum and when someone is paid a good salary to supervise and construct our road, having all the above funds at his command, and he being a taxpayer knowing a good road from a sidehill plow, then, and not until then, shall we have any good roads. Reductio ad absurdum. Your incorrigible friend, T.H.B.
Mail, March 27, 1896, page 2Tailholt, Oregon. Prof. T. H. B. Taylor and J. L. Scott were again busily engaged Monday in putting in another bridge across Evans Creek. Their first one was washed out last week. "Evans Creek Events," Medford Mail, April 24, 1896, page 2 Prof. T. H. B. Taylor had his toe dislocated by a horse Monday. We did not learn whether the toe kicked the horse or the horse kicked the toe. "Evans Creek Items," Medford Mail, May 15, 1896, page 2 Lead Us Not into Temptation.
Owing to the inclement weather and a still more inclement forecast,
and, I might add, a somewhat elongated case of lumbago, like Othello, I
find my occupation gone, and have been casting about for a new one. I
did think of tackling the legal (or more properly I believe, illegal)
profession, but a friend of mine, who is somewhat of a--well, lawyer,
tells me that in order to be a good lawyer one must understand grammar,
for then, says he, you will have such a good command of language you
can tell a lie and make it sound like the truth. Well I hunted up a
grammar, thinking I would see what a great difference there was between
it and common sense. The first thing struck me as I opened the book was
this: "A word is the size of an idea." Heavens! says I, what a
revelation; but false in fact. Then the next stumbling block was: "He
who gives freely, gives twice." Not much Mary Ann, said I. He who gives
freely is generally sorry of it after he gets sober and don't give any
more at all. So that let me out on grammar and the legal, and I was
glad after all, for I see Durant is now studying law, presumably
thinking he can beat the Devil when he gets there.So, thinking I was no longer fit for actual service, I thought I would again try army--that is, the regular army--God's regular army, I mean. Thereupon I went to Grants Pass, thinking I would get into the home guards, or else get a commission, I did not care much which; anything to be safe. But when I got down there, I found the commander in chief in the skookum house [i.e., jail], the sentinels had left their posts, and the whole thing hyas kokshot [very broken; messed up]. Speaking of army and commission, etc., reminds me of a little incident which, with your kind permission, I will here relate. It was during the somewhat unfriendly relations between the fools and knaves of the north and the south (I was one of the former) from '61 to '65. U. S. Grant and I were at Cairo, Ill., with quite a strong army of bluecoats and so we determined to clean out the whole business "if it took all summer." So we chartered all the boats we could find and started for Forts Henry and Donaldson. We first went up the Tennessee and knocked the bottom out of Ft. Henry, then Grant went back with the gunboats and ascended the Cumberland. He told me to take the main force and go 'cross lots over to Ft. Donaldson, and so I did, but owing to scarcity of teams, etc., I took a musket and forty rounds, a knapsack containing a pair of red blankets with a big black stripe on them and U.S.A. in the center, a pair of all-wool white (or had been) shirts, two pairs of the other kind and my best girl's picture. In my haversack there were forty rounds more, or squares, rather, of Boston pilot bread, sometimes called "hardtack." It was a warranted article, and the manufacturers were not afraid to put their brand on it. Some had 18 B.C. on them and still they were in a state of perfect preservation. I went across with Taylor's battery (perhaps, Mr. Ed., you have heard of that distinguished battery) to look after the fifth wheel. Well, as I was saying, the roads were fearful and cannons are heavy things, and as luck would have it, our team got stuck in the mud. In the excitement of myself and the driver trying to get out of the difficulty the off wheel mule's tugs come unshipped and I walked right in behind him and hitched him up again. The driver stood horror-stricken and aghast. Gee whiz, man, says he, I wouldn't do that for the whole army. (I wouldn't either, but that mule was up to his hocks in a sticky clay and couldn't move a leg, let alone kick.) The facts were reported to the captain in command, and he went to Grant about it, and the next day I was presented with a commission--that is, a noncommission, you understand. But say, Mr. Ed., what do you think of politics? As that distinguished gentleman once said, "there's nothin' in it." I was thinking about going into politics myself, but it costs a heap to get elected, and as the officials are resoluted out after one term the plum isn't hardly worth going after. Just when a fellow has his office nicely cleared and has proven to the public that his predecessor is a knave--it takes one term to do that--and is just getting ready perhaps to "go, then, and do likewise," it is pretty tough to resolute him down and out. I guess I will relegate back onto the ranch and stick to something I know there's nothing in, consequently no temptation. You must excuse me this time, Mr. Ed., as my whole time is now engaged in a new patent right I am getting out. It is a contrivance to make cows come up nights. I read in the paper that a fortune awaits the one who invents the above, so I am nearly ready to "await." The main idea is already completed, but I have a doubly new idea in way of an attachment, it being an alarm that will ring when the cow gets home--day or night. As soon as neighbor Speer gets the finishing touches on his "Angel of the Air" we are going to take a little outing up to Mars, combining business with pleasure. He wishes to further his scientific research in regard to things up that way, and I want to ascertain how the average cow comes up nights in that country, for you see I might wish to obtain letters patent on my "Come Home Boss," don't cher know. Kla-how-ya six [Aloha, friend]. T.
Medford Mail, May
15, 1896, page 2Woodville, Oregon. T. H. B. TAYLOR, the gentleman farmer of Woodville, and he who is the Nasby and Bill Nye of Jackson County on newspaper paragraphs, was in Medford last week. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 12, 1896, page 8 Lack of Education in Common
It is
almost overwhelming the errors made in common names and things. Now, I
was just reading in my Encyclopedia Britannica the other day that the
word "tinkers dam'' was all right, that it was a kind of paste to stop
up cracks, to prevent the waste of solder, etc;, and to think that all
these years I have been misled in this way! Often earnestly repenting
for the ways I have of expressing my feelings and now to find out it
was all a useless waste of time and energy. I tell you, Mr. Editor, in
my judgment it is a little short of wicked to bring children up in this
way. When I was East two years ago I guess I learned more than you
could shake a stick at. A lady acquaintance said to me once, "Prof. T.,
what route (root) will you take on your return to the West?" And I
said, "I guess I'll take a sassafras." (I was raised in Pike, you
know). She smiled a great, large Down East smile and replied: "I
suppose so" --I had never learned the proper way to sound the word and
of course I was open to ridicule. As it happened this lady was a widow
and of course she knew better than to appear to notice my error, and I
want to say right here before I forget it, that next to a cyclone, a
good sensible widow is about the most taking thing out. As a rule they
are more or less informed on most things, having had more or less
experience and seldom make a mistake the second time without knowing
it; in fact there are in every family of small children, a crying need,
and if I was a young man again--but what's the use?I was going to say something in regard to our (supposed) school laws. There needs to be a radical change in them in many respects, one of which I now wish to call [to] your attention: A girl--almost a young lady, I might say--was compelled to quit school because the teacher, a gentleman too--or he pretended to be a gent--really insisted on her working vulgar fractions! One of the oldest of the twins said to me the other day, "Prof, how large is a 12mo book?" "Why, says I, its--its a sheet of paper folded so many times." "Oh yes," says he; "I learned that much at school, but I want to know how many inches or feet long and wide it is." "Oh, don't bother me now," says I; at the same time thinking I was the biggest fool in Oregon, but, thinks I, I will head that kid off. So quite soon I went into my study, ostensibly for a paper, but really I went for Webster and what did I find? "A sheet of paper folded so many times." A few days ago I was in Grants Pass and I asked a book dealer, a lawyer, an editor and a doctor the same question and received the same answer. Well, thinks I, maybe I am not the biggest fool in the world after all. Even now, if it was to save my bacon, I could not tell the size of a 12mo book. A sheet of paper, I will assume, is as wide as a board and as long as a string and on this hypothesis I am going to try and work it out some day when I have more time than now. Just now I am quite busy and, Mr. Editor, I bet you couldn't guess, without having two trials, what I am busy at. If you remember the last time you saw me the top of my head was considerably defaced. Well, it is more now, and during this torrid spell we have just passed the flies have been playing toboggan on the waste places. The other day my housekeeper got 4 bits worth of tanglefoot fly paper and now in my spare moments I take the big rocker, the Medford Mail and perhaps some other good papers, seat myself in front of a full-length mirror and with a sheet of tanglefoot drawn snugly over the top of my cranium, I sit and watch the flies try to slide ever my (as they suppose) bald head. No sir, if you had three sides to your slate you could not even approximate the real solid enjoyment I am getting out of that racket. But I must begin to discontinue this letter. Before I go let me tell you, a couple of my old acquaintances were lately remarried and they wished me to write a few appropriate lines to the occasion. They said they knew I could turn my head to most anything. They said for me to say something funny if I wanted to. I told them I could not write anything very funny for I had just lost my mother-in-law last week and if I wrote anything very funny folks would say I was not very sorry, so I wrote: One
more unfortunate
of life,
too importunate
be man and wife.
of them tenderly,
their gray hair,
so slenderly,
upon air.
for the rarity of Evans Creek
Adam's fall.
in futurity in Nature's own purity--
that's about all.
Yours 10derly,T. H. B. TAYLOR, Tail Holt, Ore. P.S. The fly paper above mentioned for directions inquire within, that is, after you pull two sheets apart there are the directions telling you how to do it. This is something like the notice put up at the ford of the creek: "When the water is over the sign the creek is not safe to cross." T. H. B. Medford Mail, August 7, 1896, page 4 We Want a Boy.
This, Mr. Ed.,
you will see, if you have proper understanding of your grammar, is a
simple declarative sentence. Third person, singular--spoken of; boy,
masculine, because we are speaking of no one else. The mood will be
only conjectural on your part--common case, we will admit--though with
us just now it is objective; but let me caution you. We want a boy big
enough to do chores right now--not only milk, but feed the hens and
horses, pick up potatoes, slop the pigs, chop a little wood, bring in
the wood and water, make fires and in spare moments hoe the garden,
etc., etc.--one who can plow and sow and hoe my row and be a useful
boy. We had a boy, a good boy, too, but we could not keep him. We did
most everything to try to please him, but we failed. We used to get up
at 4 a.m., feed, groom and harness the horses, pail the cows, feed the
hens, slop the pigs, then come in and eat our breakfast off of the
kitchen table, go out and hoe dogfennel awhile, then about 8 a.m. we
would come in quietly and silently go up to his suite and gently tap
for him to dress for breakfast. Sometimes we would in an unguarded
moment speak rather loud and awaken him too suddenly, although we did
never intend to be harsh; in fact, there is nothing of the kind in our
nature, except, it may be we have a harsh cough, resultant from going
in swimming when we were a mere boy, but as I was saying when we would
awaken him too suddenly, he would start in to a sitting posture and for
a few moments stare in bewilderment, then with one foot resting on the
tiger skin on the floor he would sit for some forty or fifty minutes
seeming in deep meditation as much as to say, "I wonder what I had
better have the old gent work at today?" Then while he was breaking his
somewhat prolonged fast, I would ask, "What shall I do today?" "Are the
horses fed and harnessed?" "Yes, sir," says I. "Then hitch them onto
the democrat.
I will drive to the village and you may cut a little wood until I
return." I often mildly remonstrated, pleading for him to consider my
years, my gray hairs--what few I had--and my decrepit generality--but
to no purpose. The other evening after I had my chores all done I asked
if I could go and hunt jackrabbits a little while (8 p.m.) and he got
in a passion and left me. This is why I advertise now. This time we
want a different kind--one who is not too nervous--we want a boy we can
call with a club at 4 a.m. and who can rise under the circumstances
with a whistle on his lips and a smile in his eye, who can pail six
cows, feed the stock, slop the pigs and hoe a couple of hours before
breakfast and come in singing "Sure I've nothing at all to do."
So, Mr. Ed., if you see any such boys let us hear from you at once. We want a boy--not too smart, mind you--one is enough in a family--but an industrious boy is not bad, one who can take sass and not return it; one who can do almost a man's work, will be glad to get a small boy's salary. I would suggest that some nice widow's boy (no, see, I have the objective case in the wrong place again), I mean some widow may have a nice boy that would suit--I am prone to incline about 90 degrees in that direction anyway--then I have a desire to walk uprightly before all such, well knowing that though my failings are many to someone, "I shall be whiter than snow." Lovingly hours,
It is with feelings akin to nothing I
know of that I recall these old familiar lines (of my own) onT. H. B. TAYLOR, Woodville, Oregon. 'THE OLD HOME DOWN
When a boy I used to
work, where I had no chance to shirk,
Far away among the tangled clover hay. And the stuff I had to rake, 'til I thought my back would break, And I never heard a word of any pay. There were brothers young and gay, and if we stopped to play Our father dear would make our jackets warm. There I passed life's verdant morn, pulling suckers from the corn, In my boyhood's sap-head life down on the farm. CHORUS.
Many pleasant days
I've passed, since I saw that old place last,
Where pitching hay I almost broke my arm. Oh, the place was awful hot, and I'd rather now be shot Than be working every day out on a farm. T. H. B.
Mail, August 21, 1896, page 4More About That Boy.
may think me a little hasty, Mr. Ed., but it now stands me in hand. I
have had three fights--got licked two best out of three and had to run
once--about that boy I was speaking about last week.
But I told such an infernal lie about it that I never dreamed anyone would take me serious. I have often heard my grandma say she never saw me serious but once, and that was the day I was born. My parents thought of making a minister of me, but in my youth they observed that I was so prone to tie tin cans to the dog's tail, give the cat snuff, etc., that they at last despaired, and then looking in the Bible they saw my verse was [Proverbs 21:]18: "The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous and a transgressor for the upright." So of course that gave me away entirely, and ever since I have been probing around in this unfriendly world trying to see if I could find anything serious, and up to date as I go to press I have it--found a single solitary one. Even an owl and a month-old hound pup look funny to me (and this is no pun). But I must quit lying; I see that. I bet though if I should accidentally tell the truth it would be hard to find anyone to believe it. In regard to the boy: My previous article was all a joke. The boy and his parents knew this all right, but some of the neighbors did not exactly catch on, and some did not want to catch on, and of course made quite a talk; but the facts are: We did have a boy for a long time, who always gave the best of satisfaction, and I hereby, unsolicited, recommend him as being a very manly, upright, capable and industrious boy, whose character is unimpeachable. The boy left us on amicable terms with an offer of better wages--by us--to remain. So in conclusion I will say: To all whom it may concern (and I can't help whether it concerns whom or not), I can't afford to be paying out money to do the amende honorable through the press every few days, and after this when you see any lies from my pen it shall be prima facie evidence that there is not a word of truth in them. Yours
very seriously,
Mail, August 28, 1896, page 5THOS. H. B. TAYLOR, Woodville, Oregon. T. H. B. TAYLOR, of Woodville, was a pleasant and welcome caller at the Mail office this week. The gentleman has been suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism, but is now convalescent. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, January 8, 1897, page 2 A Grave Question.
I have no doubt that you have been wondering what had become of me for
lo these many weeks. But the fact is, [I] have had quite a severe spell
of disability, brought on, my physician says, mostly by not being at
all well. I was getting on finely until a few days ago. I had the
pleasure, or perhaps I should nay, it was for me, to attend the last
sad rites of a friend, that has caused a decline in my spiritual and
physical being. Several other young ladies and I were in a democrat
and the procession was a long one. Up near the front was a team not
quite fast enough for a hearse, and every now and again when the slack
was taken up, it would snap the tail end of the procession like a whip.
Right here I would like to respectfully suggest that a team too slow
for a hearse should never be owned outside of a livery stable. But with
the exception of a pretty bad headache (cause new hat) and a few jabs
between the shoulders with a wagon tongue, we enjoyed ourselves as well
as could be expected under the existing circumstances.While driving along, for want of something more livening or interesting, the conversation turned on final dissolution and final disposition. One young lady, having just swallowed a handful of dust, as soon as she caught her breath, said, "Let the dead bury the dead; drive on your cart." One said, "Oh! a cold, damp grave, ugh!" Another said, "Give me cremation." "That's me," said I, "ice cremation [say it aloud], I mean." "Yes, said I, "give me cremation, for I have reasons most profound. They say anyone may (by custom) get used to most anything and our minister once had candor to say to me, incidentally, that a white heat would be comparable chilly to what some folks might expect on the last roundup." Another young lady said she would very much dislike to be put into a cold, damp grave, and then we all looked grave as we could, but there was a smothered smile crawled up my sleeve. "I agree with you, Miss ------," said I, "I caught cold when I had the measles and have been troubled with more or less rumaticks since. I also have nasal catarrh and, owing to a large displacement on the place where the wool ought to grow, I am subject to colds in the head; consequently I am averse to be placed in a cold, damp grave, and if the time ever comes I shall kick." Then they all smiled aloud. T. H. B. TAYLOR,
Mail, May 14, 1897, page 5Tail Holt; Ore. T. H. B. Taylor of Woodville, Jackson Co., is visiting J. J. Owings of this city for his health. "Items from All Sources," Del Norte Record, Crescent City, California, August 28, 1897, page 3 The Gold Hill News is authority for the statement that T. H. B. Taylor, the poet of Evans Creek, has been appointed U.S. statistician for Southern Oregon at a salary of $1500 per year. "A Grist of Local Haps and Mishaps," Medford Mail, January 21, 1898, page 7 How Sweet the Gospel Sounds.
ED.:--I know
you must have despaired of hearing from me anymore, and yet I am here.
I should have written sooner, but the fact is I am just about on a
standstill to know whether I had better write any more letters for your
paper unless you make some radical change in your style of editorials.
I now think no one should publish anything except a regular evangelical
paper. This, I know you will think, is too sudden, but I am now just
about convinced.The good people of Woodville and Evans Creek generally have been having one of the most glorious revivals ever heard of. A Mrs. Ruth Sweet, an evangelist preacher, has been making a rattling among the dry bones down here for the last three weeks that is astonishing. Mrs. S. is a fine elocutionist, a good musician and a magnetic speaker. Quite a number of convicts--no, I mean there have been a large number of convictions taken place. Neighbors, who a short time ago were just aching to drive spikes into each other or pour hot lead into each other's ears, are now all peace and harmony. Even some who used to say that T. H. B. was a lying old hypocrite now say "an eccentric old gent." What a modification! I don't care what you say, Mr. Ed., it's nice just the same. Now don't be holding your nose in your hand and smiling out from under your hat brim. Reformation has got to start somewhere, and Ruth Sweet is the primary and prime cause thereof in this locality. Yes, she can talk your arm off, but you will sit on a hard board bench and listen for two solid hours and never know your arm was off--and penetrating? Well, you know kerosene. Why, she can look down into an old sinner's works and dig up all the deviltry that has been lying there dormant ever since way back in the '40s. I can't tell you how it might have been with me ere this, had Mrs. S. not been a little indiscreet (as it seemed to me) in speaking of the amount of sin, etc., chronic and otherwise. She said, "Now, there were the thieves on the cross. One repented but the other was a son of a gun." No, she did not say that either, but anyway he was tough and now was along with the rich man--Mr. Gould, I suppose she meant. Now there was a nice little hope taken root in my heart and had two leaves, but that "cross" illustration just wilted the whole business like the east wind did Jonah's gourd vine. Owing to our relations having been so altogether pleasant, Mr. Ed. (our wives' relations, I mean), I think it nothing mere than right for me to warn you to never go to hear Mrs. Ruth preach unless you have come to a full determination, without any prevarication or mental reservation, to, if possible, overcome your lying--I mean lying awake at nights, cudgeling your brain to devise means to ameliorate the conditions of your needy fellow man, his widow and orphans--because, if you do, she will break you all up and you will feel just as though you wanted to say, "Lord, if I have taken aught of anyone wrongfully I will give it back with ten percent." A free confession you know, etc. Well, when Mrs. Sweet came to my house I was fully determined to make her think she was in Klondike, i.e.; I intended to be as cold and austere as an ordinary railroad brakeman so I simply said "howdy" with a stoicism you should have seen to appreciate. I scraped the mud off my boots on the parlor stove, spat on the tiger rug, gave the cat a kick, and did every indecent thing I could think of, but it was no go. It was just like a big black cloud bucking against a ray of sunshine--the nearer the cloud the brighter the ray--until soon the cloud is vanished and all was sunshine--blessed sunshine. I'll bet if the devil should meet Mrs. S. he would take off his hat and give her more than half the road. She brings a burst of sunshine into the house even at 11 p.m. Why, our kerosene expense has dropped 50 percent while she is with us. One other most admirable quality--she never mixes religion and pancakes at breakfast. Stick a pin here. Knowing as you do my natural aversion to widows, that I am opposed to them on principle, you will wonder at this when I tell you that Mrs. Sweet is a widow; but the fact is some of them are so altogether agreeable; they treat, us so darned nice it is just a little more than a fellow, as sympathetic as I am, can do to say anything about them but something nice. One thing more Mr. Ed., I want to give you a pointer. Mrs. S. says if you and I or any other old sinners are bound to go to hell, please have courage to go alone, don't advertise the thing but go off quietly alone and future generations will say, "They at least did one decent thing." After giving the suggestion careful consideration I promise it good. I neglected to say that Mrs. S. has a daughter and namesake, a charming young miss who is her constant companion and helper in the good cause. They are indefatigable workers and should be and are welcome everywhere. To sum up--I don't want particularly to advertise Mrs. Sweet (a widow. Heaven forbid!) but having charity for all charitable people, I am not so narrow between the eyes but what I can appreciate a good, no matter what form it is in, and if anyone can do anything to make this world a little more fit to live in, to increase our scant supply of human joy, I say, Heaven bless them; Amen! Mrs. S. has been speaking in my district every evening, rain or not, for the past week or ten days and to a crowded house all the time. When she calls hands up for Christ, more than half of the congregation is counted in, and mind you, this is in the community where I live and where before this, I was counted about the best Christian in it. So Mr. Ed. you can draw a line quite close, that is, if you can survey anywhere inside of 90 degrees. Mrs. Sweet's adaptation is remarkable. In fact she is herself remarkable in many ways. Why, she makes you feel welcome even in your own house--and that is something. If there is such a place and all who go there are equally good and happy without a sigh or tear, I tell you Mr. Ed., I should like to go there, darned if I wouldn't. Now, don't get it into your head that I am in any particular hurry, for I am not. But I mean when I can't go anywhere else, see? Your incorrigible,
Woodville, Oregon.T. H. B. TAYLOR, Medford Mail, February 25, 1898, page 5 Mr. and Mrs. E. H. B. Taylor, of Evans Creek, were in Medford last Saturday upon business and were pleasant callers at this office. Mr. Taylor reports that a new company has gotten hold of the Evans Creek mining ditch and proposes to push it to a completion this season. The ditch will be twelve miles in length and will require an outlay of $60,000 in its construction. It will open up a vast amount of rich placer ground, and the expenditure of the construction money will be a big help to the laboring men of that locality. Mr. Taylor is a son of Thos. H. B. Taylor, the renowned penner of prose and verse. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, May 27, 1898, page 6 T. H. B. Taylor and his sister-in-law, Miss Savray Booker, were in from Woodville Tuesday upon business. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 28, 1898, page 6 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, of Wimer, left the Rogue River Valley last week for Red Bluff, Calif., where they will remain for several weeks, afer which they will continue their trip into Southern California. They expect to be absent about a year. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 28, 1898, page 6
T.H.B. Knows About Hops.
I say, Mr. Editor, I never told you
about my picking hops last
fall, did 1? Oh jolly! It would be worth ten shillings to see an editor
picking a seven-bushel box full of hops for 35 cents, and trying
thereby to support himself--wife and two broods of progeny. I'll bet he
would think that box was as big as Mrs. Karewski's barn--out on the
road, you know. Well, this is the way it came about. My housekeeper,
cook and hired girl all said to me: "We are all going down to Mr.
Rauzau's next week to pick hops and Mr. T.H.B. you will have to stay
at home and milk the cows, gather up the eggs. slop the pigs and--"
"Ship ahoy! Port her hard down," said I. Then said I--"Do I look like
the person you were referring to? Well, I guess no. If there is any hop
picking with its usual amount of worldly affairs going on, count on
yours truly, please." "What! You pick hops?" "Yes, I'll bet that I can
pick a box of hops as quick as any of the lot." So we bet a--a part of
a suit of clothes. When the time came around we went down, and as is
customary, pitched our tent--not like Noah's ark, you know--and in the
morning went at it. I did not go to work like I was killing
snakes--just kept cool--calculating to come in hard on the home run.
All the rest got their "box full," as they yell when the "box
full" man
comes along and empties them. I was not "box full" yet so I kept on
resolutely and still smiling. I was still hopeful when dinner came and
yet my box was not full. After partaking of refreshments, I again
tackled the box and about 2 p.m. the temperature had got up to
something like a 100 in the shade, and about this time my temperature
began to rise. I looked over into my box and saw those hops
shrinking--well, you know how some of those garments we get shrink. Oh,
gee, I looked sidling over to those girls and they were just ready to
yell, but did not dare for they saw the clouds that were gathering on
my brow and they knew they indicated a storm. But their partially
hidden smiles broke the camel's back. I could stand it no longer. My
wonderful self-control gave away and I almost swore a great oath, and I
jumped--I can't tell how high--and came down in that box with both feet
(8½) and I said in my wrath--"Settle ---- you ----." Well,
those girls
they just piled in heaps all around and laughed. But there I was in
that box. You see, when I went down into that box a small nail, that
was left protruding about a half an inch, caught my trousers just where
there is usually the most wear and tear, and a big r-i-i-i-p was left.
I could not see but I felt sure there was great damage, judging by a
current of cold air which came rushing in, for you see I was boiling
and I dared not attempt to extricate myself, fearing I might bring
ridicule, if not to say disgrace, on my otherwise somewhat respectable
relations. So I prevailed on one to go and get a long, heavy ulster
I had at camp, and when she returned with it and I put it on someone
yelled "box full." Talk about a hot box--Moses and the angels! Well, I
got out of that and made haste for camp, and--"when the shades of night
were falling fast" I struck out for ni-ka [my]
house. In a few days the girls came also. The worst is not yet. "Hear,
oh, hear my woeful tale"--my penance now begins. You see, it was agreed
that the one beaten should wear the opposite suit for 30 days, and I
being the "underdog" of course must succumb. The next morning my
housekeeper came into my study and the others were there
too--purposely, I am sure--and she said: "Prof. T.H.B., you will find
your suit awaiting you in your apartment." I ground my molars together
(what few I had) and looked quickly into the eyes of that trio as I
hastily left the room. Away back in those wicked eyes I could espy more
deviltry than a bushel. When entering my chamber what met my bewildered
gaze? Yes, that's what. Well, it's no use. Although you may not have
music in yourself, you may yet be moved by concord of sweet sounds and
therefore have compassion and pity the sorrows of a poor old man. Time
and fleeting years have brought to me much experience--and some wisdom.
I have made and broken many vows and resolutions, but let come what
may, though empires and taxes rise and fall, water decline to run
uphill and fire refuse to burn (green cottonwood), I will be eternally
blest if I ever again bet on anything less than four acres.T. H. B. TAYLOR,
Medford Mail, March
3, 1899, page 5Woodville, Oregon. Hon. T. H. B. Taylor, of Woodville, spent the day in the Hub Saturday attending to business matters connected with the [Allen J.] Sherrill estate, of which he is administrator. Mr. Taylor hopes to have all the business connected with this estate settled in the near future. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 6, 1899, page 56 Prof. T. H. B. Taylor, the photographer, accompanied by his wife and sister-in-law, will leave soon for California, to spend the winter. Mr. Taylor's object is to seek for better health. "Wimer," Valley Record, Ashland, November 2, 1899, page 4 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, of Wimer, left the Rogue River Valley last week for Red Bluff, Calif., where they will remain for a few weeks, after which they will continue their trip into Southern California. They expect to be absent about a year. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 29, 1898, page 6 Thos. H. B. Taylor, of Woodville, was in Medford several days this week straightening up some business matters preparatory to taking his departure for a winter's stay in Southern California. He has rented his farm to his son. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 8, 1899, page 6 T. H. B. Taylor and wife of Evans Creek have gone to Southern California for a year. "Pressed Bricks," Valley Record, Ashland, January 4, 1900, page 1 Pleasant Creek, Oregon Thomas Taylor, 60, placer miner, born Ohio, parents born Ohio Florence Taylor, 54, born Ind., father born Ill., mother born Va. U.S. Census, enumerated June 25, 1900 (apparently a different Thomas Taylor) Winemaker Wanted.
I want the address of a person who is a good blackberry wine maker.
Mail, August 10, 1900, page 2Woodville, Oregon. T. H. B. Taylor, the Woodville poet, has the Mail's heartiest thanks for a box of very fine blackberries--such as only Thos. H. B. grows--every one the pink of perfection and as sound as Mr. Taylor's advocacy of the yellow metal. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, August 31, 1900, page 7 Mr. and Mrs. David Ball, of Woodville, were in Medford last week upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ingersoll. Both these families paid a visit to relatives at Eagle Point during the week. Mr. Ball has rented the T. H. B. Taylor place, near Woodville, and will farm it another season. "Purely Personal," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1900, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor and family of Woodville have moved to this city. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 12, 1900, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor has removed from Evans Creek to Medford, and gone into business in the building west of Mrs. Palm's millinery store. "Medford Squibs," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, November 29, 1900, page 3 Steam Feather
and feather beds washed and cured with steam. The feathers are taken
from the house in the morning just as they are on the bed and returned
about 6 p.m. the same day. Ticks are thoroughly dusted and resewed, or
new ticks are put on when ordered. Feather ticking should not be
washed. The principal object for doing this work is to properly cure
the feathers, [and] take the animal matter out of the quill, which
should be done before the feathers are used, as it absorbs the
perspiration from one's body, and in it are the germs which the natural
heat of the body and sun give life to, and they develop into a worm
which in time totally destroys the feathers. There is no waste to
feathers or down, and every atom of disease germ of whatever nature is
absolutely destroyed, and they are returned to the customer perfectly
dry, ready for immediate use, as light as air and pure as snow. Those
who are interested in this work will please give this matter their
attention. I shall personally conduct this work, and perfect
satisfaction is guaranteed in every instance. All, and especially the
ladies, are invited to call and see this work. Office next door to Mrs.
Palm's millinery store on West 7th Street, Medford.T.
Times, Jacksonville, November 29, 1900, page 3Mr. and Mrs. David Ball, of Woodville, were in Medford last week upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ingersoll. Both these families paid a visit to relatives at Eagle Point during the week. Mr. Ball has rented the T. H. B. Taylor place, near Woodville, and will farm it another season. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, November 2, 1900, page 6 E. H. B. Taylor and family came up from Woodville Monday, and are enjoying holiday week with Mr. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 28, 1900, page 2 Thos. H. B. Taylor has moved his feather renovating establishment to North D Street, four doors north of the Nash Livery Stables. Mr. Taylor has been ill for a couple or three weeks and not until Monday was he able to start up the works again. He will now give a good part of his attention to work from other towns of the valley. As a sanitary precaution his method of cleaning feathers is a feature that ought not to be lost sight of. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, March 8, 1901, page 7 Steam Feather Renovating.
have now completed my canvass of the city of Medford. I have aimed to
call at every house. My books show that up to date I have renovated in
the city of Medford 421 pillows and feather beds, and when to this is
added the fact that there has not been one word of complaint it shows
conclusively that my work is appreciated by the people.
To those who have not given the matter consideration, or who may think it unnecessary, as a professor of hygiene, I respectfully add a few professional don'ts. Don't expect too much of the sun. Don't think you can renovate your feathers by putting them out in the sun because your grandmother thought so. Your grandmother was a very nice person--so was mine. They probably did the best they could under the circumstances, but we should remember that tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. All theory and practice to the contrary, notwithstanding, I say to you, don't put your feathers in the sun--for by so doing you only augment the trouble you seek to avoid. The sun's warmth to the feathers only softens the oil or animal matter in the quills, causing them to absorb more of the unhealthy exhalations of the body. It also gives life and vigor to disease germs, and more especially the vermin known as the feather worm. Air your feathers, of course, but not in the sun. The benefit derived from the airing of feathers, however, is superficial only. Health is not an attribute--but a condition--and when the conditions are favorable, health is inevitable. While it is true that you may for a time enjoy reasonable health, regardless of sanitary conditions, it is also true that the time is limited. The value of health and happiness is not computed in dollars and cents, and if health and happiness is governed by sanitary conditions, then the renovating of feathers by steam is as necessary as bread and butter. There is considerable work in Medford being deferred. To all those having this work I would say that my stay in Medford is quite limited, therefore leave your orders at my office or post office box 25, Medford, very soon. As I believe and know all the above to be true, I also have faith and honestly believe that He
who heard the raven's cry
T. H. B. TAYLOR,And had Elijah fed, Will bless also the feather man Who renovates your bed. Medford, Oregon. Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 2 Don't Kick.
kick at the feather man's prices. Come down to the shop and heave coal;
turn a two-horsepower crank for six or eight hours; get feathers in
your hair and nostrils; get your teeth full of feathers; take a few
thousand cubic feet of steam down into your vitals; pound dusty ticks
till your arm drops off; eat a pound or two of dust and feathers and
when your temper(ature) runs up to 400, stand on your head occasionally
to let the sweat out of your boots. Then tell me how nice, how easy and
pleasant it is to renovate feathers.
Medford Mail, March 15, 1901, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor, propretor of Medford's feather-cleaning establishment, will visit Jacksonville before long and make regular trips thereafter. He does first-class work at reasonable rates. Our citizens should have their feather beds, pillows, etc., cleaned by him. "Local Notes," Democratic Times, Jacksonville, March 25, 1901, page 3 Hard copy at SOHS. Steam Feather Renovating.
To the people of Ashland and vicinity:I am now in the city of Ashland for the purpose of steam renovating, curing and purifying of feathers. The work will be called for, taken from the house in the morning, in the ticks, just as they are, and after treatment returned the same day before bedtime. Where the same tickings are to be used again they are thoroughly cleansed, or if new ticks are wanted they will be put on at very reasonable rates. Each family's feathers are kept and worked entirely separate from those of others. The most important part of this work is in the curing of the feathers, whereby all oil or animal matter is taken from the quills, rendering them less liable to impurities. There is not an ounce loss in feathers or down, and all debris or foreign matter of whatever nature, including the vermin known as the feather worm, is thoroughly destroyed and separated. When your feathers are returned to you at night they are absolutely dry, light as air and pure as now. As my stay in Ashland is somewhat limited, those interested in this work will please give it their attention. Will begin work in a day or two. T. H. B. TAYLOR.
Record, June 20, 1901, page 1Thos. H. B. Taylor writes from Ashland to the effect that himself and Mrs. T. (who Thos. H. B. claims to be the best horse of the two) are nicely situated and doing well. The best is none too good for these people--and they'd get it if the Mail had the distribution of the good things going. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, June 21, 1901, page 6 No Disease Germs Left.
Owing to the most perfect sanitary
condition in which feathers are
left after passing through my steam renovating and purifying machine,
when I shall have completed my work in Jackson and Josephine
counties--which will require a few months more--the people will be far
better prepared to ward off smallpox or other contagious disease than
ever before in the history of the country. Don't say you can't afford
to have your feathers cleaned. You can't afford to pay doctor bills,
but you do. You get intrinsic value for every cent you spend in this
work. Health is not an attribute but a condition, and when the
conditions are favorable--you know the rest. My books show that up to
this date I have renovated 1235 beds and pillows in this county and I
have yet to hear of one complaint. Be ready to have your work done when
I call, for I can call but once. I can't go over the ground a second
time. Drop a card in Box 58, Ashland, asking me to call giving name,
residence, street, etc.T. H. B. TAYLOR,
Record, August 8, 1901, page 3Ashland, Or. Miss Sadie Booker returned to Medford yesterday from a visit with her sister, Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor. "Personal and Social," Valley Record, Ashland, August 15, 1901, page 3 T. H. B. and H. B. J. Taylor have shut down their shingle mill this week for repairs. 'Evans Creek Items," Medford Mail, May 30, 1902, page 5 For Sale.
Steam power shingle mill plant, all complete, 20 per day. Write
quickly, if you want it.
Box 11, Woodville, Oregon. T. H. B. Taylor was up from Woodville last week. The gentleman is preparing for quite an extended visit to Newport. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, August 1, 1902, page 6 T. H. B. Taylor was up from Woodville Tuesday. He is preparing to operate his feather renovator again this winter. He will soon go to Grants Pass and later will come to Medford. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, October 24, 1902, page 6 T. H. B. Taylor has sold his place at Woodville and on Friday morning left for California where he intends to spend the winter and possibly locate permanently. While in Medford, before leaving, Mr. Taylor said all the placer mines on Wards Creek, Pleasant Creek and Evans Creek were being operated. A new ditch is being dug from the old Speer mill near Wimer and will be used to irrigate the ranches on both sides of Evans Creek. That portion of the country is noted for the alfalfa and with the additional acreage in hay, which will be put under the new ditch, as much if not more will be raised than is usually harvested on Applegate. Upper Evans Creek is becoming an extensive stock country, and the increased supply of hay will be used by the stockmen during the winter. For ten years Mr. Taylor has been one of the very best friends the Mail has ever had, and his leave-taking from Jackson County is a source of much regret on the part of the publisher, but we truly hope that success and good health may be his portion wherever he and his very estimable family may decide to locate. Thomas H. B. Taylor is a square, honorable man, and he will have to change his ways greatly if he is ever found different--and a truer friend to a friend never lived. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, January 2, 1903, page 6 G. W. Jones and T. H. B. Taylor, of Applegate[, California,] were in Auburn yesterday. "Personal Notes," The Republican-Argus, Auburn, California, February 25, 1903, page 3
you might be thinking we took the "Owl,'' and be worrying in
consequence, we take this way of notifying you of our trip.Nothing occurred worth mention until after we left the "Oakland Mole." (The largest I ever saw.) We left the Mole at 8:30 a.m., a very nice sunny morning, and were feeling "Hi-ya Klaske.'' Everything went very nicely for a time. In passing one of the suburbs of Oakland, a very proper-appearing young lady came aboard. Seats were in demand at advanced prices, and through force of circumstances the aforesaid person was obliged to share the seat with a very gentlemanly and somewhat aged gentleman, directly opposite myself and better one-half. We felt quite relieved at this happy consummation, for it always grated very unpleasantly on our nerves to see a lady standing, looking hopelessly up and down the aisle for an opportunity. Well! very soon we began to hear some congratulations from our neighbors. "Ah! indeed! I want to know! Well, well, etc., etc., ad lib.'' "Oh yes; I have been teaching in Oakland for eight years and I am going now to visit my people in Los Angeles." "Indeed; well, I am going to visit one of my daughters who is teaching in Los Angeles.--Oh, yes; my eldest daughter has been teaching in Denver for five years, and, and--how nice." Now I stood this for about a hundred miles and then I began to feel quite thirsty. I went out and wet up a time or two, but like Brakenbury, I was tormented after death. Every now and then it would break out in a fresh place. The subject was discussed from both ends, then they would begin in the middle and rehearse both ways. "Inside here and outside there, forward and back, swing, and down the outside, etc., etc." Just think of this for a moment, for a person having lived for over a quarter of a century in a climate proverbial for its humidity, enduring a subject of this kind for nine long consecutive hours, over 240 miles across the dry, hot, "Sand-walk-in [San Joaquin] Plains." Huldy Ann, (she's my wife) I guess saw something in my eye--sand maybe--and she must have expected that the unexpected might happen unless there was a radical change. So she suggested we lay over at Fresno. That was a great relief. I should never have thought of it. So we stopped off at Fresno. We took a carriage for the Blank Hotel. That was a good name for it. After a few minutes rest we took dinner, 6:30 p.m., and were enjoying a lot of nice dishes--(stone china, I think)--and had accomplished about two-thirds of what we set out to do, when, what do you think? Well, sir, I am a sinner if that inferno, that Sahara, that sleuth-hound contingency, didn't come and sit down to the very table at which we were dining. The old gentleman, after being seated, half faced around to his companion and said, as if continuing the conversation, "Yes, my oldest daughter." Well, right there the long-suffering camel's back broke. I tried to think of Jonah, Moses, Daniel and Job, but there has got to be a limit, and my willpower, my moral courage, suddenly gave way. I broke completely down. I could not say much. I did not feel like talking. It might have been wrong; I don't know. I did not wish to be irreverent, but I could not help it, on your life, so I just said "-------." I swallowed about half a biscuit the wrong way, and asked Huldy Ann to excuse me. I went across the way and got something to wash that unmasticated lump out of my esophagus, then we went back to the depot and waited for the night train. We had just got seated in the night train when [sic] T.H.B.
At the Sea Side. (To Be
"Street Echoes,"
Medford Mail, February 27, 1903, page 3 The article was not continued.Thos. H. B. Taylor and wife, who left Oregon for California last winter, returned last Saturday. They stopped at several different places in Southern California. Mr. Taylor, who has been having very poor health, is much improved. "Woodville Items," Medford Mail, May 8, 1903, page 3 We learn that T. H. B. Taylor has taken his steam feather renovator to Coos County to work. Mr. Taylor has been a resident of Jackson County for nearly a quarter of a century, and is honored and respected by all who know him. His work of renovating and purifying of feathers (pillow and feather beds) is endorsed by all physicians and by everyone who appreciates comfort and health. The Mail wishes to say that it considers Thos. H. B. one of its staunchest friends, and it will take great pleasure in recommending him to the good people of Coos County. They will find him honest and conscientious in all things, and what he promises he will perform. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 26, 1903, page 7 T.H.B. TELLS OF HIS TRIP TO
Ore., Aug. 17.--ED. MAIL:--We
have safely landed in Myrtle Point, Coos Co.--that is, we are alive and
as soon as our bones are through knitting I think we will feel all
right. We came down from Roseburg with a big four-horse team and
driver, over the north fork, or old road,
because they said it was the best. Well! I feel sorry for the other
road. We got through with but few mishaps. Huldy Ann dropped off the
seat once, about a 9-foot drop I think, and sustained a compound
fracture of two ribs--I didn't know she had so many--but we were near a
blacksmith shop when the accident occurred, so were not much delayed. I
was sitting on a bundle of blankets on the hurricane deck and lost my
equilibrium--I believe that's what they call it--and took a tumble down
into a thicket of Coos County brush, just where there were a few Coos
County logs hiding, and nearly dislocated my left hip joint, but the
driver had taken a few lessons in osteopathy, so he tied me to the
wagon wheels, unhitched his off leader, hitch«d it onto my
leg and
straightened out the bones and sciatic nerve--that's
where my rheumatism worked--and I tell you I have felt better ever
since. I tell you, friend Bliton, this is God's country, all right. You remember how dry it was up there in July when I left. Well, when we got down here it was different. The grass and grain was looking up over the fences, and the farmers were quarreling, one with the other, about one's putting the first row of shocks over on the other's land to get room to shock his hay! When digging potatoes, they have to haul off five or six loads as fast as dug to get room to pile the sacks! Milk, did you say? Well, they send a man with a wagon out into the pasture with the cows, and when the milk begins to drip out of their udders the man just takes his bucket and goes along and says "So, Boss" and proceeds to lighten them up, and so on--I ain't sure, but I believe they run some sawmills with milk. Honest now, this is going to be an all right country when railroad navigation gets here. Mrs. T. and I are both well. We have received a round welcome here and our business indicates that Coos County people know a good thing when they see it. Real estate is rather on the boom--values are based on prospective rather than real worth. There are no idle men. There is much improvement going on in every direction. People are prosperous and must be happy. There's nothing small about Coos but the trees--thirty or forty feet through! 'Most everywhere I
travel 'round,
I hardly ever fail To see inside of every box A copy of the Medford Mail. T. H. B. Taylor.
Mail, August 28, 1903, page 1We learn that T. H. B. Taylor has taken his steam feather renovator to Coos County to work. Mr. Taylor has been a resident of Jackson County for nearly a quarter of a century, and is honored and respected by all who know him. His work of renovating and purifying the feathers (pillows and feather beds) is endorsed by all physicians and by everyone who appreciates comfort and health. The Mail wishes to say that it considers Thos. H. B. one of its staunchest friends, and it will take great pleasure in recommending him to the good people of Coos County. They will find him honest and conscientious in all things, and what he promises he will perform.--Medford Mail. "Local Items," Coquille City Herald, Coquille City, Oregon, September 8, 1903, page 3 Thomas H. B. Taylor, of Woodville, was in the city last week upon business. Mr. Taylor, a few weeks ago, purchased the old Osborn place, on Evans Creek, and is now residing thereon. There are 160 acres in the piece, 100 acres of which is good agricultural land. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, December 25, 1903, page 1 T.H.B. Resurrects Himself.
Thos. H. B. Taylor, whose facile pen has
so often enlivened the
pages of this paper, dropped out of sight several months ago, and the
editor of this paper was not surprised to hear from him at Long Branch,
Calif.Mr. Taylor doesn't blame us for losing track of him; fact is, he acknowledges that he scatters so much that he had almost lost track of himself. He had been trying California sunshine--92 and up--and it makes him long for Rogue River Valley. Furthermore he says: "I have gained seven and one-fourth pounds in weight, but I attribute that mostly to the dirt I have had to eat. I notice I am getting a little more round shouldered. This I presume is on account of the extra 1200 feet of atmospheric pressure. Seems like that would double a fellow up some. Ain't it? Tell the folks where I am at and by that time I may be somewhere else. Excuse haste, for You'd scarce expect
much at my age,
While traveling through this pilgrimage; Don't view me with a microscope, But let my imperfections slope.'' T. H. B. TAYLOR.
Mail, May 6, 1904, page 1Farm for Sale.
acres--sixty acres of fine sub-irrigated bottom land under fence and
cultivation. A million feet of fine timber. Hundreds of cords of
hardwood. Near town and all down grade and a fine road. Good, two-story
dwelling with L, well of splendid water at the door. Lots of fruit and
berries of all kinds. County road and daily mail at the door. A
splendid place for health and a pleasant home. Address Box 117,
Woodville, Oregon.
Medford Mail, June 2, 1905, page 4 T. H. B. Taylor, the Woodville writer of prose and verse, and the farmer and fruit grower, has the Mail's thanks for a large mess of the finest strawberries that ever grew--presumably grown upon land which he is offering for sale elsewhere in these columns. "City Happenings," Medford Mail, June 2, 1905, page 5 T. H. B. Taylor, who owns 160 acres on Evans Creek, three miles from Woodville, was in Grants Pass Saturday. Mr. Taylor is engaged in dairying, and is doing quite well in the business. "Our Personal Column," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, July 14, 1905, page 3
Now we know that Oregon, With all her real estate. Can furnish food and money To all who pass her gate. And happiness and sunshine ls given without stint, To every fellow mortal E'en though he hasn't got a cent. In all the great state of Oregon there is perhaps no portion coming more rapidly to the front than is the northern part of Jackson County, namely lower Evans Creek--Woodville and vicinity. There are in this district within a few miles of Woodville no less than six or eight incorporated companies. On Pleasant Creek--a tributary to Evans Creek--is the Lone Star Mining Co., having several hundred acres of fine mineral land, a fine big ditch and good water supply running three giants in the season. On a portion of this property will soon be a $70,000 dredger at work; also there are several smaller placer claims joining the above. Then on Evans Creek a few miles north of Woodville there is the Doctor Vroman Land and Irrigation Co., owning several hundred acres of mining, timber and agricultural lands with a fine dam and canal. Next and lower down the creek is the E. H. B. Taylor Power, Milling and Mfg. Co., owning a body of fine timber and one of the most solid rock-bottom dams on the creek. Have now in operation shingle, lath and box manufacturing mills. Will soon have in a sawmill and electric power plant. Only a short distance below the Taylor Co. is the fine dam of the Bagley Improvement Co., with a fine irrigating canal leading to Woodville, etc. Also the Bagley Improvement Co. have on Wards Creek, near Woodville, a fine dam and several hundred acres of fine mineral, timber and agricultural lands, all of which they are improving in a most substantial manner. A mile from Woodville is the old reliable Homestake quartz mine, always right. A short distance below Woodville, on Rogue River, is being placed a large smelter, which will start all the quartz mines, six or eight, in Woodville district. On Foots Creek there is now the largest dredger in the state in constant operation. There will soon be a suspension wagon bridge across Rogue River at Woodville and the Southern Pacific will soon build a steel bridge on their track across Evans Creek at this point. In Woodville district there are three large sawmills, two owned and run by Silsby & Kesterson and one by Lee Bros. These mills have a capacity of about 2,000,000 feet each the season, so there will be shipped this season about 4,000,000 to 6,000,000 feet of pine lumber, making this among the harvest lumber shipping points between Portland and San Francisco. 50,000 is about the daily shipment. Several new buildings are under construction. There are three good merchandise stores and two good hotels. There are about forty teams hauling lumber from the mills to the town, which makes it look like circus day every day. There is a good deal of property changing hands and newcomers are looking up this section with a view to investing. There are a number of fine farms for sale in this section and thousands of acres of good fruit and timber lands, all of which can be purchased quite reasonably. I think gold can be found on any mile square of land within ten miles of Woodville, and I know men who are raising beans on land that would yield thousands of dollars to the acre in gold. So there are many and varied opportunities for homeseekers and for those looking 'round. Think of strawberries that have to be quartered before eating--I raised them this year. Three inches in diameter, and cream you eat with a fork and we have, no doubt, the best. and softest, water and as fine a climate as there is anywhere on the Pacific Coast. No longer a backwoods settlement, but a live, hustling, rustling, busy, business community, full of life and enterprise where sure lives the fitter of the fittest. Should anyone wish to know further about this, just drop a #1 postal order in a letter and ask PROF. T. H. B.
Medford Mail, July
28, 1905, page
1Box 117, Woodville, Oregon. Reminiscences of Sage of Evans
A rousing Republican rally and speaking
by the candidates was held
at Wimer in the afternoon and Woodville in the evening of Monday, the
21st inst. Unfortunately for me I was not present, but I am told by an
eyewitness that there was nothing uncertain in the manner the
discussions were received. I did, however, have the pleasure of meeting
on the steps of my front yard, at my country seat, Messrs. Ed. T.
Staples, W. R. Coleman, Henry D. Kubli, Jas.
Cronemiller and Gus
Newbury. I received cards of all, but was sorry to find they
were not all illustrated. I have a cabinet edition of pictures of
distinguished persons and as I recall these above gentlemen I would
say: In Mr. Staples I am reminded of Theodore Tilton.
Mr. Kubli so
much makes mo think of R. G.
Ingersoll. Mr. Cronemiller keeps before me a remembrance of Thomas
Age of Reason, also. I have only a memory of Henry Clay and Mr. Coleman
brought it up; and Mr. Newbury--I was trying to think of who he
resembled--but my
wife asked who was the tall gentleman in the ulster
and I replied, "Why, that was Gus Newbury." She said: "How very much he
resembles Lincoln," and I could not tell a lie, so I said, "I think
so." But what's in a name? Who was it, John
Brown or Dowie,
who said, a cabbage by any other name would smell as sweet as a rose,
or something like that?Then these family resemblances do not count in the present instance. A lady friend of mine told me once on a time that she overheard two other ladies talking about me and one said: "Who does he look like?" and the other replied that I looked like the devil!!! No joking, the voters of Jackson County are too well acquainted with the above candidates to doubt for a moment their ability or integrity. If our seeds of
oats we sow,
In good soil they're bound to grow; And they'll make the old mare go While the train is going by.
Ni-ka hy-as klashe-six. [I
(am your) very good friend.]
Mail, May 25, 1906, page 4Woodville, Oregon. Miss Sabrey Booker came down from Medford Saturday for a short visit with her sister, Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor have moved into the Smithline house. Mr. Taylor has been ill for the past year and while improving slowly, he is still unable to work and moved to town to avoid the worries of farm life. "Woodville," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, May 10, 1907, page 8 160 ACRES; 2,000,000 FINE PINE SAW TIMBER; big creek on place; fine water power; shingle and planing mill now in operation; 3 miles to R.R. town; 10,000,000 feet fine timber joining this; ideal sawmill site. E. H. B. Taylor, Woodville, Or. Oregon Journal, Portland, October 8, 1907, page 13 TIMBER RANCH--160 acres; small house; six acres under fence and alfalfa; 2,000,000 feet good pine saw timber and wood timber for 2000 cords wood; large creek through place; fine dam and perpetual water; a shingle mill and planing mill in full operation driven by a turbine wheel; an ideal place for saw mill; fine water power; 10,000,000 feet of pine saw timber adjoining this place; three miles down haul to railroad and town, Jackson County, Oregon. All goes for $6500. It's a snap; the water right is worth it, don't miss this. T. H. B. Taylor & Co., Woodville, Ore. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 8, 1907, page 8 Died--In Jacksonville, October 31, 1907, Harry Taylor, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, aged 36 years. Death came as the result of a lingering illness, against which loving care and medical aid availed nothing. He leaves a wife and two children, besides his parents and other relatives who have the sympathy of a host of friends. The body was sent to Woodville for interment, and Rev. Day conducted the funeral service. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. "Woodville Items," Medford Mail, November 15, 1907, page 3 E. H. B. Taylor, who died suddenly at Jacksonville on October 31st, was a son of T. H. B. Taylor, of Evans Creek, and was familiarly known as Harry among his friends in this city. He was an industrious, energetic young man, and was possessed of exceptional mechanical ability and had patented several useful inventions. He was about 30 years of age and leaves a wife and family. The sympathy of many friends is with his family and parents in their bereavement. "Additional Local," Medford Mail, November 15, 1907, page 6 Died--In Jacksonville, October 31, 1907, Harry Taylor, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, aged 36 years. Death came as a relief, after months of illness, against which the loving care and medical aid availed nothing. He leaves a wife and two children, besides his parents and other relatives, who have the sympathy of a host of friends. The body was sent to Woodville for burial, Rev. Day conducting the funereal service. The floral offerings were many and beautiful. "Woodville," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 22, 1907, page 6 T. H. B. Taylor has sold his farm at Woodville for $3500. The purchaser's name we did not learn. "Purely Personal," Medford Mail, February 7, 1908, page 5 New Industry for Crescent City.
Mr. T. H. B. Taylor is down from Jackson
County, Oregon, with his Steam Feather Renovating plant for the
treating of feather beds and pillows. The feathers are called for in
the morning, taken just as they are in the ticks, and during the day
are thoroughly washed with steam and dried by steam, perfectly
sterilized and deodorized and returned the same evening, all sewed up
ready for immediate use. Each family's work treated entirely separate.
New ticking put on when required. Beds converted into pillows or vice
versa. Beds or pillows sized up or changed to any size or shape desired.Mr. Taylor has been a. resident of Jackson County for thirty years and the Medford Mail, the official newspaper of Jackson County, says anything Mr. Taylor does is a guarantee. As this is strictly a sanitary matter people are quick to see the necessity of it. The feathers are made as pure as snow. Del Norte Record, Crescent City, California, August 22, 1908, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, formerly of Woodville, have become residents of Grants Pass. "Personal Items," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, October 30, 1908, page 5 Another
New Industry for Grants Pass.
Prof. T. H. B. Taylor, the veteran
feather renovator man, of Jackson
County, is now installing his steam feather renovating and deodorizing
plant in Grants Pass and will be ready for business in a few days. The
feathers (beds and pillows) will be called for at each residence in the
morning, taken in the ticks as they are, and during the day will be
perfectly washed with medicated steam, perfectly sterilized and
deodorized.Every particle of animal matter is eliminated and every form of disease germs absolutely destroyed. They are thoroughly screened and, fanned and dusted. Most perfectly hot air dried and returned the same day, all sewed, ready for immediate use, pure as snow. Each family work is positively kept and treated entirely separate. New tickings will be furnished and put on the same day if so desired at reasonable price. Nothing but the best tickings used. A specialty made of converting beds into pillows, or vice versa. Beds and pillows evened up or changed to any size or shape desired. Mr. Taylor says he has the best machinery and is using the most perfect method of steam renovating of feathers of anyone on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Taylor is a 30-year resident of Jackson County and also well known in Grants Pass. The Medford Mail has said: "Whatever T. H. B. Taylor says is a guarantee. He does a nice, clean family business. Everyone treated fairly." As this is a sanitary matter, no doubt our people of Grants Pass will improve this opportunity. There can hardly be a doubt of Mr. Taylor's ability or integrity. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, November 20, 1908, page 4 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor came up yesterday from Grants Pass, where they have been for the past several months. They will remain here if a suitable residence can be rented. "Local and Personal," Medford Mail, April 23, 1909, page 2 Why
I Should Invest
---IN--- OTHELLO Thos. B. Taylor, of Woodville,
The reasons advanced by Mr. Taylor are so sincere, so honest, so
convincing that it is difficult to understand how any person, having
enough money, or having the ability to secure the amount required as
the first payment upon a lot in the new city of Othello;
on the
Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railroad, could miss the
opportunity now offered to make themselves independent property owners.Wrote This Advertisement. Read It. North Yakima has not done more during the past ten years than Othello will do in a shorter time. Think what a city lot IN THE HEART of North Yakima is worth today. Hundreds multiply, as if by magic, to thousands in the great and rapid growth of the cities of the West. Read the advertisement written by Mr. Taylor. It is the candid, truthful story of a man who knows what he is talking about. It is told in the wholesome, natural, straightforward way of a man whose business is not writing newspaper articles or advertisements. And it is the more important to you because of this fact. Lots in Othello may be bought upon the easiest possible payments. You practically make your own terms. Pay a little each month. Call at our offices. Select YOUR lot at once. Pay what you can. You will find us willing to be as liberal as you wish in arranging the amount of the payments. $10 a month is what most purchasers are paying. "Why
Should I Invest in Othello?"
In the first place, because it is not a speculation, and in the
second place because it is a speculation, but it is the best,
surest and safest speculation in the world because it is backed up by
the EARTH.
A piece of real estate rapidly increasing in value as
Othello will is certainly the best investment one could make.The educational, social and financial advantages here are all that could be desired--and as for health-giving conditions, there are none better in the state. A home is indispensable--a home all must have somewhere. An opportunity like this does not present itself every day, month or year, and not often in a lifetime. Therefore, I feel it a duty I owe to myself, my wife and babies for our future welfare and happiness to get a home in OTHELLO. Friends and relations may forget and forsake us. Banks may and often do fail, but an investment in a choice bit of real estate in OTHELLO cannot and WILL NOT fail us, for it is always in demand, always worth the price paid and more. It is always working for us, even while we are sleeping it is increasing in value, and when we are sick or otherwise in trouble it keeps on working, increasing in value, piling up the cash to help us out and pay the doctor's bill. WHILE
Woodville, Oregon.
Further Information Write or Phone Marshall 727.
OTHELLO IMPROVEMENT CO. P. B. NEWKIRK, Managing Director. 219-220 Commercial Club Bldg.,
Portland, Or.
Office Open Till 8:30 P.M.Oregon Journal, Portland, March 16, 1910, page 9 County Road, Woodville, Oregon Thomas H. Taylor, 66, hotel keeper, born Illinois, father born Ky., mother Tenn. Florence E. Taylor, 56, married 10 years, one child, born Maine, parents born Maine U.S. Census, enumerated April 23-25, 1910 PROF. T. H. B.
the course of human events it becomes necessary to do quite a lot of
things we would rather not. That is one reason why I am saying a few
things here. Seems like I have read in a somewhat ancient chronology
that "God hates a liar." Now in this one particular God and I are very
much alike. I hope I may not he considered any way vindictive, for, as
I recall, some men are born great (liars); others achieve greatness,
while some others have it thrust upon them, either through environment,
occupation or a natural tendency thereto and that is why I have
compassion for your correspondent who wrote a brief article a few days
ago on the Fourth at Woodville. His statements were all O.K. about a
fine time--but about the baked chicken, etc., etc., all for 25 cents,
he was a most inveterate, consummate, illiterate l-i-a-r that is, well,
I am loath at times to call a man a liar, owing, of course, to
construction. I will say that he was very much mistaken or a dealer in
the worst form of fabrication, if not prevarication, as you very
pertinently remarked you could not see where we would get off for 25
cents. No sir, and it was just about all we could do to get off for 50
cents, which was the price that day at the Waldorf. The prime feature
of the day was the drilling contest between Sam Sandry and team and
Ralph Kitterman and Dick McDonald, which was a fine display of the art
or science of drilling. They were badly handicapped in the first place
by a very refractory rock being, as one was heard to remark, as hard
as--an adjective, and in the second place by faulty drills; so they
failed to make the stipulated depth of hole but to show you there are
no hogs in Woodville, except one old sow and seven pigs, those
stalwarts who shed their linen--part of it, you understand--and pounded
those old drills in the hot sun for a full half hour--filling the
air--and themselves full of disintegrated rock got their money, just
the same. Ladies and cents, please remove your hats. All of which
constrains me to remark thatIf our seeds of
oats we sow,
Mail Tribune, July 8, 1910, page
5In good soil they're bound to grow. And they'll make the old mare go. While the train is going by. Some Reminiscences of Populistic Days in the County of Jackson
To the Editor: I suppose I have kept you guessing at my whereabouts for
a long time as a matter of fact I have been troubled to know where I'm
at myself sometimes; wife and I came down here to Red Bluff some time
ago, just for greens, you know, and to try to get some relief from that
tired feeling--no paradox intended--and we had succeeded to an alarming
degree, our temperatures and respiration almost normal, the world was
looking bigger and brighter. When lo there came a calamity too horrid
to speak of above a whisper. That awful January 29th issue of the Mail Tribune, we
have always supposed there were luck in odd numbers, but no, nix. I was
reading over the many items of interest and all at once my vision
rested for the space of ten seconds or so on--on--what? [He must be referring to the socialist poem on page four.]Oh, my respiration went in one jump 117½ below normal and my stomach made one complete flop bottom side up and at once. I lost faith in humanity, I threw up home, friends and all the residue of a week's grocery bill and well, I guess I might say everything. It has taken the combined efforts of two physicians the past two days to keep anything on my stomach, and all they can keep is a hot water bag--Gee! Fortunes of any kind never come one at a time. A great change has come over me, and it seems I am awake from The Thralldom of Story--and the red blood goes tingling through my veins and I hear the war cry that we used to hear In those good old days of yore,
Well, maybe not quite so far back, but about the 70, 70, 70, there was
a great tidal wave, i.e., a Kansas Populistic Granger, Alliance wave
struck Jackson County, pretty hard. There were Alliances and
semi-Alliances and double Alliances and so on and your humble scribe
happened to be, there our numerical strength was overwhelming among the
more prominent and able members as I recall a few were Rev. Ira
Wakefield, Mr. Bradshaw, Bro. Kaiser, Jim Neil, Tod Cameron, Gus
Newbury, Poo Bah and I--and hundreds of ranchers all over the country.
We used to have meetings semi-occasionally all over the county,
everybody turned out, the whole d--n family and the dogs went in lumber
wagons, carts, horseback and afoot, with baskets filled with everything
good. We would meet at school houses, halls or any old place, have hot
coffee and speeches, the same mixed with song, some like this:When all was sweet content, And all so happy and so poor, When Andrew Jackson was President. Oh Kansas land, sweet Kansas land,
Then someone familiar with the philosophy of political economy would
demonstrate awhile, and then again they would burst into songWhile on its burning soil I stand. I bought a hen for fifteen cents,
Mrs. Mary Lease
was wont to come along and give us a spiel once in a while. I recall
once at an open air and hot air meeting at Gold Hill she said something
about the old party faces being elongated.Goodbye old party, goodbye. And the sun of a gun flew over the fence Goodbye old party bye. I don't remember just what she said: Nobody seemed to care a durn. The old party faces were so long she said that they could eat oats out of a churn. There was one unanimity of mind with the whole bunch--we each wanted an office--Finding this rather beyond the limit, some began to get cold feet, but it was November anyway, also some seemed to have some dregs of conscience left, and old traditions and conscience were hard to forget. I recall a meeting at Central Point where the discussions got pretty hot and Poo Bah and I got so blamed liberal they came near excombobulating us for Renegades. These occurrences were taking place when the "Kansas Fool" was predominating, we were all attempting to perpetrate the incongruities of the Kansas Man, all belonging to all the aforesaid Alliances and incidentally Coxies among the free silver issue was also well up and we were just making out a requisitive for our district when we heard Coxies Army had run into a mud flat, halo chickamin ["no money"]. But now, O how I yearn for a nurse to fix my tuneful lyre, that I might fill the universe with "Concord of sweet sounds." But sho, I never could write poetry. Poo Bah used to try to make me think so and was always at me to ring off just a few lines and I recall one time a whole bunch were going home from a meeting, all sitting flat in a lumber wagon, all singing and having a glorious time, when Poo Bah says come Thomas, he always called me Thomas when he wanted to be extra gracious. Yes, come Thomas, just run us off a line or two, well, said I, let me see-- "Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight,
And that as far as I got, there was such a yell went up one could not
hear to think, someone said, "Whoa, stop boys, something's wrong." Poo
Bah had keeled over apparently dead, apoplexy someone suggested. One of
the boys grabbed a bottle of water and held it to his nose and pretty
soon he caught his breath and sat up holding his sides, saying, O
lordy, O lordy, many a time and oft we have heard the chime at
midnight, eh, Poo Bah, that we have, that we have. But oh, if I could
write real poetry my cup of bliss would boil over.The old dry cow comes home most every night, But the one that's fresh and wears the bell, You couldn't find if you went to ----." Coming, betcher boots we're coming. When Uncle Sam shall call, and all those anarchistic cuticles we'll have hanging on the wall. Klo-nass ni-ka klat-ta-wa. ["Perhaps I'll go."] THOS. H. B.
Medford Mail Tribune, February 5, 1911, page 6An editor to concede, uphold and defend every right he claims, notwithstanding creeds, clans, customs.--T. H. B. Taylor. "What Medford Needs the Most," Medford Mail Tribune, February 19, 1911, page B1 PROF. TAYLOR SEES WOODVILLE'S
Prof. Thos. H. B. Taylor, of Woodville, who as a financier, capitalist
and forecaster of future events has few equals and no superiors, says:That future events do cast their shadows before, and only a very short time will demonstrate that Grants Pass, the county seat of Josephine County, situated in the northern part of the great Rogue River Valley in Southern Oregon, is destined to be the greatest railroad and commercial center of the whole of Southern Oregon. Grants Pass is now, and will be, the one supply point for a great agricultural, fruit, mining and timber section of approximately 80 to 90 miles in area; and with its four railroads--one already built, two under construction, and the fourth sure to be built inside of a year--with a direct line of only 90 miles to the sea coast through an immense timber and mining region, and a through line to all eastern, northern and southern points--what more could be desired? The great irrigation system just recently acquired, and the street paving and many other municipal improvements, are more valuable and lasting achievements for Grants Pass; and of its future, in conjunction with its younger and smaller suburb, Woodville, we hardly hope to prophesy. Woodville, the young but rapidly growing metropolis of Evans Valley, is perhaps the most ideally located little city in the whole Rogue River country--a beautiful little sunny valley nestling at the foot of the Rogue River Mountains, bounded on one side by the swift, rolling Rogue River, and on the other by the sparkling mountain stream of Evans Creek. This is the home of the big red apple and Bartlett pear--no finer fruit belt in the state. The surrounding hills are streaked with the yellow metal and iron, copper, nickel, asbestos and coal abound. Several mines are already developed just outside of the city limits. Free gold is found in most all the streams, now, with all the wonderful fruit, gulches and in the gravel beds. The great Hill line is now coming from Eastern Oregon. This Hill main line will come down Rogue River, following the west side, out through Sams Valley and through what will be the "Ramsay Canyon cutoff" to where it will strike Upper Evans Creek. It will follow a double track with the projected big Minnesota logging road on the east side of Evans Creek to Woodville, where it will form a junction with the Southern Pacific. Here the Hill line will build an immense steel bridge across Rogue River and here the two great transcontinental railroad lines will build union yards, depot, machine shops, round house, etc., as it is an ideal location for a division point midway and near the great mountain chains. The Hill line will thence follow the south side of Rogue River to Grants Pass and on to the coast, namely, Crescent City. The Southern Pacific will abandon its old line near Myrtle Creek and come up the canyon by old Canyonville, and through what is called the "Jumpoff Joe cutoff," where it will strike Pleasant Creek, following down it to Wimer; it will cross Evans Creek and form a junction with the other two roads. There will be a three-track system to Woodville. The Southern Pacific will put in a double track system from Woodville to Grants Pass. They will simply run on into Grants Pass--same as now, only double that nine miles. The Southern Pacific will maintain a trolley line from Grants Pass to Myrtle Creek; then we will have also the electric road from Ashland in Grants Pass, which will make a junction of four railroads at Woodville. The big timber company will build an immense sawmill and planing and sash and door and box factory at Woodville. The city of Woodville have under consideration a city water and electric light system; power to be brought from Jumpoff Joe Creek, a beautiful pure stream of water right out of the snow mountains--a gravity system with approximately 900 feet pressure, with water sufficient to supply a city of 50,000 inhabitants, with wood of the best quality in unlimited quantities, and coal to be had just for the taking; and with all these great bodies and varieties of ore lying at our very feet--waiting only the magic hand of man to bring them to light--there's no doubt that immense smelters and ore-reducing stamp mills, etc., will soon be in operation right at this important railroad junction at Woodville on the Rogue, in a very short time. Little wonder that money men are quietly looking around Woodville. Grants Pass, with all these advantages, will have just one more railroad. This beauty stream--Rogue River--from Woodville to Grants Pass has no equal on the American continent, and who shall say how long it will be before this intervening space will be lined with palatial residences by eastern people seeking comfort, health and happiness in this wonderful climate--in the midst of the most ravishing mountain and river scenery--with an electric car line at their doors and where they can have strawberry shortcake for Thanksgiving; and where birds sing and flowers bloom in December. Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 10, 1911, page 8 Prof. T. H. B. Taylor, an old comrade of Woodville, will deliver the welcoming address Monday evening, which is sure to be a winner, as Comrade Taylor has the reputation of being second to the funniest man on earth. "Old Soldiers and Sailors Have Reunion," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, September 15, 1911, page 3 T. H. B. TAYLOR, of Rogue River, is the proprietor of a popular hotel at that place. He is a veteran of the Civil War and is familiar with pioneer life in this state, having lived on a farm near his present home for twenty-eight years. He was born in Marion County, Illinois, May 18, 1842, the son of Eben and Mary (Collinsworth) Taylor, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter of Tennessee. The parents removed to Illinois in 1846 and later settled in Missouri, where they resided during the remainder of their lives. They were the parents of seven children, but the subject of this review is the only one now surviving. T. H. B. Taylor remained at home with his parents until he attained the age of twenty years, receiving a good common-school education. Shortly before attaining his majority he enlisted for service in the Civil War, joining Company C of the Eleventh Indiana Infantry. He was seriously wounded in the battle of Pittsburg Landing, his injury being to the left shoulder. He was discharged from service on account of disability but in the spring of 1863 he re-enlisted, becoming a member of Company A of the Third New York Cavalry. While participating in the engagement at Petersburg he received an injury to his left hand and shortly afterward he was transferred to the Volunteer Relief Corps, serving in that capacity until the close of the war. He received his honorable discharge in Rhode Island in 1865, after which he went to Newport, where he remained for a year and then removed to Maine. After a residence of two years in that state he settled in Iowa, where he remained for five years. In 1872 he went to California and in 1876 he came to Jackson County, Oregon, and bought a farm in Evans Creek Valley, six miles north of Rogue River. At the time he purchased it this farm was in a very primitive state but by hard labor and continuous effort during the period of his occupancy he succeeded in placing the greater part of it under a good state of cultivation and erecting suitable improvements. For twenty-eight years he resided on this place when he sold the property and removed to Rogue River, where he erected the Waldorf Hotel. In 1869 Mr. Taylor married Miss Florence E. Booker, a native of Maine, and to this union was born one son, E. H. B., who died in 1908. In his political views Mr. Taylor is affiliated with the Republican Party and has served on the school board. He is active in his endeavors for the upbuilding of the community of which he has long been an honored and energetic citizen. As a surviving veteran of the Civil War he is entitled to and has the respect in more than an ordinary degree of his large circle of friends and associates, by whom he is held in high esteem. There are no citizens of the town or county who are more highly regarded or have a larger list of close personal friends. Joseph Gaston, Centennial History of Oregon, vol. 3, 1912, pages 365-366 ’ T. H. B. Taylor [is] proprietor of a new hotel which he has but recently built and is now occupying in Woodville. Mr. Taylor is saying all manner of pretty things about the little town of Woodville, its people and its prospective growth into a town of considerable importance with its electric lights and public water system. Medford Mail Tribune, February 16, 1912, page 2 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, proprietors of the Waldorf Hotel of Woodville, were Grants Pass visitors Wednesday morning, returning on the afternoon train to their home. "Personal and Local," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 15, 1912, page 5 A Rogue River Plea for Women
This is a string I have been harping on for lo these good many years.
Could I in justice say to my wife, "You are not my equal, you can't
vote?"A few days ago there was quite a large delegation--three auto loads--of women from the upper valley down here at Rogue River working in the interests of men. They called at the "Little Inn by the Way Side"--The Waldorf--and registered their names. This we consider an honor and shall keep that page as a souvenir. Those women had no cigars, no bottles and I never heard one of them swear??? Gentlemen, please take notice--but they were a very business delegation, placing posters, handing out buttons and making short speeches in behalf of equal right. They asked me, was I going to vote for them? and I answered, yes by ----. I was going to make the reply very emphatic and I just remembered General Jackson and I said, yes, by the Eternal. I heard a bunch of men--i.e., in the catalogue you know--as the Castilian would say--mucho malo hombre--or as I might say in my native language--hyas tenas mesache tillicum--talking on woman suffrage. One said, no sir I don't think women ought to vote; another said, the good book says a woman should be silent. That was the limit and I said, Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis--and for thousands of years from palaces of the most enlightened Caucasians to the mud hut of the Mongolian and the red-eyed Hottentot that old pernicious barbarous St. Paul doctrine has been tolerated and even extolled and yet as a matter of fact it has enslaved more women, been a greater curse to all womankind than all else the world has known. Yet in this enlightened twentieth century we hear great big brainy men still advocating this stupid dodid coercion and didtto [sic], the non compos mentis. The scientists, let me see, well I can't just now be exact, but to be conservative I think it is one hundred and ninety seven thousand brain cells which may be developed, honest. I know some men who are strongly opposed to woman suffrage whom I am quite sure have not more than twelve or thirteen brain cells developed and those few not to any alarming degree. No, gentlemen, this is no revolution but rather evolution, so let us not swell up with that old vain glory, swell after all we haven't any great [omission] to brag of; old Grandpa Chimpanzee was perhaps a nice old gentleman, probably did the best he could under the circumstances, not having had any more advanced precedent, and I don't doubt Grandma was treated with more consideration that the grandma of today. Now, gentlemen, please let's drop that old gag, "Women can't be soldiers, they can't be a man under all circumstances," of course not, they don't want to be, they simply want to be on equal footing as far as right and justice goes. They want to help us menfolk to make this world a better place to live in, to reach a higher ideal, where frailty's name shall no longer be woman. And now, gentlemen, in conclusion I want to say when you go home tonight to meet that dear little wife who has been working all day doing all she could to add to your comfort and happiness and meets you with a smile just put your big strong arms around her and say, "You dear old bunch, I am ashamed that I have lived so long helping make laws and conditions so intolerable that it has become necessary for you to ask me to vote for you." A Woman's Man,
Mail Tribune, October 23, 1912, page
4T. H. B. TAYLOR, Rogue River, Ore. The Shovel Should Be Returned
There is a man down at Rogue River who realizes the effectiveness of
the newspaper as a medium for obtaining results. Witness the following
item from the Rogue
River Argus:
"If the man who borrowed my shovel don't return it P.D.Q., he has got some trouble a-comin'.--T.H.B." Ashland Tidings, December 2, 1915, page 7
I'm sorry, mister, but the man never
borrowed my shovel. I found it
out behind the barn where I had used it digging some
horseradish for my
wife, in the spring of 1914. But just the same, I had, and paid good
money for a No. 8, 36-inch, laminated steel, stub twist, choke bored,
matted steel, extension rib, compensating, fore end, automatic, top
snap, back action, rebounding lock, pistol grip, single shotgun, and if
the man who stole it will return it in good condition on or before the
next full moon, I will give him the contents, without any
Tidings, January 20, 1916, page 3Rogue River, Ore. MORE HOGS IN OREGON
Editor Tidings--I
got it into my food noodle, don'tcherno, that you would like a little
item semi-occasionally to somewhat loosen up the ong-wee of these
rather dull, monotonous, rigorous winter days. I now see where I made a
great faux pas--I note one item in your paper that you make the
remarkable statement that Oregon needs more hogs!Being a stranger to you, I am much grieved to differ with you on this point. Now, in saying goodbye I will say: you can't play in our back yard nor slide on our cellah doah no moah, and when you want any moah items you can go to ---- ----, well, where they don't have as much snow as you do even in Ashland--Omaha, for instance. T.H.B.
Tidings, January 24, 1916, page 2Rogue River, Jan. 19, 1916. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor came from Rogue River this morning and left immediately for Kerby, to remain indefinitely, having leased a farm in that section. "Personal and Local," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, March 15, 1916, page 4 Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, who has been absent in Portland for nearly two months, has returned. Mr. Taylor, who has been batching during the absence of Mrs. Taylor, was rejoiced at the return. "Kerby," Rogue River Courier, Grants Pass, April 28, 1918, page 6 Main Street, Rogue River, Oregon Thomas H. Taylor, 75, hotel keeper Waldorf Hotel, born Illinois, father born Ky., mother Tenn. Florence E. Taylor, 65, hotel cook, born Maine, parents born Maine U.S. Census, enumerated January 5-6, 1920 T. H. B. Taylor has sold his ranch near Rogue River to Mr. Hoagland of California. Mr. Hoagland has taken possession and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have moved to Grants Pass. We are sorry to lose the Taylors from our neighborhood. Mrs. E. W. Scott, "California Man Buys Ranch in Rogue R. District," Medford Mail Tribune, August 1, 1924, page 7 We are sorry to report that T. H. B. Taylor is confined to his bed and does not seem to improve as his friends all wish he should. He and his wife have been proprietors of the Waldorf Hotel here for years. "Rogue River, Oreg. Brief News," Gold Hill News, January 7, 1926, page 4 Mr. T. H. B. Taylor has sold his 20-acre ranch known as the "Charles Voix" ranch on the highway. Mrs. E. W. Scott, "Rogue River Brief News," Gold Hill News, March 18, 1926, page 4 Mr. T. H. B. Taylor is reported to be very ill again. He seemed as well as usual Monday morning, but before noon was in a very serious condition, and it was thought for a while he was dead. The doctor was called and after working over him for more than an hour he rallied and is improving. Mrs. E. W. Scott, "Rogue River Brief News," Gold Hill News, March 25, 1926, page 3 Mr. and Mrs. T. H. B. Taylor, managers of the Waldorf, are getting very feeble and are desirous of selling their hotel business. "Rogue River Items Contributed by a Booster," Gold Hill News, April 22, 1926, page 3 T. H. B. Taylor is reported as on the road to recovery after another bad sick spell. Mrs. E. W. Scott, "Rogue River Brief News," Gold Hill News, May 13, 1926, page 6 It is with regret we are called again to report the death of one of our residents. T. H. B. Taylor, a pioneer, passed to his reward Monday morning, June 7th, at 3:00 a.m. Mr. Taylor has been in ill health for months, and his death has been expected by those who knew [he] was in such a serious condition. He with his wife have operated the Waldorf Hotel for many years and have made many friends throughout the state. He is survived by his wife, one granddaughter and one grandson; also one great-granddaughter. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. Mrs. E. W. Scott, "Rogue River Brief News," Gold Hill News, June 10, 1926, page 4 It is with regret we are called once more to report the passing of another resident of our little city. T. H. B. Taylor passed away Monday morning at 3 o'clock at his house, the Waldorf Hotel. Mr. Taylor has been in poor health for months and his death came not as a shock, although few knew his condition was so serious at this time. Mr. Taylor is a pioneer resident of Rogue River, and he with his wife have run the hotel for many years. He is survived by his wife, one granddaughter, one grandson and a great-grandchild, besides a host of friends. Mrs. E. W. Scott, Rogue River correspondent, Medford Mail Tribune, June 12, 1926, page 3 The funeral for the late T. H. B. Taylor was held at the Rogue River cemetery Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. E. W. Scott, "Rogue River Brief News," Gold Hill News, June 17, 1926, page 3 Last revised June 22, 2024 |